Full of evil energy

Just as Nu Lang made up his mind, Yang Kai suddenly stopped his assault and frowned, deep in thought.

In the next moment, a sound erupted, and a fiery red light burst forth in the darkness, startling Nu Lang to his core.

Looking closer, he saw that Yang Kai's body was now engulfed in a blazing flame. It wasn't real fire, but rather the result of his Yuan Qi being so intense that it radiated outward. The fiery red Yuan Qi enveloped him completely, sending waves of heat through the air, dispelling the chilling energy that had previously filled the valley.

Yang Kai's face was illuminated by the crimson glow, his expression shifting between shadows and light. His bare torso, with its taut, honed muscles, exuded a wild and untamed aura.

His fists were mangled and bloodied, a half-foot-long sword wound marred his abdomen, still oozing blood, with the flesh turned outward—a terrifying sight. His eyes were bloodshot, like those of a cornered beast, filled with endless madness and a thirst for blood.

A menacing aura radiated from him!

Nu Lang's face was filled with fear as he instinctively took a few steps back, crying out in alarm, "Berserk?"

He thought Yang Kai had lost control of his Yuan Qi during battle, leading to a berserk state where his energy consumed his mind.

But wasn't this supposed to happen only after reaching the Qi Transformation Realm? How could a mere Kai Yuan Realm martial artist experience such a condition?

"Berserk?" Yang Kai turned to look at him, his eyes terrifying but his face unnervingly calm, showing none of the signs of madness. With contempt, he retorted, "How short-sighted!"

As he spoke, the blazing Yuan Qi around him suddenly retracted, and the fiery light disappeared, leaving only his two fists still encased in a layer of crimson True Yang Yuan Qi.

It looked as though his fists were clutching two balls of fire, the flames flickering in the wind but never extinguishing.

"You still have your sanity?" Nu Lang looked at Yang Kai in disbelief, trying to find a trace of humanity in his eyes, but he was disappointed. In those blood-red eyes, there was no trace of emotion, only the burning desire for battle and the thirst for slaughter.

This couldn't be right. This was clearly a berserk state; his eyes had lost all traces of humanity, so why could he still think clearly?

"Do you think I do?" Yang Kai stepped forward, and in that single stride, he closed the distance between them to its limit. Nu Lang was utterly shocked, never expecting Yang Kai to be this fast.

In a panic, he retreated, slashing out with his claw in an attempt to block Yang Kai's advance.

Yang Kai's flaming right fist met the incoming hand head-on, the fierce wind howling as it collided with Nu Lang's five fingers.

A crisp cracking sound echoed, accompanied by Nu Lang's terrified scream as his body was flung into the air like a kite with a broken string. When he finally hit the ground, the searing pain in his fingers was delayed, but when he looked, his five fingers were twisted and could no longer straighten.

They were scorched, with the bones completely shattered!

Not only that, but a violent and domineering searing Yuan Qi had invaded his body, scorching his meridians and flesh as it advanced.

Nu Lang dared not be negligent. He quickly raised his other hand and rapidly tapped several points on his arm to stop the invading Yuan Qi.

No sooner had he completed this action than the space in front of him brightened. When he looked up, he saw that Yang Kai had once again closed in on him, the flames on his fists burning even brighter.

Nu Lang no longer dared to fight. It was only at this moment that he realized he, a newly advanced Qi Transformation Realm cultivator, was no match for Yang Kai, a Kai Yuan Realm martial artist.

Using every ounce of his strength, Nu Lang twisted his legs and retreated rapidly, simultaneously letting out a long howl, his voice filled with terror and panic, echoing far and wide.

Yang Kai's feet flickered with sparks, his speed suddenly increasing to a surprising level, even to himself, as he relentlessly pursued Nu Lang, landing punch after punch with fierce intensity.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Nu Lang took several hits in succession, completely unable to resist. He was pummeled into a state of dizziness, his consciousness growing faint.

After running fifty paces, Nu Lang finally understood that he couldn't escape Yang Kai's pursuit. His youthful spirit flared up, and he suddenly stopped, his face twisted with fury as he roared, "Yang Kai, you've gone too far! Sky Eagle Claws, die!"

This was Nu Lang's most powerful claw technique, with all his Yuan Qi channeled into his hands. He crossed his arms in front of him and then, with a fierce twist, slashed towards Yang Kai's chest.

Yang Kai, even in his current state, didn't dare to underestimate the power contained in those hands. He could sense the immense lethality they held, and his expression grew solemn.

If those claws struck him, Yang Kai estimated that his chest would likely be torn open.

In that split second, Yang Kai instinctively twisted his body, his flaming fist still driving relentlessly toward Nu Lang's face.

Both fighters were staking everything on this final blow, a life-and-death strike where only one could survive!


Yang Kai's fist connected with Nu Lang's face, warping his once-handsome features into a grotesque mask. The force sent Nu Lang tumbling through the air, spinning several times before crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.

Meanwhile, Nu Lang's claws did indeed rake across Yang Kai's chest, but the expected scene of Yang Kai being disemboweled did not occur. Instead, ten bloody marks were left on his chest, five shallow and five deep.

In that critical moment, Yang Kai's sidestep had been crucial. One of Nu Lang's hands had already been broken in their earlier exchange, and when he unleashed the Sky Eagle Claws, the force from both hands was uneven—one strong, one weak. Yang Kai's sidestep had taken advantage of this imbalance, preventing both claws from striking with full force, effectively neutralizing the attack.

This response was purely instinctual, a result of battle-hardened reflexes. Yang Kai hadn't thought it through, but the execution was flawlessly precise.

The scene suddenly fell silent. The life-or-death struggle had finally reached its conclusion. Yang Kai stood, breathing heavily, still exuding an aura of malevolence, while Nu Lang lay sprawled on the ground like a dead dog, his face a bloody mess. He glared hatefully at Yang Kai, who was slowly walking toward him.

"Even in death, I won't let you go!" Nu Lang spat, blood bubbling up in his mouth as he cursed venomously.

Yang Kai looked down at him, raised one heavy foot, and stomped down with all his might.

"Haha... The Blood War Gang will hear my message... and they'll come to kill..." Before Nu Lang could finish his sentence, Yang Kai crushed his throat, ending his life.

The five from the Storm House were utterly annihilated!

Yang Kai stood there quietly, feeling the blood coursing through his veins and the exhilaration of battle. After a moment of deep thought, a wild idea surged within his mind.