Chapter 5

Once this thrilling relationship was established, Lin Li felt that a window had opened in front of him. He had been suppressing himself all along, never daring to make the slightest leap. The more he avoided, the narrower his life became. He had already pushed himself to the point where he had no Yu Yu and his life was on the verge of collapse.

Now, although he was nervous and uneasy, he was more excited about the unknown and had a broad mind. He finally faced himself and was no longer escaping in the same way. He knew what he wanted and made changes. He could not believe that he would pay money to have someone play with him. Now he actually felt that this body that once made him feel inferior was unusually attractive.

Although Lin Li had not completely let go of his heart, Bob knew that he could accept training. As long as something could make him happy and excited, he would accept it one by one. No matter how crazy something was, he would take it as he pleased, just like her at the beginning. Bob stood up calmly, as if nothing had happened, and said to Lin Li in a low voice

"It's almost time, it's time to start applying the potion. To be honest, this potion can whiten the skin and improve skin sensitivity, but it doesn't have the miraculous effect of young bones as mentioned before. We are just starting to build our relationship now, you decide, I will treat the students like a coach and give you the freedom to choose"

Lin Li was puzzled by his attitude at first, but was moved after understanding it. Although they had an agreement, Lin Li was not used to this kind of thing after all, and needed to accept it slowly. Lin Li would definitely not be used to being naked and getting along in the most intimate way all of a sudden. People's concepts cannot be changed by one or two words, nor can they be established in one or two days. It is best to treat them in a normal way. Bob is still the huge black coach, and Lin Li is still the student who exercises. However, Lin Li will accept Bob's training with his greatest tolerance in order to vent his desires. "...You wanted to do something to me from the beginning, right? Well, I can't just give up here, everything is up to you."

"Haha, who made me meet you? Speaking of which, I'm using this medicine to pay for my old capital. Come on, lie down, open your legs and apply the medicine."

Lin Li listened to these more straightforward commands than before. Although he was not used to it, he was more shy and happy. It felt so good to accept the happiness in his heart.

He lay down and slowly spread his legs. Bob covered his big hands with sticky medicine, slowly covering from the soles of his feet upwards. Without the restriction of the towel, Bob's teasing technique was more precise, making Lin Li's face flushed and uttering a slight moan. This time, Bob's big hands did not hesitate at all. After applying the part that should be applied, he went straight to the theme. His hands went directly into the most sensitive and mysterious area of ​​Lin Li's body along the slightly swollen sweatpants.

"Hmm~~!" Lin Li couldn't hold it back. He didn't want to hold it back anymore after letting himself go. He felt very happy. He was happy only when he screamed. He even raised his buttocks to make it easier for Bob to apply the potion.

Seeing that Lin Li was so sensible, Bob rubbed the huge snow-white buttocks harder. The changes in the snow-white buttocks could be seen through the pants. Bob put the five fingers of his left hand together, put his left hand in the middle groove of the testicles, and slid slowly along the buttocks. The potion fully acted as a lubricant. Bob's huge fist crossed the buttocks, rubbing the most sensitive part of Lin Li's body, sliding back and forth. Every time it passed through the butthole, it would cause Lin Li's whole body to vibrate. Lin Li felt that such a huge thing, if it could come in, seemed to fill all his emptiness, and the big hand seemed to be entering and exiting his body

Ah, I really want to accept it, gently, accept its fierce attack, what a wonderful thing it is, even if it breaks, it is worth it. This was Lin Li's sincere heart at the time.

Bob's big hand seemed to have heard Lin Li's sincerity, and it went in and out of his ass crack faster and faster, making a sizzling sound. Lin Li felt that the temperature of his ass crack was heated by the friction. He finally couldn't help it, and trembled violently again and ejaculated again. As a result, this time it was wrapped by Bob's right hand, which was well prepared, and all ejaculated in his hand. Bob's big hand divided his semen into two parts. As usual, one part was sent back to Lin Li's asshole with his middle finger, and the other part was made to be drunk by Lin Li. Lin Li was in a crazy state, and he only knew that he drank his own semen, and it was not wasted at all.

Lin Li had two consecutive orgasms in a short period of time, and he was very tired. He lay on the ground panting and unable to move. Bob was also in an excited state, panting like a cow. If Lin Li could not support his huge cannon, he would have lost control long ago.

At this time, Lin Lin came back and saw Lin Li panting. Bob was panting like a cow with red eyes, obviously in heat. He asked in surprise, "What did you do to make you so tired?"

