Mining Area

Leaving behind the bustling Heifeng Trading Post, the two of them headed northward into the Black Wind Forest, led by Hu Meier. Her eyes sparkled with delight, and her cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue. 

"I must apologize for the other day," Yang Kai suddenly spoke up. "My words were indeed a bit harsh, and now that I'm seeking your assistance, it feels rather hypocritical."

Hu Meier smiled coyly. "It's alright, you didn't actually insult me. I've heard far worse over the years and still managed to survive."

"You don't hold a grudge against me?" Yang Kai asked, surprised.

"Why should I hate you?" Hu Meier smiled, then added, "Honestly, I did harbor some resentment, but there was one thing you did that changed my mind."

"What was that?"

"Ha, when Cheng Shaofeng and Nu Tao appeared that day, you instinctively stepped in front of me. Perhaps it was an unconscious act, but it was the only time in years someone genuinely tried to protect me."

"I don't recall. But you've had your share of challenges too," Yang Kai sighed, reflecting on how a young woman could willingly ruin her own reputation just to recruit talent for the Blood Battle Gang. Her intentions were questionable, yet they carried a hint of filial piety.

Hu Meier laughed sweetly. "Playing a part is a woman's instinct, you know."

"Ha, I suppose I haven't had much experience with women."

"Really?" Hu Meier's eyes lit up with interest.

"Indeed, which is why I've suffered at the hands of you sisters," Yang Kai replied, his tone earnest.

Hu Meier playfully scolded him with a glance, "You're wicked for saying such things! You're lucky my sister isn't here. She would have definitely given you a beating!"

"Your sister..."

"True Element Stage, First Layer!" Hu Meier answered with a hint of pride.

"Impressive!" Yang Kai praised.

Su Yan is at the Third Layer of the True Element Stage, so Hu Meier's sister isn't far behind her in strength.

Talking about her sister, Hu Meier recalled Yang Kai's words and burst into laughter, shaking so hard with mirth that she nearly doubled over, unable to contain herself.

Yang Kai could only stand there, waiting for her to catch her breath.

After a long fit of laughter, Hu Meier finally calmed down, her face still alight with amusement. "I realized you have quite the audacity. No man has ever dared speak to my sister like that. Do you really think her... well, do you really think there's any truth to it?"

"It might just be the way she dresses. You should reassure her not to worry about it," Yang Kai chuckled.

"And what about me? Am I truly as well-proportioned?" Hu Meier asked, her cheeks flushed with shyness.

"Not only well-proportioned but also wonderfully graceful. Your figure is exceptional, so you need not be overly modest," Yang Kai nodded.

Hu Meier was momentarily at a loss for words, taken aback by such sincere, agenda-free compliments. These were perhaps the kindest words she had heard in years.

A small, secretive joy blossomed in her heart.

"How much further do we have to go?" Yang Kai, not wanting to dwell on the topic, inquired.

"There's still about an hour's journey. Although it's part of the Black Wind Forest, it's actually the forest's central region," Hu Meier explained. "There, you'll find an underground vein, discovered by our Blood Battle Gang a few years ago. We stationed guards to mine it. The materials found there are rather unique."

"What do you mean by 'unique'?" Yang Kai asked.

"The vein contains two types of stones: the Sunstone, which you've purchased before, and the Yin Yuan Stone. Isn't it peculiar? These two stones possess opposing attributes, yet they coexist in the same vein. It's quite the mystery."

"That truly is fascinating," Yang Kai remarked, intrigued.

Sunstones are imbued with Yang energy, while Yin Yuan Stones contain Yin energy—elements inherently opposed to one another. It's generally impossible for them to coexist naturally.

"Our experts found the mine peculiar, but after years of exploration, nothing extraordinary was discovered. Nevertheless, the mine has been quite profitable for us," Hu Meier confided as if Yang Kai were already an insider.

"It's a blessing for your Blood Battle Gang," Yang Kai smiled.

Hu Meier nodded, then fell into a contemplative silence. After a while, she finally spoke, "Today's meeting might seem coincidental, but had we missed this opportunity, finding me again would have been difficult. This could be your stroke of luck."

"Are you going somewhere?" Yang Kai detected an underlying message in her words.

"I'm not leaving," Hu Meier shook her head, scrutinizing Yang Kai's reaction. "After our last encounter, I realized my approach over the years was flawed. The talents I attracted through dubious means weren't loyal to the Blood Battle Gang but to me. Without what they sought, they wouldn't truly serve the gang. So, I've decided to retreat and cultivate, hoping to become stronger myself and relieve some of my father's burdens, like my sister does."

"It's a wise decision," Yang Kai acknowledged with a nod.

A trace of disappointment flitted across Hu Meier's face. Yang Kai's demeanor remained calm throughout, showing no particular reaction to her resolve.

Feeling a bit disheartened, Hu Meier lost her desire for further conversation and silently led the way.

As she fell quiet, Yang Kai refrained from forcing any dialogue. They continued their journey in silence until they finally reached the Blood Battle Gang's mining area.

They arrived at the heart of the Black Wind Forest, where the Blood Battle Gang's mining site spanned several miles. Small structures were scattered around to accommodate the disciples.

Since the vein was underground, the site wasn't bustling with activity when Yang Kai and Hu Meier arrived. Instead, there were large holes in the ground, leading to the subterranean depths.

Even from a hundred meters away, Yang Kai sensed a significant reaction from the Yang Source Seal on his chest, stirred by the Sunstones below. As his power grew, the Yang Source Seal's sensitivity to Yang energy increased, though not dramatically.

Their arrival drew the attention of the Blood Battle Gang disciples above ground. An elderly man suddenly descended from the sky, blocking Yang Kai and Hu Meier's path. He cupped his fists and greeted, "Miss!"

"Grandpa Long," Hu Meier greeted warmly and introduced Yang Kai. "This is Deputy Chief Long Zaitian of our gang, Grandpa Long."

Yang Kai quickly paid his respects. "Greetings, Elder Long."

Long Zaitian cast a disdainful glance at Yang Kai, offering no acknowledgment. With his Divine Traveling Stage strength and his esteemed position as the gang's deputy leader, why would he pay attention to someone of Yang Kai's caliber?

Another pampered playboy, he thought with contempt, imagining Yang Kai as one of those opportunists living off women. Were it not for Hu Meier's presence, he would have swatted Yang Kai away with a single slap.

"Miss, why have you come to the mine?" Long Zaitian asked, his expression softening into a grandfatherly smile. "This place is filthy and hot, not suitable for you. Please return; otherwise, your father might scold me."

"No, he won't! Father wouldn't dare scold you. You're one of the gang's revered elders, and he'd only show you respect," Hu Meier teased with a playful tone that brought a satisfied smile to Long Zaitian's face.

"Grandpa Long, my friend here wishes to purchase some items from the disciples within the mine. Could you grant us access?" Hu Meier voiced her request.