Instant Battle

"You're not worthy of that yet!" Yang Kai roared, his aura erupting outward, enveloping him in a searing heat like a blazing fireball.

As he spoke, Yang Kai clashed palms with Yuan Lang. The force of the impact sent Yang Kai staggering backward, while Yuan Lang let out a shriek and was thrown into the air.

Reeling three steps, Yang Kai was immediately surrounded by the other three. As three attacks closed in on him, Yang Kai quickly ducked, evading a strike from another Harmonization Realm expert, while exposing his back to the weakest Blood War Gang disciple.

His palms struck out with overwhelming force toward the chest of the most alert Senior Brother Cai.

This was the person who had just earlier roused Yuan Lang, preventing him from falling into Yang Kai's trap.

Among the four, he led them and was naturally the strongest. Even though his cultivation was sealed, he still possessed the strength of the second layer of Qiankun Realm. Yang Kai was determined to eliminate him first. Once he was gone, the remaining three would pose no threat.

In a breath's time, Yang Kai had engaged each of the four in different confrontations.

Seeing Yang Kai recklessly attacking him, Senior Brother Cai furrowed his brow. Though he didn't know Yang Kai's intentions, he had an ominous premonition.

There must be something devastating hidden in those palms!

He reacted decisively. Although he doubted Yang Kai could harm him, he retreated swiftly and raised his hand to test Yang Kai's strength.

Before he could even extend his palm, he saw a chilling smirk appear at the corner of Yang Kai's mouth.

Not good, it's a trap!

In the next moment, he saw Yang Kai's palms shifting left and right, evading his block, and continuing to strike toward his chest with a reckless and fearless stance.

Though his palms would hit Yang Kai, his own attack would also land. Was this an exchange of injuries?

Before he could finish his thought, Yang Kai's palms underwent another transformation. The flames on his hands turned blood-red as if covered by some liquid, increasing the heat to a new level.

No way to dodge! Senior Brother Cai's eyes flashed with grim determination as his qi surged. He would see whether it was him or Yang Kai who would perish after this blow!

I am a Harmonization Realm expert, even though my strength is mostly sealed and I feel somewhat fallen from grace, surely the quality and density of my qi surpass yours?

The impact resonated with a heavy thud.

Senior Brother Cai's palm struck Yang Kai's chest while Yang Kai's palms slammed into his own chest.

In an instant, the qi guarding their chests churned violently, as if their chests were about to melt.

This boy's qi is incredibly pure! Senior Brother Cai was shocked, thinking that if not for his higher cultivation, this palm strike might have genuinely injured him.

Before he could recover from his astonishment, he felt an intense, scalding heat emanating from Yang Kai's palms.

Accompanied by this heat, Senior Brother Cai's chest burned with excruciating pain, and he had a sense of his body being pierced through, his internal organs churning.

"Get away from me!" Senior Brother Cai roared with fury, his palm force exploding. Yang Kai was sent flying, like a broken sack.

Before he hit the ground, the weakest Blood War Gang disciple had already lunged with a sword, piercing Yang Kai's shoulder and creating a bloody hole.

But it didn't end there. Seizing the opportunity while Yang Kai was wounded, another Harmonization Realm expert delivered a kick to Yang Kai's ribcage, sending him flying.

Yang Kai had previously avoided his attack, which had embarrassed him. He struck mercilessly now.

As Yang Kai flew through the air, a bottle suddenly slipped from his chest and fell to the ground.

In mid-air, Yang Kai spat out a spray of blood and staggered to the ground, glancing mournfully at the fallen bottle, yet he dared not retrieve it. A burst of fire appeared beneath his feet, and he vanished into the forest like lightning.

Yuan Lang observed this scene and hurried to retrieve the bottle.

Yang Kai's laughter echoed from a distance: "Hahaha, Blood War Gang, Harmonization Realm, is that all you have?"

Why did he run away? The Blood War Gang members looked at each other, bewildered. Yang Kai had summoned them with a roar, exuding arrogance, and they had expected him to have some formidable trick up his sleeve. Now he was fleeing.

Isn't this a case of thunder but no rain? The others sneered as they watched him flee, finding his previous bluster laughable.

"Chase him! He's heavily injured and can't hold out for long!" Yuan Lang said, shaking his hand in frustration. Their previous clash had left him with minor injuries he hadn't anticipated, and Yang Kai's palm strength had proven difficult to counter. By the time he managed to deal with it, the battle had already concluded.

In just a few breaths, the speed was astonishing.

After speaking, Yuan Lang immediately pursued Yang Kai, with the others following hastily.

However, before they had taken more than a few steps, a heavy thud sounded from behind. Turning in surprise, they saw the strongest Senior Brother Cai sprawled face-down in the dirt, unmoving.

"Senior Brother, what happened?" Yuan Lang asked in confusion, receiving no response.

"What's going on?" The weakest member was equally puzzled.

Senior Brother Cai had only exchanged blows with Yang Kai, not expecting severe injury.

"This isn't right!" The third person furrowed his brow and quickly returned to turn over his fallen comrade, letting out a gasp.

"What happened to Senior Brother Cai?" Yuan Lang asked as he returned, his eyes widening in shock.

Senior Brother Cai's skin was reddened, and the blood beneath seemed to be boiling. His eyes were bulging, resembling those of the deceased Nuolang.

At this moment, Senior Brother Cai was lifeless, with a finger-sized hole in his chest, blood gushing out in torrents.

"So hot!" The Blood War Gang disciple who had been holding Senior Brother Cai quickly set the body down.

Upon hitting the ground, the body exploded, spewing hot blood and creating a bloody mist on the ground.

The remaining three were drenched in the blood, mixed with scorching qi.

Their faces were filled with horror. They couldn't fathom how their strongest Senior Brother Cai had died so inexplicably!

How did he die? When did Yang Kai strike?

The three stood dumbfounded, staring at the lifeless Senior Brother Cai with expressions of utter disbelief.

Four Blood War Gang experts had joined forces against Yang Kai, only to be turned on, with one killed in an instant, while Yang Kai, despite being severely wounded, had managed to escape.