
The following morning, at the entrance of the Contribution Hall, Yang Kai gently knocked on the door.

Moments later, the door opened, and Xia Ningchang emerged, carrying a small bundle slung over her shoulder, filled with various items.

"Junior Brother, you've arrived," Xia Ningchang greeted softly.

"Yes," Yang Kai nodded, "Where is Master Meng?"

"He suddenly fell ill again yesterday and has to stay behind to recover," Xia Ningchang replied, her eyes flickering with a hint of unease, and her thick lashes fluttering like a fan.

Yang Kai scrutinized her with suspicion; he noticed a trace of panic in her eyes.

"Shall we wait for him?" Yang Kai asked, though he had his suspicions, he chose not to voice them.

"No need," Xia Ningchang assured, "I know where the location is. Moreover, time is of the essence; Master said there's no need to wait for him." Relieved by Yang Kai's lack of further probing, Xia Ningchang felt more at ease.

"Very well," Yang Kai agreed after a moment of hesitation.

"Thank you for your trouble, Junior Brother," Xia Ningchang sighed with relief.

"No need to be so polite, Senior Sister," Yang Kai replied with a slight smile.

The two of them then set off lightly from Lingxiao Pavilion.

In a side room of the Contribution Hall, Meng Wuyan was sprawled on the table, deep in sleep. The table was covered with several exquisite dishes and a few bottles of fine wine, indicating that Meng Wuyan had been savoring the delicacies before succumbing to slumber.

These dishes had been prepared by Xia Ningchang, with a special seasoning added. Crafted from Xia Ningchang's own medicinal body, this seasoning was irresistible even to a master like Meng Wuyan.

He would likely sleep for several days at least!

Despite his astuteness, Meng Wuyan never anticipated being outwitted by his prized disciple. It was truly a case of a misstep leading to eternal regret, akin to a great ship capsizing in a gutter.

By the time Meng Wuyan awoke, everything would likely have been settled.

Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang arrived at Wumei Town, purchased two horses, and gathered some supplies before setting off towards their destination.

During their shopping, Yang Kai discreetly inquired about their destination. According to Xia Ningchang, it was approximately a ten-day journey from Wumei Town, located within the Black Wind Mountain. Although the journey was long, there was still ample time.

Soon after they left Lingxiao Pavilion, the news reached Jie Hongchen.

Ever since witnessing the intimacy between Su Yan and Yang Kai in the Forest Prison, Jie Hongchen had been drowning his sorrows in alcohol for several days, feeling despondent. Only yesterday did he regain his clarity and began to reassess the events.

Jie Hongchen knew Su Yan's temperament well. Given her pride and strength, how could she be interested in someone with only the third level of the Opening Origin Realm? Moreover, they had barely interacted before; they were essentially strangers.

Jie Hongchen realized that Su Yan and Yang Kai's interaction was merely an act. Overcome with jealousy and rage, he had not taken the time to consider the truth.

With this realization, Jie Hongchen's spirits lifted. Yesterday, he had sought out Su Yan to express his feelings, comporting himself with poise, a stark contrast to his previous madness and indiscretion.

Although Su Yan ultimately rejected him, Jie Hongchen's heart was now at ease.

As long as Su Yan was not with another man, she would eventually be his! Jie Hongchen was confident; after all, he was the most outstanding male disciple of Lingxiao Pavilion, and Su Yan was the most exceptional female disciple. Their union would surely be what the elders desired.

This morning, Jie Hongchen prepared meticulously for a visit to the Black Wind Trading Market to see Su Yan.

Just as he was about to leave, a disciple from the Enforcement Hall rushed in, bearing news with excitement, "Senior Brother Jie, Yang Kai just left Lingxiao Pavilion!"

Jie Hongchen's eyes lit up, "He left alone?"

"No," the disciple replied, "He left with a disciple from the Dark Hall named Xia Ningchang."

"Xia Ningchang!" Jie Hongchen's eyes narrowed, "I know her; her strength is comparable to mine, though she is not a core disciple. She has always been rather peculiar!"

"Do you know their destination?" Jie Hongchen asked, his eyes suddenly gleaming with a hint of madness. Fortune seemed to smile upon him, for this was the perfect opportunity to exact revenge if he could find Yang Kai outside Lingxiao Pavilion.

"I don't know their exact destination, but it appears they're going far, as they bought two horses in Wumei Town!"

"Going far?" Jie Hongchen's brows lifted, "Excellent, splendid."

Repeatedly expressing his satisfaction, Jie Hongchen suddenly turned with a grim expression, "Gather a few trustworthy Senior Brothers, all at least at the Separation and Reunion Realm, to accompany me."

"Senior Brother, what do you intend to do?"

"Heh, isn't it obvious what I intend to do? Why ask?" Jie Hongchen's face contorted with malice. He planned to follow and eliminate Yang Kai, and Xia Ningchang as well, to prevent any leakage of information.

"Senior Brother, isn't this unwise?" The disciple's face showed concern. Yang Kai was merely an Opening Origin Realm trial disciple; his death outside might not be of much consequence. However, Xia Ningchang, with her peak Separation and Reunion Realm strength, was no insignificant figure. If she died, those involved would likely face severe consequences.

