
At the break of dawn, Yang Kai awoke. After a brief wash, he picked up a broom from the corner and stepped out of his solitary hut.

Standing at the doorway, he stretched lazily, glanced at the pale streaks of light on the horizon, and closed his eyes for a moment of tranquility. Then, he opened them and began to sweep, diligently cleaning the ground.

His plain blue clothes were clean and simple, making him appear older than his years. Yang Kai's back was as straight as a javelin, and even while performing menial tasks, his expression remained earnest. His movements were steady and deliberate, with minimal effort. The broom moved as if it were an extension of his arm, effortlessly following his steps and sweeping away the dust and debris as if they had legs of their own.

Yang Kai was a trial disciple of the Lingxiao Pavilion, having joined the sect three years ago. Despite his efforts, he had only reached the third level of body tempering. His peers, who had joined at the same time, had long surpassed this stage and were flourishing under the tutelage of esteemed masters, while he could only watch in despair.

Three years to reach the third level of body tempering was not just ordinary; it was exceedingly mediocre.

With no other option, Yang Kai took up a janitorial job within the sect, balancing his livelihood with relentless cultivation.

Lingxiao Pavilion was known for its brutal competition. In this sect, the strong thrived while the weak were eliminated. There was no camaraderie or brotherhood; one had to step over others to rise.

The sect's reputation was renowned throughout the Han Dynasty. It was not a super sect, but the ferocity of its disciples was unmatched. This ruthlessness meant that its disciples were formidable and rarely provoked when traveling the world.

Lingxiao Pavilion had a rule: all disciples under the age of fourteen were considered trial disciples for their first three years. During this period, the sect provided for their basic needs, and the disciples focused solely on cultivation. If they broke through the body tempering phase within three years, they could become personal disciples of a master, who would then guide their cultivation. If not, they had to leave the sect or be demoted to trial disciples.

Yang Kai was now one of these trial disciples, a status that was a mark of shame within the sect.

Trial disciples faced harsher conditions. They had to fend for themselves, with no support from the sect. It was almost impossible to rise again unless they showed remarkable improvement in a short time.

Out of the three thousand disciples in Lingxiao Pavilion, there were only a handful of trial disciples. Yang Kai was one of the few.

Surviving as a trial disciple was incredibly challenging. Yang Kai's hut was a testament to this, built from scratch by him, with leaks that turned it into a pool during rain. He had to buy his clothes and food, manage everything on his own, and his hut was in the most remote part of the sect.

Such harsh conditions would be intolerable for most, which explained why the number of trial disciples was so low. Most who failed to break through during the trial period chose to leave, but Yang Kai stayed.

Having been kicked out once, he was determined not to face the same fate again.

After being demoted a few months ago, Yang Kai took up sweeping to make ends meet. Now, he was both a trial disciple and a janitor for the sect. Despite the meager earnings that barely kept him from starvation, he persisted. He endured the cold and hunger without complaint, resolved to see his chosen path through to the end.

Yang Kai had a tenacity that refused to yield.

As the day brightened, Yang Kai continued sweeping. Though the task required little physical exertion, his weak constitution made him break into a sweat from the morning's labor.

Surrounded by a few disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion, who watched him with interest, some even eyeing him greedily, Yang Kai was unfazed. These gatherings happened every five days, six times a month, and he was used to it. He continued his task, ignoring the growing crowd.

As time passed, more disciples gathered, their competitive tension palpable. Yang Kai suddenly stopped, sitting in the middle of the road to regain his strength.

Seeing this, the crowd quickly encircled him, the atmosphere becoming tense.

"Yang Kai, just give up. Let us beat you quickly and save time," someone sneered, belittling his efforts to recover.

Ignoring the jeers, Yang Kai remained calm.

The morning bell of Lingxiao Pavilion tolled, marking the start of a new day. The crowd's tension peaked as they watched Yang Kai rise, broom in hand, and survey them.

"Choose me, Senior Brother Yang!" someone shouted, "I'll go easy on you!"

"Pick me! I'll make it quick and painless," another yelled.

The crowd clamored, trying to catch Yang Kai's attention. 

"Don't break your own rules, Yang Kai!" someone warned.

Yang Kai smiled, tossing his broom into the air. All eyes followed its descent, hoping to be chosen.

The broom landed, pointing towards a burly youth.

A collective sigh of disappointment rose from the crowd, but the selected youth laughed, thanking his luck.

The remaining disciples dispersed, leaving Yang Kai and the burly youth to face off.

"Trial disciple Yang Kai, third level of body tempering," Yang Kai announced.

"Ordinary disciple Zhou Dingjun, fifth level of body tempering," the youth responded.

In Lingxiao Pavilion, disciples were ranked from trial to ordinary, seated, elite, and core disciples. Zhou Dingjun was still an ordinary disciple, yet to be accepted by a master. The hierarchy was strict, fostering intense competition and driving the sect's brutal system.

The reason for Yang Kai's predicament was Lingxiao Pavilion's challenge rule.