Kaiyuan Realm

Additionally, please request a Sanjiang ticket. After logging in, click on the Sanjiang channel, and you can collect the Sanjiang ticket daily; it's free. This seems rather important, so I'm asking all the handsome men and beautiful women for their help.

The Sect Master, seeing Xia Ningchang's obedient and considerate demeanor, could not help but smile. "Meng Wuyou is indeed fortunate to have such a well-behaved disciple like you."

Reflecting on his own two disciples, the Sect Master sighed deeply.

Xia Ningchang, aware of his past, saw his downcast expression and was unsure how to comfort him, so she remained silent.

The Sect Master extended his hand, obscuring the heavens, and with a subtle push towards Yang Kai's direction, Xia Ningchang felt as if the world on that side was being sealed off, as though an invisible hand was shielding it from prying eyes.

"This young man's breakthrough must have caused quite a stir. It's best to take precautions to prevent any unwanted scrutiny," the Sect Master explained.

Xia Ningchang, intrigued but puzzled, did not understand why the usually reclusive Sect Master was so invested in Yang Kai. Though curious, she refrained from asking further.

The elderly and the young observed from a hundred yards away, watching the situation unfold with Yang Kai.

As the energy of heaven and earth flowed into Yang Kai, it impacted every inch of his flesh and skin, though the fluctuations of his energy were not visible from afar. Yet, the surrounding area was engulfed in a fierce gale, signaling a significant commotion.

Why such turbulence for merely reaching the Open Yuan Stage? Xia Ningchang was genuinely baffled.

As time passed, Yang Kai's body swelled like an inflated balloon, his once gaunt frame now appeared more robust, due to the excessive infusion of heavenly energy.

Just as Xia Ningchang grew concerned, his body suddenly contracted, returning to its original state. Despite the Sect Master's measures to shield the area, Xia Ningchang still felt a palpable, unsettling surge of energy from that direction.

What was even more astonishing followed: after Yang Kai fully absorbed the heavenly energy, a visible surge of fiery red energy burst forth from the Kulong Gorge, appearing as crimson ribbons rising from below and streaming into Yang Kai's pores.

The Yang energy! Xia Ningchang discerned clearly. Yang Kai's first absorption was of the heavenly energy, and the second was Yang energy, a singularly attributed form of heavenly energy.

Once Yang Kai had absorbed all the Yang energy, the commotion subsided abruptly.

"It's done," the Sect Master said with a faint smile, snapping his fingers to lift the barrier. His figure then vanished, leaving a gentle voice lingering in Xia Ningchang's ear: "Send my regards to your master."

"Certainly!" Xia Ningchang replied respectfully before taking the time to investigate the results of Yang Kai's breakthrough.

Upon a single glance, Xia Ningchang was stunned.

The second level of Open Yuan Stage!

She nearly doubted her senses and checked again, finding that Yang Kai had indeed reached the second level of Open Yuan Stage!

Not only did he break through a major realm, but he also advanced an additional minor level. Was she dreaming?

Xia Ningchang, with her unique constitution and rapid progress, had never managed such a leap in a single breakthrough. Witnessing Yang Kai's feat firsthand, she was left in awe.

As she marveled, Yang Kai, seated cross-legged, muttered to himself, "So that's how it is!"

With those words, his energy fluctuations intensified, reaching the third level of Open Yuan Stage!

"Monster!" Xia Ningchang thought, somewhat amused and disheartened. Her confidence had taken a blow.

After remaining in place for an hour to ensure no further sudden advancements, Xia Ningchang finally relaxed and quietly departed.

Yang Kai spent the entire night by the Kulong Gorge, not practicing the True Yang Art, but deeply contemplating the insights gained from his breakthrough.

During last night's breakthrough, two types of energy had infused his body. The first was the heavenly power, which, aside from partially refining his body, was absorbed by his bones. The second was the Yang energy absorbed from below the Kulong Gorge, which had become his own, now forming five drops of Yang liquid settling in his dantian.

After an entire night of contemplation, Yang Kai formulated a general idea.

The Proud Bone Golden Body enhances his combat power when injured or in pain, but this enhancement requires energy support. It explains why it can absorb heavenly power, as it draws upon this energy and later provides it back when needed. This is the essence of the Proud Bone Golden Body and the core reason for its power enhancement.

Previously, Yang Kai believed he could only absorb Yang attribute energy due to his practice of the True Yang Art. However, if his hypothesis proves correct, this opens up the possibility of faster cultivation in the future.

This discovery filled Yang Kai with joy. Although the True Yang Art is formidable, it has limitations. If his guess is correct, future cultivation will be less constrained by the environment.

Sighing deeply, Yang Kai stood, sensing his breakthrough to the third level of Open Yuan Stage. Reflecting on the immense energy influx from last night, he felt at ease.

The initial opening of his energy channels marked his ascent to Open Yuan Stage. Although he had previously accumulated significant energy, this breakthrough was nonetheless profound.

The energy within his body circulated through the great circulatory system, connecting him to the heavens and accelerating the True Yang Art's operation.

Moreover, reaching this stage made cultivation considerably easier compared to the Body Tempering Stage, provided one had a good environment.

Returning from the Kulong Gorge, Yang Kai felt invigorated. The breakthrough altered his perception of the world, sharpening his senses.

Within a fifty-yard radius, he could even detect subtle changes in breathing.

As he walked towards the wooden house, he suddenly heard a familiar cry of pain. After pausing to listen, he couldn't help but laugh.

Why was Su Mu getting beaten again?

In the sect, if someone were to be beaten, it would likely be a result of a challenge match—skill mismatch, no one else to blame.

With nothing else to attend to, Yang Kai decided to check out the commotion.

In the Lingxiao Pavilion, any place could serve as a battlefield once a challenge began. Su Mu's location was not far from Yang Kai, and he arrived quickly.

There, a large crowd had gathered, and Yang Kai noticed two distinct factions, with a palpable tension. Li Yuntian and Zhao Hu were among them, their faces angry, confronting another group.

This situation seemed unusual! Yang Kai frowned. Sect challenges, regardless of the outcome, should not escalate to such a degree. Li Yuntian and the others appeared ready to brawl in a display of righteous indignation.