When Bob saw Lin Lin coming back, he was at the peak of desire and couldn't control himself. He dragged Lin Lin to the dressing room. Lin Lin couldn't pull him. He was dragged by him and had no strength to resist

"What are you doing? Brother is still there. Don't panic. Let me see brother first. Why are you panicking!" There was only a bang, and the door was closed

, and a voice came from inside

"Why are you panicking? Didn't you design these pants? You squeezed in without zipping the middle zipper. Ouch, be gentle, the apple inside hasn't been taken out yet!"

Then there was a constant sound of water and humming and moaning. Anyway, Lin Li couldn't hear it anymore. He had fallen asleep.

When Lin Li woke up again, the sun had already set. Lin Li, who had never experienced the pleasure of sex, had two orgasms. In addition to the previous overload of exercise and the psychological pressure of making a major decision, his exhausted nerves had been sleeping for 8 hours. He didn't get up until lunch. When he got up, his stomach was rumbling.

After Lin Li woke up, he found himself lying on the massage bed, wearing his own clothes, not sportswear. It must be Bob who changed it. Lin Li was a little annoyed. He had just known each other for two days and had been made to orgasm twice. Isn't this the behavior of a rotten bitch? On the other hand, he was a little embarrassed. It was the first time for him to let go of himself and experience the beauty of true love. If the person who gave him the beauty was a considerate person, it would be the best.

Lin Li turned over and got out of bed. His steps were still a little trembling. He didn't know whether it was because of the exercise or the side effects of the orgasm. He couldn't stand steadily. He looked around the room. There were water stains everywhere. His nose smelled a huge apple fragrance, which was stuffed into Lin Li's nostrils from the entire training room. Before falling asleep, there was only a smell on the bicycle, but now there were water stains and smells on all the equipment.

"...My sister is really amazing. I can't even run, but she has trained all the time... Who will clean up such a dirty place?"

Lin Li suddenly felt like peeing. He hadn't peed for a day. The semen from orgasm is not urine and can't help the prostate relax. Lin Li had to steady his steps and slowly walked to the toilet. When he opened the door, he saw white liquid all over the floor, which was sticky and there was apple residue on the floor. The amount was so large that it almost covered the floor with a white layer, making it impossible to pass.

"Does Newton know what happened to the apple?... Today, I have seen so many weird things that I don't think it's a big deal... Oh, let's go home."

Lin Li turned around and left without noticing that his sister's torn sweatpants were in the apple residue.

When Lin Li returned home, it was already dark. Seeing the lights on at home, he thought his sister should have come back first.

Lin Li was relieved. He had been wondering why his sister left him behind and came back first, but seeing that she was safe and sound, he was still happier than complaining. When I opened the door, I smelled a fragrant aroma. I saw several cooked foods on the dining table. The sound of cutting vegetables came from the kitchen.

"Brother, you are back. Come here. We will have dinner soon."

The cheerful voice of the younger sister came from the kitchen.

"Why did you come back by yourself today? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"...I went to order sportswear with Bob after my exercise today. The sportswear broke today. I came back after ordering."

"...Your sportswear does not look very strong."

"Hehe, but it is breathable. Okay, let's have dinner~"

As she spoke, the younger sister took out a plate of beautifully cut apple platter from the kitchen.

Lin Li was speechless. Today was really an apple feast. He didn't eat anything except apples. He had apples for breakfast, apple juice for drinks, and apple platter in the evening.

Lin Li protested silently to his sister with his eyes, but he saw that his sister's face was tired with a satisfied look. She looked very cute with a double ponytail.

Lin Li couldn't complain. Thinking about how his sister had worked out so much harder than him today and was exhausted but still preparing dinner for him, while he fell asleep in the afterglow of the spiritual relief and climax, Lin Li felt that he was not qualified to be a brother. How could he have any reason to say anything to her? He ate the apples containing his sister's blood love silently.

His sister watched Lin Li eating silently, smiled gently, and said to him quietly, "Do you know what day it is today?"

"? Your birthday?"

"Silly, shouldn't you prepare dinner for me on my birthday?"

"What day is that? It's Labor Day?"

"Alas, when your IQ was low, you were so stupid that you had no bottom line. Today is the first day that you really changed!"

Listening to his sister's words, Lin Li suddenly realized that today was a turning point, and it could be said that it was Lin Li's new life. This should be unknown to his sister. Lin Li thought so, but he was still very moved. This sister really cared about him very much.

"You are right, this is an important day, thank you for reminding me"

The sister smiled at Lin Li knowingly, as if she was laughing at him for thinking that he didn't know the true meaning of this day. She didn't say much, just looked at Lin Li.

"...Thank you. If you hadn't introduced me to Bob's training, I would not have changed now."

