Dream Shopkeeper

Yang Kai was only familiar with one person in the entire Lingxiao Pavilion, and that was the shopkeeper Meng in front of him. After all, he had to visit him once every month.

Meng the shopkeeper had a nickname: Meng the Skinflint. Although he was merely a small-time shopkeeper at the Contribution Hall, his favorite pastime was to exploit the disciples' contribution points.

For instance, he could sell two bottles of blood-staunching ointment for the price of three. His method was simple: he divided the content of two bottles into three. Take it or leave it!

Of course, Meng the shopkeeper didn't always resort to such unscrupulous tactics. He mainly targeted wealthy disciples, disregarding the likes of poor souls like Yang Kai.

Every disciple's contribution points in the Lingxiao Pavilion were hard-earned, so who could tolerate such exploitation? Consequently, most disciples swindled by him would report him to the Elders' Council. Meng had received warnings multiple times but remained unperturbed, his position as shopkeeper unshakeable.

Because of this, Meng the shopkeeper was detested by countless disciples.

Meng treated everyone harshly, but he had no way to deal with Yang Kai. Once, he was caught red-handed by Yang Kai while ogling a female disciple's posterior.

Disgraceful for someone of his age! Since being caught, Meng felt inferior before Yang Kai.

This was why Yang Kai was on somewhat familiar terms with the old man.

Meng, being lecherous and thick-skinned, quickly adjusted his expression and squinted at Yang Kai, "The usual?"

"Yes." Yang Kai nodded honestly.

Meng wordlessly pulled out ten taels of silver from the counter and tossed it to Yang Kai, then recorded it in the ledger.

Yang Kai pocketed the silver and asked, "How many contribution points do I have now?"

Meng rolled his eyes. "You save four points a month and spend one point to get ten taels of silver, leaving you with three points. So far, you've saved only twelve points. What, are you thinking of buying a bottle of blood-staunching ointment?"

"No, I was just asking." Yang Kai waved his hand, muttering, "Only twelve points."

Such a small amount couldn't even buy a valuable herb.

Meng's face turned serious, and he whispered, "Little Yang Kai, I know you want the Marrow Cleansing Pill to improve your aptitude, but at this rate, when will you ever save enough?"

"I'll save it eventually, won't I?" Yang Kai chuckled.

Meng had no response, thinking that at Yang Kai's pace, he'd be long dead before he saved enough.

"But, Shopkeeper Meng, I have a question." Yang Kai frowned slightly.

"Ask away!" Meng adopted an indulgent attitude, as if saying, "You're in luck; I'm in a good mood today."

"Why is such a precious pill like the Marrow Cleansing Pill in the Contribution Hall? And why hasn't anyone else claimed it?"

Meng smirked proudly, "Because that pill is my personal treasure, unknown to others."

"It's yours?" Yang Kai was astonished. He had always thought it belonged to the Lingxiao Pavilion. No wonder Meng had set such an exorbitant price.

"Don't get upset." Meng sipped his tea leisurely. "Though it's mine, I won't give it to you cheaply. If you want it, bring enough contribution points. My nickname isn't Meng the Skinflint for nothing."

"I will save enough," Yang Kai nodded.

Meng's expression suddenly changed, and he winked at Yang Kai, whispering, "I heard you got beaten up again yesterday?"

Yang Kai glared at him and walked away.

Meng called out from behind, "Tell me about it! Don't leave in such a hurry."

What was there to talk about? Meng was clearly gloating over his misfortune.

Before Yang Kai could leave the Contribution Hall, Meng's expression turned serious as he stared at Yang Kai's retreating figure. "Little Yang Kai, go back to where you came from. The Lingxiao Pavilion isn't a place for you. You'll get killed sooner or later."

Yang Kai paused but didn't turn around. He sighed softly, "I have nowhere else to go."

With that, he left the Contribution Hall.

Meng held his teapot and sighed deeply, "What a pity."

The Marrow Cleansing Pill... Meng chuckled. Such a heaven-defying treasure—how could he possibly possess it? It was merely a fabricated hope for Yang Kai, yet Yang Kai had taken it seriously.

Yang Kai returned to his small room, put down the broom, and hurried out of the Lingxiao Pavilion.

He was heading to Wumei Town, ten miles away, to buy some food with the ten taels of silver he had exchanged for contribution points. This was a routine task he performed every month.

For the first time, Yang Kai didn't feel tired on his way to Wumei Town.

In the past, the ten-mile journey would leave him breathless and exhausted. But today, he felt only a slight warmth in his body, full of energy. Yang Kai believed he could walk another hundred miles without feeling fatigued.

Was this also thanks to the Golden Body? Yang Kai suddenly recalled being bumped by an unknown junior brother while sweeping in the morning. He had remained steady while the strong, robust junior brother fell to the ground.

At the time, he hadn't thought much of it. Now, it seemed incredible. When had his frail body ever caused others to fall? He had always been the one knocked away.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. The changes brought by the Golden Body were remarkable, and their full potential would only reveal itself as he grew stronger.

Lost in thought, Yang Kai reached Wumei Town before he realized it.

Looking around, he walked down the street on his left. He was heading to a rice shop run by a local named He. The shop was small but reputable for its honesty, which was why Yang Kai always did business there.

Small shops like this were common in Wumei Town, which was bustling and lively. Besides the Lingxiao Pavilion, there were two other prominent sects within a hundred miles: Wind and Rain Tower and Blood Battle Gang, along with numerous smaller factions. However, these smaller factions were merely ragtag groups, unlike the three major sects with their own territories.

This abundance of martial artists made Wumei Town exceptionally vibrant, though it couldn't compare to a place like the imperial capital of the Great Han Dynasty.

As he walked, Yang Kai noticed a group of people huddled in a nearby alley, conspiring about something. One of them glared at him fiercely upon noticing his gaze, looking extremely menacing.

Yang Kai chuckled, adhering to the principle of not causing trouble unless provoked. But he couldn't help but feel that one of them seemed familiar, as if he were a disciple of the Lingxiao Pavilion.