"Do as I command, no more questions," Jie Hongchen snapped irritably, "Do I need to do everything myself?"

Consumed by jealousy, Jie Hongchen was fixated solely on the thought of killing Yang Kai.

"Senior Brother, after the last incident, the Great Elder strictly forbade anyone from making trouble for Yang Kai. Have you forgotten?" 

The reminder jolted Jie Hongchen awake. Indeed, the Great Elder had issued a sudden order prohibiting any interference with Yang Kai. Though this directive seemed inexplicable, Jie Hongchen had initially disregarded it.

However, with such a golden opportunity at hand, could he really let it slip away? If he did not act now, when would another chance arise? What if Yang Kai remained hidden within the sect forever?

As Jie Hongchen wrestled with his frustration, the disciple seemed to have an idea and slyly suggested, "Senior Brother, while we cannot act directly, others might. There are many who harbor ill will toward Yang Kai."

"What do you mean?" Jie Hongchen's eyes narrowed.

"It's said that Long Hui, the grandson of Long Zaitian, the vice-leader of the Blood Battle Gang, has been seeking news about Yang Kai for the past month."

Long Zaitian, Jie Hongchen knew well, was a prominent figure within the Blood Battle Gang and a formidable expert in the Spirit Wanderer Realm. His grandson, however, seemed less distinguished, only at the Qi Condensation Realm this year.

"Hmm?" Jie Hongchen was puzzled, "Why is Long Hui interested in Yang Kai?"

The disciple's expression grew ambiguous, "It seems to be related to Hu Mei'er. Long Hui has been pursuing Hu Mei'er, treating her as his possession. However, Yang Kai's relationship with her is unclear. Long Hui has vowed to kill Yang Kai one day, to show him the consequences of coveting his woman!"

"Hu Mei'er!" Jie Hongchen envisioned a voluptuous and alluring young woman, and his breath grew heavier.

This seductress was notorious for her allure among the young disciples of the three factions. Jie Hongchen had once had the fortune to meet her.

"That trash really isn't worth anything, being involved with such a vixen!" Jie Hongchen seethed with envy while outwardly expressing righteous indignation.

After a moment's reflection, Jie Hongchen's suspicion arose, "But how did you obtain such detailed information?"

Even if Long Hui wanted Yang Kai dead, he would not make such a conspicuous effort. This would only alert Yang Kai to stay away. Long Hui would be foolish to broadcast his intentions so openly.

The disciple's face fell, and he hesitated, unsure how to respond.

"Speak!" Jie Hongchen's expression darkened.

"Fine," the disciple resignedly admitted, "A few days ago, while I was drinking at the Spring Breeze and Drizzle Pavilion in Wumei Town, Long Hui happened to be staying next door. I overheard him talking to a woman in his room."

"The Spring Breeze and Drizzle Pavilion!" Jie Hongchen shot a disdainful look at the disciple. That was a notorious brothel in Wumei Town; it was obvious why he was there.

The disciple added, "Senior Brother, if Long Hui learns of this, he will surely not let Yang Kai escape. We don't need to act ourselves. Besides, Long Hui is a lecher; if we inform him about the beautiful woman beside Yang Kai, he will undoubtedly take action."

Jie Hongchen's eyes sparkled, and he grinned coldly, "A brilliant plan!"

Using another's hand to kill was indeed a clever strategy. After a brief contemplation, Jie Hongchen decided, "Since Long Hui is interested, we should send a discreet message. Ensure that it is done secretly, without leaving any trace that points back to us. Additionally, make sure to inform Long Hui that the woman beside Yang Kai has peak Separation and Reunion Realm strength. We must not let him suffer any losses."

"Understood!" The disciple hurriedly left to carry out the task.

Yang Kai, let's see if you survive this. Though, it is regrettable about Xia Ningchang;

 she always wears a veil. Though I have never seen her face, I am almost certain she is a stunning beauty!

If such a woman falls into Long Hui's hands, her fate is almost too horrific to imagine. For a moment, Jie Hongchen couldn't help but envy Long Hui.

While the Enforcement Hall was scheming, another group was also on the move.

Soon after Yang Kai and Xia Ningchang departed on their horses, a group emerged from the shadows. The leader, with a grim expression, asked, "Did you see clearly? Is that person Yang Kai?"

"Absolutely, Brother Nuolang. He is definitely Yang Kai. Last time, he defeated us, and then Senior Brother Cheng Shaofeng sought out Brother Nuotao, wanting to find a chance to teach him a lesson. However, after they went to the Black Wind Trading Market, they never returned."

Nuolang's face darkened as he waved his hand, "Go buy some horses; we'll follow! I need to find out whether my brother is alive or dead, and where he is!"

Nuotao had been missing for over a month, and Cheng Shaofeng had disappeared with him. Nuolang had been searching everywhere and had only now tracked down Yang Kai.

To uncover the truth, he needed to catch up with Yang Kai and interrogate him. If there was any connection to his brother, he, as the elder brother, had to avenge him.