"Don't be so polite. We are siblings. How can I not help you? But brother, change is not a short-term thing. You have to persist..."

"? Of course I will."

"Then let's give this memorable day a name. Woo~~ Let's call it Apple Day."

"Oh, not bad. It seems very expensive."

"Hehe, it's really expensive. Life is priceless."

The younger sister walked to Lin Li, hugged Lin Li, and breathed softly in his ear.

Lin Li also hugged his younger sister. He felt that his younger sister's body was a little cold, soft as boneless, not as lively as usual, with a kind of static beauty. His younger sister was really tired, Lin Li thought to himself.

The younger sister was silent for a while, as if she was feeling the reality of Lin Li at this time. "Wait until next year, when brother really changes, we will eat apples together, okay?"

"Yes, it's a promise."

Lin Li felt the hoarseness of his sister's voice, as if he would be very disappointed if he didn't agree to her, so he agreed to her without hesitation.

The sister pushed Lin Li away, her cheeks flushed, without the fatigue just now, only the relief as if she had done something big.

"Yes, it's a promise, let's eat, it will get cold if you don't eat it now."


Although what Lin Li agreed to was not a big deal, it was a bond with his sister, and Lin Li only felt warm.

"Oh, by the way, Bob asked me to bring you the potion. I put it in your room. Remember to apply it before going to bed every day!"

"...Did Bob tell me how to apply the potion?"

"...No, he said you know."

The younger sister smiled so sinisterly. Fortunately, Lin Li didn't notice it, otherwise he would have known that the matter was exposed. Lin Li knew that this medicine was used by Bob as a substitute for lubricant, and it was used in the most sensitive part. It was self-evident where to use it.

Lin Li glanced at his younger sister, who was eating with a smile on her face. Although he was already more like a cat's claw scratching in his heart, his younger sister was still there. She didn't know the truth yet, so she could only endure it.

Lin Li and his younger sister were very hungry. They ate dinner like a whirlwind, leaving nothing behind. Just after finishing the meal, Lin Li was about to take the initiative to take on the task of washing the dishes, and his younger sister received a call.

"Brother, sorry to bother you to wash the dishes. I'm going to answer a call."

After saying that, the younger sister took the phone and walked to the side to answer the phone. "Hello, what's up? Oh, okay, wait a minute, I'll be there in 30 minutes." After the younger sister hung up the phone, she explained to Lin Li, "Someone dropped something in the dormitory today, and asked me to go back and check if there was anything lost. I had no choice but to stay in the dormitory tonight. There are some cooked food and vegetables I bought in the refrigerator. Brother, you can cook them tomorrow night. That's it. See you the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, okay..." Lin Lin took the bag and left, leaving Lin Li who hadn't reacted yet. The voice on the phone was very low. It should be a man. Could it be the dormitory manager? It just so happened that he was still thinking about how to get rid of his sister. Now his sister won't bother him again today. Is this God's will or man's will?

Lin Li washed the dishes, cleaned up the table and floor, and there was really nothing to do. He sat on the sofa with a blushing heartbeat. After his sister left, Lin Li had no excuses. He had to do it. Although he understood that it was a treatment, he would think a lot when he was actually doing it. The more he thought about it, the hotter his body became. The medicine was a lubricant, so it was used there, but the intestines were not necessarily clean. Although he knew about enema, he didn't know how to do it.

Call Bob to ask him. Although Lin Li was embarrassed, his desire prevailed.

"Dududu, hello Bob, this is Lin Li"

"Oh, I got home safely! What's the matter?"

"...I want to ask you how to do enema..."

"Oh, you don't need to ask me about this, you can find out by checking it online?"

Ah, my sun, Lin Li just realized that he could check it online but he subconsciously relied on Bob. It seems that Bob has entered his world very deeply. The big hands have left an indelible impression on Lin Li's heart.

"Oh, I see. Thanks. I'm hanging up now."

"Wait! Since you've already called me, I can just tell you. Why bother looking for it online? Enema medicine is usually used, but if you don't have it, you'll have to go through more trouble. You have a shower head at home, right?"


"Twist off the shower head, point the remaining water pipe at your back, turn on the warm water, and feel how big it should be. Flush the water until your stomach swells. Stand up and exercise a little. When you can't bear the urge to defecate, go to the toilet. That's it."

"... I'll try it. Thank you for your medicine. By the way, are there any restrictions on the use of the medicine?"

"No, if there is a requirement, the higher the temperature, the better, and the deeper the better."

"Okay... By the way, why are you crackling over there? Is anyone exercising?" "... Ah~ I'm a home coach for someone. I can't help it. There are not enough students in the gym. The expenditure is completely greater than the income. I have to do some private work."

