Intending to add guilt

As the voice echoed, a figure suddenly appeared before Yang Kai. Without a word, the newcomer struck Yang Kai's shoulder with a powerful blow, sending him flying.

"Senior Brother Yang!" Li Yuntian and the others cried out in alarm, rushing forward to support him.

Yang Kai struggled to his feet, coughing lightly as he surveyed the newcomer. Standing beside Wei Zhuang was a young man, his face dark and foreboding. Supporting the staggering Wei Zhuang, he asked, "Young Master Zhuang, are you alright?"

Wei Zhuang glared venomously at Yang Kai, his stance unsteady, but he shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Good to hear. I regret not arriving sooner." The young man let out a breath of relief. Although he was stronger than Wei Zhuang, he was still a subordinate of the Grand Elder and naturally held a lower status.

"You didn't come too late," Wei Zhuang sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Senior Brother Cao, as a disciple of the Enforcement Hall, you are well-versed in the sect's rules. Tell me, what is the punishment for someone who dares to commit murder within the sect?"

Cao Zhengwen's expression turned cold as he replied sternly, "Depending on the severity, the punishment ranges from breaking the offender's limbs and expelling them from Lingxiao Pavilion to immediate execution as a warning to others!"

Wei Zhuang laughed coldly and pointed at Yang Kai. "This person just tried to kill me. Senior Brother Cao, you decide how to handle it!"

With someone backing him up, Wei Zhuang no longer needed to be conciliatory.

Cao Zhengwen barked sharply, "Is this true?"

Wei Zhuang sneered, "Didn't you see everything when you arrived, Senior Brother Cao?"

Cao Zhengwen nodded, "Indeed. Just now, this disciple had a deadly weapon pressed against your chest, Young Master Zhuang. If I hadn't intervened in time, you might have met a grim fate. This person is audacious beyond belief, committing such a crime in broad daylight!"

The two played off each other perfectly, swiftly framing Yang Kai as a would-be murderer.

"Rubbish!" Li Yuntian shouted in fury. "Senior Brother Yang and Wei Zhuang were merely sparring—how can you twist it into something so serious? What are you really up to?"

Cao Zhengwen snorted, "Was it truly just a spar?"

Zhao Hu retorted, "If you don't believe us, ask the disciples who were watching. We were all there and can testify, and besides, it was Wei Zhuang who instigated this; Senior Brother Yang was only dragged into it."

"Who dares to testify?" Wei Zhuang sneered, glancing around.

The onlooking disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion scattered like startled birds, each quickly fleeing the scene. Most of them were aware of the internal conflicts between the sect elders and naturally had no desire to get involved. Offending either side would make their future in the sect unbearable.

Seeing this, Li Yuntian gritted his teeth in frustration but continued to stand his ground. "We witnessed everything. We can testify to every detail!"

Cao Zhengwen shook his head. "You were all involved in the brawl. You're guilty and thus unfit to testify."

"A brawl?" Zhao Hu jumped up angrily. "It was Wei Zhuang who had his men challenge us. Where's the brawl in that? Cao Zhengwen, don't think that just because you're a disciple of the Enforcement Hall, you can do whatever you want. Lingxiao Pavilion isn't your personal fiefdom."

"How dare you!" Cao Zhengwen snapped. "The Enforcement Hall represents the rules of Lingxiao Pavilion and is always fair and just. Questioning its authority is a grave offense!"

"Isn't it convenient how you can label us criminals at will?" Yang Kai waved off Li Yuntian's protests, smirking at Cao Zhengwen. "Fair and just? Today, I've learned what you mean by fairness and justice."

"Hmph!" Cao Zhengwen sneered, "Arrest them all. The elders will decide their fate!"

The sound of rushing footsteps filled the air as a group of Enforcement Hall disciples surrounded them. With the lowest among them being at the fifth level of the Kaiyuan Realm, Li Yuntian and his group were no match for them. They were swiftly subdued. Yang Kai didn't resist, knowing it would be futile.

"We'll see about this!" Wei Zhuang, his spirits lifted, approached Yang Kai with a cold smile.

"Take them away!" Cao Zhengwen ordered, and the Enforcement Hall disciples began to drag Li Yuntian and the others off.

Glancing at the still-unconscious Su Mu, Cao Zhengwen frowned. He didn't care about Yang Kai and the others, but Su Mu was different. After a moment's thought, he ordered, "Take Senior Brother Su to the Second Elder."

"Yes!" One of the disciples responded, hurriedly carrying Su Mu away.

"You've endured much, Young Master Zhuang," Cao Zhengwen said softly.

Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "That Yang Kai must not be spared! He humiliated me today, and I swear I'll have my revenge! You know what to do!"

Cao Zhengwen hesitated. "Young Master Zhuang, today's events have caused quite a stir and will surely reach the elders' ears. Acting now may be unwise. It would be better to wait until the elders have made their decision."

"But I can't swallow this anger!" Wei Zhuang's face twisted with rage.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure Young Master Zhuang's grievances are avenged. He'll know what it means to cross you."

"Don't kill him. I want to finish him off myself!"

"As you wish."

In the dark and damp prison of Lingxiao Pavilion, Yang Kai and the others were thrown into cells. The place was frigid and reeked with a stench so foul it made one gag. The conditions were beyond squalid.

The prison, known as the Grim Dungeon, was where Lingxiao Pavilion confined its errant disciples. Li Yuntian and the others never imagined they would one day end up here. Each of them was filled with a deep sense of unease.

"Senior Brother Yang, I'm sorry for dragging you into this," Li Yuntian apologized quietly, sitting next to Yang Kai.

Yang Kai chuckled lightly. "It's not your fault. I couldn't stand by and watch our people tear each other apart."

"Dog-eat-dog…" Li Yuntian almost choked on his words. Wasn't that an insult to all of us?

"Call it what you will, internal strife or something less flattering," Yang Kai said with a faint smile.

"True enough. But don't worry, Senior Brother Yang. Young Master Su won't leave us to rot here. We just need to wait a few hours, and he'll get us out," Li Yuntian said optimistically.

Yang Kai shifted to a more comfortable position and asked, "Tell me, why is there discord between the Grand Elder and the Second Elder?"

Li Yuntian sighed at the question. "It has to do with our sect master."

"Oh? I'm listening."

Li Yuntian continued, "Young Master Su mentioned the sect master's two disciples before. Ever since the master captured his second disciple and banished him to the Dragon Prison, he's rarely appeared in public. Even the affairs of the sect have been largely ignored, leaving the Grand Elder to act as the sect leader. Perhaps due to the prolonged power, the Grand Elder has grown ambitious, and the Second Elder disapproves, feeling that the Grand Elder often oversteps his bounds. Naturally, this led to friction between them."