Master, you are just a mediocre doctor

By accident, I absorbed half of the Nine Yin Condensation Dew. Initially, I was confused, but now I can clearly sense that it is stored in the most concealed part of my golden body.

When I ascend to the True Yuan Realm, I can use this Nine Yin Condensation Dew to refine my True Yuan, elevating its quality.

The benefit is not immediately visible, but it will manifest in the future.

Furthermore, many previously unclear aspects regarding the golden body have now become evident.

This golden body can absorb energy of any attribute, except for the yang attribute, storing it until I need it.

The more energy the golden body absorbs, the stronger my indomitable will becomes, providing me with greater aid.

However, the energy feedback from the golden body is extremely sinister, so when I invoke the indomitable spirit, my eyes become bloodthirsty, and my entire body is shrouded in an evil aura.

But, with the True Yang Qi within me as a suppressor, which is the nemesis of such sinister forces, I do not lose my sanity. The two energies counteract and complement each other, enabling me to drastically increase my combat strength without succumbing to madness and bloodlust.

At this point, I understood why the wordless black book granted me the True Yang Art: to prevent me from being consumed by the surging power and falling into madness.

Everything became clear! Just as I was about to open my eyes, I heard a faint sigh beside me.

Immediately after, I overheard the conversation between Xia Ning Chang and Meng Wuya.

"My disciple… I have tried my best!" Meng Wuya's voice was filled with guilt, tinged with reluctance and regret.

These past days, Meng Wuya had been exhausting his True Yuan to heal me, yet my injuries showed little improvement.

In Meng Wuya's view, after taking the golden pill, I should have recovered significantly, even if not fully healed. At the very least, I should have regained consciousness, right?

Yet not only had I not awakened, it seemed as if I had lost my mind entirely.

Meng Wuya had no idea about the mysteries of the Indomitable Golden Body. The golden pill and the True Yuan he infused into me had been mostly absorbed by the golden body, rendering them almost ineffective.

"Master…" Xia Ning Chang had been weeping day and night, her eyes perpetually swollen. She had held onto some hope, but now, hearing Meng Wuya's words, her face paled in shock.

"Is there truly no way?" Xia Ning Chang looked to her master with a glimmer of hope. Meng Wuya, with his extraordinary background and profound abilities, would surely find a way if anyone could save me.

"His soul seems to have been scattered," Meng Wuya said gravely. "These days, I haven't been able to sense his spirit."

Xia Ning Chang was stunned, her face growing even paler.

"But don't worry, he won't die," Meng Wuya quickly reassured. "He is merely in a state of pseudo-death. He cannot speak, hear, or feel anything. Unless…"

"Unless what?" Xia Ning Chang asked, her voice steady, yet carrying a note of urgency.

"Unless we can find Soul Recalling Liquid to reunite his scattered spirit," Meng Wuya sighed. "But Soul Recalling Liquid… it doesn't exist in a place like this."

"Where can we find it?" Xia Ning Chang's voice suddenly grew calm, though within it was a firm resolve.

Meng Wuya glanced at her and pointed upwards.

Xia Ning Chang fell silent, but her eyes reflected a determined light. No matter what, she was resolved to find the Soul Recalling Liquid and reunite her junior brother's spirit.

"What are you talking about?" As the two were immersed in their grief, a hoarse and weak voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Meng Wuya instinctively replied, "Talking about your injury…"

The moment the words left his mouth, his face changed dramatically. He slowly and stiffly turned his head, his pupils contracting as he saw Yang Kai, wide-eyed, staring at him from the bed.

"Junior brother!" Xia Ning Chang, overjoyed, rushed over, her long lashes trembling, eyes filled with irrepressible joy as she looked at Yang Kai with deep concern.

Seeing her swollen, tear-streaked eyes, Yang Kai couldn't help but feel a bit moved. It seemed he had been unconscious for quite some time, causing her significant worry during those days.

"I'm fine," Yang Kai nonchalantly said, "Just a bit weak."

"Master, come quickly and have a look," Xia Ning Chang said, wiping her eyes while pulling at Meng Wuya, practically dragging him to Yang Kai's side.

Meng Wuya almost lost his balance and fell.

"Girls sure side with outsiders," Meng Wuya thought. "If my bones weren't still sturdy, wouldn't she have torn me apart already?"

Nonetheless, Meng Wuya regained his composure, sat at the bedside, and began examining Yang Kai carefully.

After a long while, Meng Wuya's frown deepened, muttering to himself, "Impossible… it makes no sense… how could this be?"

With each word, Xia Ning Chang's face grew more anxious, fearing that her junior brother's condition had worsened.

"Master, is junior brother…" she asked, biting her lip.

"Oh, since he's already awake, he's fine," Meng Wuya finally said, though his face was still filled with confusion as he looked at Yang Kai.

"Fine?" Xia Ning Chang was puzzled. Her master had looked so grave just now, yet suddenly said Yang Kai was fine.

"But this shouldn't be possible," Meng Wuya muttered. "Yang Kai, is this a deathbed revival?"

Yang Kai smiled wryly, "Manager Meng, are you trying to curse me?"

Meng Wuya felt awkward, "But your spirit had dissipated, how could it return now?"

Yang Kai recalled his experience while unconscious, likely related to his consciousness entering the golden body.

"Master, you're an incompetent physician!" Xia Ning Chang stomped her foot in frustration.

Meng Wuya was utterly embarrassed.

Just a moment ago, he had declared that Yang Kai was in a state of pseudo-death and needed the Soul Recalling Liquid to restore his spirit, only for him to wake up moments later. It was as if he had slapped himself in the face. While it was a small matter to lose face, losing his authority in front of his disciple was much worse.

Meng Wuya felt he had completely lost his dignity.

But regardless, Yang Kai's recovery was undoubtedly good news. Although Meng Wuya worried about Yang Kai's influence on his disciple, the fact remained that Yang Kai had risked his life that night to protect her, allowing her to survive and obtain the Nine Yin Condensation Dew. This was a debt of gratitude Meng Wuya couldn't ignore.

Meng Wuya couldn't help but sigh. "It's often said that good people die young, while troublemakers live on. This rascal just survived putting my treasured disciple in danger; there's no way he's dying that easily. I was worrying for nothing."

But what to do in the future? Meng Wuya felt conflicted. He wanted to sever the bond cleanly but feared angering his disciple, leaving him hesitant.

Yang Kai's recovery finally allowed Xia Ning Chang to relax. She had been unable to rest for days, fearing Yang Kai might never wake up. Now that he was well, her worries faded.

The next two days passed with Yang Kai recovering, Xia Ning Chang attending to him, and Meng Wuya sighing from the sidelines.

On the third day, Meng Wuya issued a strict order to Xia Ning Chang, telling her to absorb the Nine Yin Condensation Dew and convert her True Qi to True Yuan to advance to the True Yuan Realm. After all, although the dew had been refined, it couldn't stay in her dantian.