"What kind of private work is this late? I'm not well-educated. Don't lie to me. What equipment can make a crackling sound?"

"... A battle rope with super strength will do."

"Like the ones in the exercise room?"

"... No, it's bigger and longer than that."

"No, no, no, no one can do that, right?! Isn't that stronger than you, Bob?" "How can you talk like that! I'm a coach! In fact, you can do it when you reach the advanced level. This is a matter of method, and the coach is a life mentor who teaches methods and experience, so don't compare me!"

"Okay~, who can swing something that heavy? I really want to see it."

"I'll see it when I should. She's also my student, and she's an advanced student who has studied with me for several years. When will we have a party? You'll know each other when you meet."

"Really? I'm looking forward to what kind of person she is. She must be stronger than you, Bob. It must be very interesting. Haha, I'm hanging up."

"I told you not to compare me!"

Beep, beep, Lin Li hung up the phone, feeling much better. For Bob, who knew her secrets and taught her body, Lin Li instinctively felt a kind of dependence and closeness, just like many girls who can't forget the man they had their first time.

On the other end of the phone, Bob hadn't finished yelling when the phone beeped. Bob lowered his head and said, "Oh, is it too intimate? It's hard to get out at the party like this!"

"It's said that you will suffer for your own sins. You must have forgotten everything when you saw the good material, right?" A voice as calm and transparent as water drops on a mirror, the clear and transparent sound quality is like a breeze blowing on a wind chime. If you listen to this voice, you can imagine that the woman must be a gentle and serious person. She will definitely not lack self-cultivation under her beautiful appearance. She is definitely a lady from a noble family.

Bob turned his head and looked at the woman who was speaking.

In a huge rectangular room, there were various fitness equipment, even more than in Bob's gym, but even if they were spread out, they barely took up half of the room. You can imagine how huge the room was, and the remaining half was covered with an extra-long black plastic battle rope. The war rope was bigger and longer than Lin Li had imagined, with a diameter of 14 centimeters, and the length could not be calculated because it was spread all over the ground. If someone could swing this thing and hit the wall, it would cause the huge popping sound that Lin Li heard. In fact, there were dents everywhere on the wall... This was no longer the power of an ordinary person, and the owner of this power, Bob's mysterious senior member, the woman who was talking, was wearing the same sportswear as Lin Lin, standing in the center of the house.

It was a figure that could not be associated with a high-level fitness member. Her height was just the average height of a girl, about 165 cm. Her black waterfall-like hair was what people called long black hair. She wore glasses on her fair cheeks. Her narrow phoenix eyes were very cool. Her rosy cherry mouth was glowing with a lubricating red light. Her small nose bridge, which supported the frame, fully matched the owner's intellectual temperament. Her small melon-seed face carried delicate facial features, like a beautiful young lady from a scholarly family.

Looking down, her beautiful breasts seemed to have not yet fully developed, like small steamed buns, with a kind of childish cuteness, but her waist was very toned, with perfect lines full of explosive power. Although she did not have obvious abdominal muscles, she gave people a sense of restrained power as a whole. If others only looked at her upper body, they would feel that her expression was a bit cold, but she was definitely a very cute girl, and a cute girl who loved to exercise.

But people are more than just upper bodies. The lower body of the girl is completely different from the upper body, like a Taishan Mountain that suddenly rises from the vast plains. Although her huge buttocks are a little bit worse than Lin Li's, compared with the upper body of this lady, it is definitely not less visually shocking than Lin Li's. The thick and healthy thigh muscles are intertwined, as if they can burst out with great power at any time, and the delicate calves neutralize the violent feeling, giving people an incomparable temptation, making people want to commit crimes... But that is an assumption after not seeing the huge strange battle rope behind her.

That's right, this beautiful girl who looks normal is the owner of the giant battle rope in the room. The 14-centimeter-thick battle rope has deeply entered the girl's body. There is nothing unusual from the front, but from the back, you can see a frightening spectacle. The girl's anus is like a giant mouth, swallowing the giant battle rope. The buttocks are squeezed and deformed, as if the ground is hit by falling objects from high altitude and waves are swaying out from the huge hole. However, the girl seems to be accustomed to this posture. She stands straight with her left hand on her waist, as if everything is normal, as if the dents on the surrounding walls and the huge battle rope have nothing to do with her. There was no light in the big room, only the moonlight outside the window shone sparsely on the girl. In this environment, the girl wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, opened her cherry lips, and said to Bob, "Your new man, it's the first time, don't tell him the degree, aren't you afraid that he will be ruined? At this age, he is just beginning to explore desires, be careful not to get out of control~" As if the moon goddess was holy, the girl smiled playfully, full of charm, the appearance of a lady, a fit body, a lovely smile, any boy would be fascinated by her, even with a wealthy background, because the whole city can be seen outside the window and the nearest one is Z University. This is the small mountain behind Z University. It is said that the owner of Z University lives on the mountain.

