That day... cough... did you touch it?

Su Mu's face turned red as he glared viciously at Yang Kai before standing firmly in front of him, coldly staring at him with a complicated expression—a mix of admiration, reluctance, frustration, and a hint of acceptance.

"Give me the item," Su Mu suddenly demanded, extending his hand towards the back. Li Yuntian promptly handed him two wine jars. Su Mu took one for himself and handed the other to Yang Kai, saying nothing. He simply unsealed the jar and started drinking directly from it.

Passersby from Lingxiao Pavilion were stunned, staring blankly at Su Mu, unsure why he was drinking so early in the morning.

Yang Kai smiled faintly, also unsealing his jar and taking a large gulp.

"Bravo!" Li Yuntian shouted from behind Su Mu.

"Bravo!" echoed the others, cheering them on.

Suddenly, two sharp sounds of breaking echoed as the wine jars in Yang Kai and Su Mu's hands shattered simultaneously, soaking their clothes with wine.

"Drinking during the day and disgracing the sect's reputation—considering it's your first offense, each of you will lose five contribution points. If there's a next time, there will be severe punishment!" A disciple from the Dark Hall emerged, coldly reprimanding Yang Kai and Su Mu.

"Deduct away!" Yang Kai said nonchalantly. A month ago, he would have been heartbroken, but now it didn't matter.

If Yang Kai didn't care, why would Su Mu, who had a powerful backer and found contribution points insignificant?

"Zhao Hu, help Senior Brother Yang sweep the ground," Su Mu ordered.

"Yes," Zhao Hu, who had been defeated by Yang Kai in three moves a few days ago, quickly stepped forward, taking the broom from Yang Kai's hand.

"Is this really okay?" Yang Kai glanced at the Dark Hall disciple, who simply snorted coldly before turning away.

"Come, let's go to your cabin. I have something to discuss with you," Su Mu said.

By the small cabin, Su Mu and Yang Kai squatted on the ground without any formality. In front of them was a small pond, and behind them, a group of people were busily repairing the cabin's roof.

It seemed that after the events of that day, Su Mu and his group had completely let go of their grudges against Yang Kai and even sought to befriend him.

"Why did you save us?" Su Mu finally asked after a long silence.

"Why..." Yang Kai furrowed his brows. "You all call me Senior Brother, so naturally, I should act like one. That's probably the reason."

Of course, the main reason was that Su Mu's nature wasn't inherently bad.

Su Mu turned his head and looked deeply at Yang Kai. "Really?"

Yang Kai smiled, "What do you think?"

Su Mu remained silent, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. After a while, he said, "Fine, you regard us as junior brothers, and we'll treat you as our senior brother. I was wrong before, sorry for my lack of respect."

"I never minded," Yang Kai replied.

The two exchanged glances and then burst into laughter.

This was the kind of event that could dissolve old grudges with a laugh.

With the animosity gone, Su Mu no longer felt awkward and genuinely treated Yang Kai as a senior brother. After some casual conversation, Su Mu suddenly licked his lips, his face flushing as he hesitated, "Senior Brother, may I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Yang Kai looked at him curiously.

"That day... ahem... did you touch her?" Su Mu asked, unable to meet Yang Kai's eyes.

"Touch what?" Yang Kai didn't understand.

"That, you know…" Su Mu, frustrated, finally blurted out, "Hu Mei'er…"

As he spoke, he mimicked grabbing his chest, a vivid representation.

Yang Kai chuckled, the curiosity of youth was indeed strong. Su Mu even had the nerve to ask about such things.

"You all saw it, didn't you?"

"We didn't see it clearly... You really did?" Su Mu's mouth gaped open.

"So what if I did?" Yang Kai grinned, "She put my hand there herself. I just gave her a lesson."

Gulping, Su Mu looked expectantly, "What did it feel like?"

"Never tried it before, junior brother?" Yang Kai asked, puzzled, thinking this second-generation heir might still be an innocent virgin.

Su Mu shook his head vigorously, "Have you tried it before, senior brother?"

Yang Kai showed a contemplative expression as a playful smile crossed his lips. "Ah, memories better left forgotten."

Su Mu was taken aback, realizing the hidden meaning. "Bluffing. Senior Brother, you joined the sect three years ago and have kept to yourself. You wouldn't have had the chance. It must have been three years ago. How old were you then?"

Three years ago, twelve years old!

At twelve, it was indeed audacious of that demoness. If not for the fact that she was only fifteen and both of them were ignorant at the time, things might have escalated.

Thinking of that demoness, Yang Kai felt a twinge of nostalgia, wondering how she was doing now.

"But be careful, senior brother. Hu Mei'er thinks highly of herself. You embarrassed her, so she won't let it go easily," Su Mu warned.

"She wants to deal with me?" Yang Kai's face darkened.

Su Mu smirked, "Yes, she'll deal with you in bed. She'll definitely try to seduce you. You're in for some luck, senior brother."

"I'm not interested in that type," Yang Kai dismissed the concern, turning to Su Mu. "Is this what you wanted to tell me?"

"Of course not." Su Mu straightened up, "You spent a lot of energy dealing with Cheng Shaofeng and his men. I want to compensate you."

"Compensate me?"

"Yes." Su Mu nodded, then handed Yang Kai a bottle, "This is a bottle of Minor Returning Vitality Pills. Take them to replenish your energy."

Minor Returning Vitality Pills, Yang Kai had heard of them. They were mild in effect but targeted at martial artists around the seventh layer of the Body Tempering stage.

For martial artists at the seventh to ninth layers of the Body Tempering stage, although they had developed vitality through practicing martial arts, they couldn't recover quickly because they hadn't reached the Opening Yuan stage. Thus, vitality was precious and hard to restore, and Minor Returning Vitality Pills could significantly save cultivation time. They were highly popular among martial artists at this stage but useless for those above the Opening Yuan stage.

However, Yang Kai's situation was different. His True Yang Secret Art ensured he didn't worry about vitality, with the Yang Liquid as backup. So, the pills weren't very valuable to him.

About to refuse, Su Mu seemed to read his mind and insisted, "I don't want to owe anyone a favor."

"Alright, I'll accept them," Yang Kai said, not declining further.

Su Mu smiled, "Senior Brother, wait for me here tomorrow. I'll take you to a good place."

"Where?" Yang Kai asked curiously.

Su Mu just smiled, "Just wait. You won't be disappointed."