

Pov: Elena


for Elena, Seraphina had always been an eccentric person, always doing what she wanted and how she wanted. Elena didn't understand her, even though she had been working for her for some time, especially lately. 

For some reason, Seraphina's personality had changed? or so Elena thought? Although she had always been very unpredictable, she didn't understand some of the things she did lately. 

Seraphina was acting more eccentric since she had gotten sick to her stomach. Since that day, she had been doing things that were beyond Elena's comprehension. At first, she thought it was the after-effects of her discomfort of which she was a direct victim. 

But Elena realized it was something else. Seraphina, whom she had never heard apologize, apologized to her.

The impact was so great that she inadvertently spilled some of the juice she was drinking on her face. 

At that moment, Elena thought Seraphina would punish her or, at worst, beat her, but she just took it as something unimportant and said they were even.

Something she didn't agree with, but still that compromise was something that surprised Elena and confirmed that something had definitely changed in her Mistress. 

Since then, Seraphina had been good to her and even gave her a taste of those delicious desserts that she began to enjoy as if it was something normal.

But when she came to, she remembered that she was just a servant and that wasn't something she should be doing, so she tried to be as professional as possible. 

'But those sweets... well, she's the mistress, if she says it's okay then it is,' Elena thought telling herself that it was okay as long as her lady allowed it. 

Although Elena was trying her best to act like a good servant, she realized that Seraphina didn't even mind if she looked at her with a bad expression.

She didn't know what, but she felt that all of her actions were sending her some kind of message that she didn't understand. 

They continued with the training in which Elena was forced to participate. At first, she didn't know why a maid would need to train, but after she began to see the results, she began to take an interest and willingly participate. 

Before she knew it, despite trying to maintain manners, she was speaking to Seraphina regardless of her status and did not hesitate to correct her if she made a mistake. 

The first time she did it unintentionally, she thought that was as far as that little episode of eccentricity went, but apparently, instead of putting her in her place, Seraphina accepted Elena's scolding willingly. 

Then she even gave her a potion that caused her to awaken the Dark God's blessing, something she was very grateful for if not for what she forced him to do a week later. 

She was forced to get involved in an escapade with the excuse that they were going to look for a legendary item. The whole trip she was angry, but still had to save Seraphina when she got involved in an altercation for no reason. 

She decided that she would no longer hesitate to hit her to calm her down if necessary.

But in the end, the trip was not in vain, as they were actually looking for something and not just wasting time as she thought at first. They found what Seraphina referred to as a 'legendary object'. 

But when she saw what it was, she felt like pulling out *George*, the club she had lately grown fond of and named.

However, she restrained herself as Seraphina was still her mistress and a noblewoman. But the worst was that Seraphina bathed her with her vomit.

It was the third time and she was already beginning to suspect she was doing it on purpose. 

After that, they returned home and nothing out of the ordinary happened, apart from some scolding from the mistress of the house to Serafina.

As well as the master crying while hugging her and smearing her with snot, what made her recognize that they were indeed father and daughter. That made Elena realize that they were definitely father and daughter. 

Seeing that scene honestly made her a little jealous since for as long as she could remember she had lived in an orphanage where she was an outcast.

She only got along with one of the caretakers, who was the closest thing to a mother figure during her childhood, but she died of old age, which made her very sad. 

 Coincidentally, not long after, she was picked up by Seraphina, which led her here to be her personal servant. Remembering the past as she watched the scene made her feel a bit melancholy.

Seraphina, who for some reason lately was always looking out for her, seemed to realize a little of what she was feeling. Which made her feel worse since one of the biggest mistakes a servant can make is to worry her master. 

Elena remembered the lessons of the butler and the older maidservants who pitied her for being Seraphina's direct servant.

Later, Seraphina told her that she was her family too, so she didn't need to be sad and could cry on her shoulders while making a smug look, as if it was a great privilege. 

But she made sure not to react to those words and kept her usual professional face and even gave her a look of contempt, which now came naturally to her.

Embarrassing Seraphina in the process, However, inwardly her words created many different emotions within her, whether the words she said were true or not. 


At some point seraphina managed to convince her to call her Phina at least in private. you no longer felt like refusing and seraphina was very tenacious in those matters and honestly she already felt comfortable in her presence, despite her antics that sometimes made her give him a hard look and even draw George out, she had fun training or eating desserts with her. 

She knew that was what she wanted, so she didn't give her the satisfaction and always tried to keep her face as professional as possible.

Although sometimes she really pissed her off, like the time he saw her laughing disgustedly while holding her panties that she got them from who knows where. That made Elena use George without measuring herself. 

But still, Phina recognized that it was her fault, so it didn't escalate. Honestly, Elena no longer understood where the master-maid boundaries were drawn when it came to her. 

There were times when she tried to convince her to start training in real fights with beasts and monsters. Elena only refused because, although they had become stronger, they were not ready for that. 

But Phina continued to insist tirelessly, even daring to threaten not to give her any more cakes if she didn't help her.

Not putting up with her insistence of real training any longer, Elena told her that only if they went through the first metamorphosis, which would be the first step of people walking the path of power. 


They made it faster than he thought and he had no choice but to accept it. Thus began the real battles with beasts and monsters. To be honest, Elena had to try hard not to look scared.

Oddly enough, Phina's troublemaker had no problem with that, she would say things like 'if you imagine it's a video game it's not that scary', which Elena didn't understand. 

Phina was fighting in front of those beasts head on and with that strange martial art she got from that legendary object of dubious shape. Elena, for her part, was facing the beasts with the martial arts she had started practicing after the first metamorphosis. 

A few days after the metamorphosis, Phina said she had a martial art that suited her and after passing her a memory crystal that is used to store information, Elena began to practice it and it certainly suited her, so she decided to perfect it until she could master it. 

Elena watched as Phina, unafraid of getting blood on her face, hunted the monsters, an image that contrasted with her beautiful appearance and natural grace that she naturally displayed when she wasn't doing her own thing. 

So Elena didn't want to be left behind and together they began to see the results of their training, killing any beast or monster that came within reach.

When they found a very powerful one, Phina would do some strange poses and while whispering something, only to then throw an explosive potion that allowed them to escape or directly kill that beast.