The truth is that there is actually no such person. Only the owner's youngest daughter lives here. She has lived here alone with many servants since she was a child. Her mother died when she was born, and her strict father was often not at home. Her impression of her father is the constant education and criticism and spanking. Now she is the student council president of Z University. In order to maintain her status, she always pays attention to her words and deeds. She has been strict with herself since she was a child. She is gentle and intellectual in her words and deeds, dresses elegantly and decently, has a wide range of interests and hobbies, and has always been the top of the province in track and field events. She is really perfect.

However, the more perfect she is, the harder it is to maintain. Since she found out that she has a special sexual preference, she has been terrified and has never dared to face it. She has tried her best to hide the perverted sexual preference in her heart. She dared not vent even at home, so she had to study harder to distract her attention. Because she could not vent, her perverted desires accumulated more and more, and she was getting more and more out of control. When she was about to make a real mistake, Bob discovered this gem that was about to be covered in dust in time, and it has been until now. Bob is not an ordinary person. I don't know what power is behind him. Not only did he make her father agree to let him teach her fitness, but he also made her agree to reduce the servants in the house to a minimum.

There were no more noisy flies in the house. The girl transformed from a cocoon into a butterfly, released her own desires, and became Bob's most loyal member. Bob also tried his best to teach her. There was a year when he taught her almost every day. She became more and more confident and her disguise became more and more mature. In the eyes of outsiders, she was a perfect goddess, a beautiful and healthy lady, who was good to everyone but had no unusual close friends. Everyone respected her very much, and her admirers could line up from school to the suburbs, and they didn't know her true identity.

But outsiders only saw the goddess' perfect disguise, and the real goddess did her best to develop herself every day for Bob and her own desires, until now.

Bob looked at her, and she also looked at Bob.

"...No, if you are my highest work, he is the best material, the rough diamond. He will never be injured in such a low-level place." Bob's low voice is a bit scary and domineering. Complete, as if he is no longer a fitness instructor who cannot make ends meet, but a person of high authority.

"Hmm...! Huh, this is not necessarily true. People are so lofty and can't control themselves. Especially when it's the first time, desire can drive people crazy, and just one serious injury may lower their qualifications a lot. , there were many people with qualifications before him, but she and I are the only ones who have not been abandoned by you until now." The goddess sneered unconvinced, but it seemed that she just felt that Bob's care had been taken away, and she was eating Jealousy, full of little girl feelings, completely exposed.

"...let's wait and see"

"But you haven't told him yet, the true meaning of expansionism, or our power and talent."

"The potion has been given to him, so there is no need to tell him this. He has not completely relaxed his mind yet. It is not too late to wait until he realizes the beauty of it."

"Hmph! You're so nice to him. I really want to see what this pervert looks like. He's just a man."

The girl said very jealously, and at the same time, she adjusted her posture and squatted down. The battle rope that was only connected to the head at the back went in a few dozen centimeters.

But I don't know where the distance has gone. The girl's figure has not changed at all, her expression remains the same. She raises her big buttocks and slowly draws circles in the air with her big buttocks, faster and faster, juice splashes, and the battle rope The wind howled, and finally hit the wall, causing a crackling sound.

Lin Li was struggling here, because their shower head was a little different from what he imagined. It was the old-fashioned type fixed on the wall and could not be removed, so the idea of ​​giving an enema to the shower head went bankrupt before he started.

There was no other way. Lin Li could only try to use the faucet under the shower head to see if he could get the water in. Since he was not tall, Lin Li had to move a stool, kneel on the stool and raise his buttocks, aim at the faucet interface, and use this The shameful gesture opened the faucet's floodgates.

The water spurted out smoothly, first onto Lin Li's dick. Lin Li adjusted his position. The water jet rushed through his dick and testicles, and finally aimed at the anus, but no water could get in. Lin Li's anus seemed to be responsible. The goalkeeper, not letting a drop of water flow into the place where it should not exist, Lin Li stroked his anus, and the itching and numbness came in waves. He was already very sensitive and couldn't stand it, but the most critical enema was never completed.

