Good Tea People Are Better

Why has he come to see me? Although Hu Mei'er did not believe her sister's words, she was nonetheless filled with some unease.

Seeing her expression, Hu Jiao'er sighed with a trace of melancholy, "Stubbornness will eventually lead to great misfortune."

Hu Mei'er, vexed, replied, "I have no time to argue with you. If he seeks me out, it must be for an important matter. I'm going to find out."

Just as she was about to rise, her sister restrained her with a firm grip. Hu Jiao'er, with a sly smile, said, "Sister, how about a little wager?"

"A wager on what?" Hu Mei'er asked, puzzled.

"Let's bet on whether he is a hypocrite or not! If he is truly as you claim, he will remain steadfast. If not, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Hu Jiao'er's eyes gleamed with a chilling light.

Over the years, Hu Mei'er had maintained her purity largely thanks to her sister, who dealt decisively with those who harbored ill intentions. Those who tried to force Hu Mei'er had often met with mysterious ends.

Hu Mei'er knew well her sister's methods, and from her demeanor, she could tell that Hu Jiao'er had something devious in mind.

"What are you planning, Sister?" Hu Mei'er asked, alarmed.

"Just watch and see, hmph!" Hu Jiao'er waved her hand, and a mist of light enveloped her sister. Gradually, Hu Mei'er's form faded and vanished.

"Sister, stop this madness!" Hu Mei'er pounded at the air, but no sound escaped, and she was trapped within a one-yard radius, unable to move beyond it, growing increasingly anxious.

Outside the door, Yang Kai waited in vain for Hu Mei'er to answer, sighing with resignation.

It seemed that he had indeed offended her that day. Her anger was understandable; any woman would likely be upset after the things he had said.

Well, Yang Kai had not held out much hope. He had come merely to try his luck, and now that she was unwilling to see him, he had no choice but to leave.

Just as he was about to turn away, Hu Mei'er's voice came from inside, "Come in."

Yang Kai was momentarily startled, but after a moment's hesitation, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Once inside and with the door closed, the clamor outside disappeared, leaving only serene tranquility.

Looking around, Yang Kai noticed that the size of this wooden house was similar to the one where Su Yan stayed. However, the furnishings were much finer than Su Yan's minimalist, austere room, which mirrored her own aloof demeanor.

Here, there was a table, two chairs, and even a fragrant bed with pink curtains as delicate as gossamer, adorned with a small, exquisite pillow. The room was filled with a subtle, feminine fragrance.

This place was a world apart from Su Yan's room.

Hu Jiao'er sat gracefully at the table, facing Yang Kai, her eyes gleaming seductively as she observed him with a mysterious smile. Her cheeks were flushed with a bewitching glow.

Her bare arms were as smooth and white as freshly fallen snow, and she wore delicate wooden sandals that revealed her dainty toes, painted in a wild, seductive shade of crimson.

Yang Kai's heart skipped a beat. For some reason, Hu Mei'er appeared extraordinarily alluring today, far more so than when he had seen her previously.

Yet her smile made Yang Kai uncomfortable, as if she were mocking him.

At that moment, Hu Mei'er held a delicate fan in her slender hand, languidly fanning herself. Her flowing hair danced with the breeze, adding an air of lazy elegance.

The fan was embroidered with a portrait of a seductive woman, whose pose was enticing, with minimal clothing.

Yang Kai observed and thought that Hu Mei'er's boldness was remarkable. Most women would be mortified by such an image, but she held it with confidence.

However, how had Hu Mei'er changed so much in just over half a month?

Although she stared intently at him, Yang Kai remained unflinching, meeting her gaze without a hint of retreat. The embarrassing incident he had witnessed previously was still fresh in his mind, and facing her now, he felt no fear.

Hu Jiao'er, pretending to be Hu Mei'er, felt increasingly uneasy under his steady gaze. She thought to herself that it was audacious of him to look so directly at a beauty. His lack of subtlety was quite perplexing.

Yet, his gaze was clear and devoid of any lewdness.

Arriving at the table, Yang Kai clasped his hands in a gesture of respect and said, "Miss Mei'er, you are even more enchanting after these days."

Hu Jiao'er giggled, delighted, and said, "You can flatter, I see?"

Knowing all about Yang Kai from Hu Mei'er, Hu Jiao'er was prepared and was not worried about giving herself away.

Yang Kai smiled. "I speak only the truth."

He then seated himself across from her without hesitation, feeling relieved that she did not seem to be angry with him.

"Miss Mei'er, I came here this time to..." Yang Kai intended to state his purpose directly, believing it would convey sincerity.

"Let's not rush into business," Hu Jiao'er said, setting aside the fan and rising gracefully. She poured tea from the kettle on the table and brought a cup to Yang Kai. "It's hot outside. Have some tea to refresh yourself and we can talk afterward."

"Very well!" Yang Kai nodded, enjoying the warmth of her hospitality. As he took a sip of tea, his expression shifted to one of surprise.

Hu Jiao'er returned to her seat, propping her chin on her hands and gazing at him leisurely. "What do you think of this tea?"

Yang Kai, preoccupied with other thoughts, glanced at Hu Jiao'er with a meaningful look before replying, "The tea leaves are flat and elegant, their color a vibrant green, with a bottom layer of misty blooms. It is truly excellent."

Hu Jiao'er was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise. "You understand?"

She herself did not know much about tea, only enjoying it, so Yang Kai's detailed observation was unexpected.

Yang Kai shook his head. "I have a basic understanding, but I'm no expert."

"How does this tea compare to me?" Hu Jiao'er inquired, her breath like orchids. Despite the distance of the table, Yang Kai could feel her sweet, refreshing breath, akin to a mountain spring or aged wine.

Strangely, Yang Kai found his breath quickening and his blood stirring. Without thinking, he replied, "The tea is excellent, but you are even better."

Hu Jiao'er laughed, her laughter as charming as blooming flowers, causing her chest to jiggle.

Yang Kai's eyes were drawn to her ample, full figure, and he could not help but swallow.

Hu Jiao'er, with deliberate nonchalance, picked up the fan to shield her chest, but positioned the fan's embroidered image directly toward him, making Yang Kai's face flush with embarrassment.