What he doesn't know is that his anus is a natural artifact. The sphincter is abnormally hypertrophied, much stronger and softer than the average person's. As long as he is nervous or unwilling, it is basically impossible to enter without destroying the anus. If he If you are willing to accept it, then the sphincter will relax to the extreme, and you can put in incredible sizes. It is truly elastic.

He felt anxious. The more anxious he was, the tighter his whole body became. His anus sphincter was as hard as a stone and a toothpick couldn't be inserted into it.

If he tried hard, it was very likely that the city would open and the gate would be broken down, so he had to focus all his attention on the chrysanthemum, stroking it quietly, like an elder comforting a frightened child.

Lin Li's mood gradually calmed down, and Chrysanthemum also gradually lowered its guard as Lin Li calmed down. His sphincter slowly became soft and opened slowly. Lin Li was surprised to find that after his sphincter softened, it felt like cotton, thick and thick. The cotton is very elastic. Use both hands to stretch out a finger and slowly pull the sphincter out. Slowly, the chrysanthemum blooms into a small pink opening. This hole can fit 4 fingers, about three centimeters in diameter, easily. It can accommodate the faucet.

Stuffing the mouth of the faucet into the anus, the warm water slowly flowing out warmed Lin Li's body. Lin Li knelt down on the stool, feeling the water flow through the rectum and enter the depths of the intestines.

Gradually, Lin Li's abdomen bulged, and his usually smooth abdomen became a little tight. Lin Li turned off the water, stood up from the faucet.

The huge amount of water caused a lot of discomfort, but Lin Li didn't want the water to come out. Even if there was twice as much water, not a drop would come out. Lin Li looked in the mirror. Apart from having no breasts, the person in the mirror looked like a pregnant woman. 5 Lin Li, who was about three months pregnant, turned around again and looked at the mirror. Her plump and big buttocks were exposed in front of her eyes. Lin Li's face turned red when she saw it. She spread her buttocks and looked at her pink little breasts. Crater, indescribable excitement in my heart.

"My. The butt is really beautiful... It's not an illusion. Bob said he should exercise, but he didn't say how. Is running better? If he asked me to rub it deeply, my fingers would definitely not be enough. I need to find some. Props,,, I'm really annoyed, where can I find them?"

Lin Li was shy when talking to himself, and angry when talking to himself. He felt like a girl in love, but he was not in love with others, but himself, his new self.

"My sister said she bought vegetables. It seems to be in the kitchen." Lin Li, a new student, has a good memory. He is not as careless as before. He remembered that his sister said before leaving that there are vegetables in the kitchen. It would be great if there are cucumbers.

With a bulging belly, Lin Li walked out of the toilet naked, dripping with water, walked to the kitchen, and opened the Panasonic refrigerator at home.

"Hmm~ Let me take a look, let's take a look, there are tomatoes, cabbage, ah! There is winter melon, isn't that too much to say,,, eh~?"

Lin Li, who was talking to himself, found a black bag, which contained three eggplants of different sizes. The only thing that was the same was that they were straight, thick, and smooth.

"...This is simply an artifact, smooth and straight."

Eggplants are three centimeters, five centimeters, and six centimeters in size from small to large. Although they are greenhouse vegetables, it has to be said that there is no choice in this matter.

"That's it, Eggplant No. 123, um~ I'll decide later that you'll be the first to come, Mr. No. 1!"

​… Indeed, as the student council president said, Lin Li was a little out of control when he did this for the first time.

He picked up the black plastic bag, which contained his No. 1, 2, and 3. He went to his bedroom with a full belly to get the potion. He saw that the potion was in a thermos bottle. He opened the thermos bottle and saw that the thick potion inside was light white. It exudes the fragrance of medicinal herbs, and it seems that it is indeed specially made by Bob.

There was a small note in the bottle cap. Lin Li took it out and saw that there were only a few lines of small words, which were the precautions for using the potion written by Bob:

The potion needs to be heated before use, otherwise it will solidify!

Do not mix the potion with water, otherwise the efficacy will be reduced.

Friction and high temperature are beneficial to the absorption of the potion.

Although it is best to have someone to guide you for the first time, that is me, but believe me, you will be fine on your own~

Last but not least, potions are really expensive, so remember to cherish them!

"What a bastard. I have a brain problem because I believe in you. The only person I trust the most is my Mr. Eggplant." Lin Li thought arrogantly.

Lin Li returned to the toilet, sat on the toilet, and released his closed sphincter. The water spurted out, hitting the toilet and making a flushing sound. It lasted for about a minute before gradually slowing down and finally stopping. .

Lin Li felt like he was exhausted. He didn't expect that an enema could be so comfortable. The pleasure of defecation seemed to let everything out. His anus was already numb. Lin Li touched it gently, and saw that the anus opened a wide mouth, and the sphincter muscles Having completed his mission, he has stopped working.

He slowly inserted his fingers until five fingers were inserted before he could go no further. Half of his fist had already entered. Although Lin Li's hand was relatively small, it was only more than 4 centimeters wide.

"Wow, it seems that Mr. No. 1 has been eliminated directly, right? Mr. No. 2 will not disappoint me, right? It's decided, I will directly copy Mr. No. 2's brand~" Lin Li was groping for the open anus with his fingers and exclaimed. There was something a little strange about him, and he shamelessly said God's words to alleviate his guilt.

As he said that, Lin Li took out the eggplant No. 2, about 5 centimeters thick, and looked at it carefully.

"Ahh~, it looks like Zhang Mo's cock, the size is about the same, eh~"

When Lin Li thought about his actual friends, he immediately felt ashamed, his face turned red, and his heartbeat accelerated several beats. Looking at the thick eggplant, I stroked the smooth surface with my hands and began to rub it unconsciously.

",, it's just an eggplant as expected. It's cold and has no temperature. Let me warm you."

Turning on the hot water pipe, Lin Li rinsed the eggplant and removed the burr crown of the eggplant, leaving only the shiny black body. Lin Li opened the medicine bottle, tilted the viscous liquid, and poured it little by little on the top of the eggplant. The viscous liquid slowly slid down the surface of the eggplant, and then spread the liquid evenly on the eggplant with his hands.

Lin Li's breathing gradually became faster. He looked at the lubricated eggplant and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although it was a dead thing, it was more important to him than anything else. The emptiness underneath him for many years needed to be filled.

",,, let's change No. 2's name to Zhang Mojun. I'm sorry, Zhang Mojun, for alienating you at that time. Now let's have the most intimate contact."

When meeting someone for the first time, there is always a tendency to drive people crazy, and the excitement brought by the unknown always drives people crazy.

Just like Lin Li now, without any restraints, he couldn't wait to aim the eggplant covered with medicine at the anus. The slightly opened mouth of the anus could easily eat the top of the lubricated eggplant. Just a few At the top of the centimeter, Lin Li felt as if his heart was being pushed, and the confusion that had been in him for many years was solved.

"This is it, my body, this is what my emptiness wants." Lin Li closed his eyes slightly and slowly rotated the eggplant, feeling the pleasure of friction in his body and anus, which he couldn't extricate himself from.

Just this made him tremble. What would happen if they all went in? Lin Li was extremely looking forward to it.

Lin Li slowly exerted force, the eggplant kept rotating, and advanced deep into the rectum. The sphincter only blocked it slightly, and then let it go. Lin Li endured the strong urge to defecate, and with the numbing pleasure, he pushed the 5 cm thick and 20 cm long penis into the rectum. All the vegetables are sent into the body.

"Ah~,,! They're all in! It's so full!" The extremely fulfilling feeling filled the emptiness. Lin Li knew that there was absolutely no way to change back. He was born to do this because it felt so good.

After feeling the fullness in his body, Lin Li was even more eager, eager for greater fullness, but he knew he couldn't rush, so he had to slowly pull out the eggplant. As soon as his sphincter relaxed slightly, the bottom of the eggplant slid out of Lin Li's warm rectal world, as if it was still reluctant. Only one foot came out, and Lin Li's plump sphincter wrapped the foot. Most of the black in the pink and beautiful anus was still trapped inside. It was not that Lin Li was reluctant, but the sourness and numbness that he had no strength to manage his sphincter, and the whole person fell into a scrapped state.

Lin Li took a while and slowly relaxed, and the eggplant slowly slid out. The thick eggplant rubbed his sphincter, bringing out tender meat. Lin Li felt that he was producing something, something important was about to come out of his body. His mind was blank, and he just stupidly felt the numbness brought by the friction. With the sound of water, the first complete thrusting ended.

The eggplant brought out a much larger amount of intestinal fluid than that of an ordinary person, and it shot out like a spray of water. Lin Li felt that his anus had a small climax. His trembling feet and twitching anus all reflected how great the impact Lin Li had experienced.

Lin Li felt that the potion was not a lubricant that increased sensitivity, but oil, which burned his rectum and his whole body, making his whole body itchy, numb, sore, and his heartbeat painful. His fair skin all turned pink.

Lin Li squatted on the ground panting, gently stroking his anus with his hand. The hole had been opened, and the tender flesh on the sphincter was slightly brought out. From the back, you could even see his pink intestines, which were beautiful. His fingers touched the hot anus lace, and he felt a little painful, numb, and itchy. This was the price of playing with a 5 cm thick object for the first time. If it were an ordinary person, he would have bled long ago, but Lin Li just had a little muscle pain, which was incredible. It can only be said that the strong sphincter is not easy to be injured.

Lin Li had recovered and was looking at Zhang Mojun with lingering fear. This dead thing could actually give him such a shock. Zhang Mojun was covered with Lin Li's juice, and the potion had long been left in his rectum. Touching the warm Zhang Mojun, feeling the emptiness that surged after his withdrawal, and stroking the chrysanthemum that opened because of him, Lin Li went crazy. Lin Li thrust the eggplant into his anus fiercely. Because his sphincter had experienced this before, there was no obstacle like the first time, but Lin Li still couldn't help shouting out "Woo~! So big! So... full...! So comfortable..."

Numbness spread all over his body again. Lin Li was no longer satisfied with just feeling the size like the first time. He also wanted to feel the power. He paused for a moment and pushed the eggplant out. "Mm! It's out...! So numb!" The itching and numbness spread all over his body, and a large amount of intestinal fluid flowed out along the eggplant. When the eggplant left the emptiness of the rectum, Lin Li couldn't wait to push the eggplant in again.

"Mm~ How can it be so good~! My whole body is numb~! I want more, more!" Lin Li's hands moved faster and faster, accompanied by the sound of water pumping and pulling again and again. Lin Li felt that his body was invaded and washed by waves of heat waves, washing away the extra thoughts, washing away all the constraints, washing away himself and others, just waiting for that feeling, the biggest heat wave that was accumulating. Everything he did was to wait for the mysterious moment to come. Lin Li was now his loyal servant.

"Mmmmm~! It's almost there! Hurry up! Hurry up! I'm going to go, ... Suddenly, Lin Li's whole body trembled violently, his back arched, the whole eggplant was stuffed into his body, his head raised high, his teeth clenched, and he shouted with all his might, "Go, go ... Lin Li lay on the ground, legs bent and spread apart. He was panting, as if he wanted to use air to cool down the heat in his body. His anus also opened wide, opening and closing, as if breathing. For the first time, his mind was blank. The afterglow of the climax made him not want to move a finger, but just want to experience every wonderful second.

After today, there is no way to leave! Lin Li thought to himself that the first climax of his life was so thrilling. The feeling brought by the heat wave all over his body had been deeply engraved into Lin Li's bones, and the itching and numbness penetrated into his soul. He felt that the past was really lived in vain. Imagining the past days, the color had faded and became a blank sheet of paper. Imagining tomorrow, he couldn't imagine it, just waiting to create it!

Now Lin Li's heart was only full, and he wanted to do it again, but he found that Zhang Mojun, who had been killed in the corner of the bathroom, died miserably. Lin Li silently mourned for Zhang Mojun's sacrifice for three seconds, and then he changed his mind and immediately thought of the biggest one.

"I don't know if it will work. The size seems a bit difficult. Let's give it a try. It's bigger than Zhang Mo... Let's name it Little Bob!" Lin Li wanted to let himself go and fight again. He got up and found that he was not as tired as he thought. He was not exhausted after the climax before. Instead, he was full of energy, as if he had just rested.

Lin Li was very surprised, but he didn't think too much because business was important. He soon saw the plastic bag, picked up the plastic bag, and shouted "Little Bob, it's you!"... People in love are so naive, as stupid as people in climax, and the object is himself... It's really stupid....

Lin Li grabbed Little Bob, but he only grabbed an object that seemed to be Little Bob. He grabbed it and took a look, and he almost peed himself.

It was an object that looked like an eggplant, but it had withered to the limit. The little Bob used to be smooth, shiny, black and huge. Lin Li felt that he had to pay a price to use it, but now it was as dry as firewood. It felt like dry firewood, as if it had lost all its vitality and moisture. It was no longer black, but an unhealthy yellow. The brittle branches had cracked when Lin Li grabbed it just now.

"What is this!" Lin Li was sobered up by the shock. After a careful observation, he found that there was an eggplant head. It was confirmed that the unidentified object was the little Bob who died before he could achieve his goal. This inexplicable weirdness made him a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell anyone, so he had to throw away the dry firewood little Bob who had lost his qualifications and hide his doubts in his heart.

As the little Bob mutated, Lin Li couldn't find a suitable object. It was either too big or too small, too sharp or too rough. There was no way. Lin Li could only endure the loneliness and comfort it with his fingers. He felt the unprecedented joy in the past, as if tomorrow was full of beauty, and fell into a deep sleep.