Dynamite Team

Basically, the next part of the examination is an examination where teams will have ten people each. With three flags, the flag will be given to you by three people or it can be just one or two. 

But from the beginning to the end you have to carry this amount of flag flags and you are in charge of saving any new flags acquired from defeating other teams, s, only in the last minutes you can distribute them, 

If we lose two of the three flags, the whole team will fail even if we keep one, but we can get them back and make the members disqualified for being defeated can also pass even if they are not present because they are defeated.

each flag has the letter of the team, so even if you have all ten flags, if you don't have at least two of the original flags, you will lose.

Basically we need seven extra flags for the whole team to pass even if only one of us is left in the examination. 

 As for what happens if they don't have enough flags, it is up to the team to decide who gets to keep the flags they have or rather the leader they choose.

So, with all these complicated rules, you can see many factors that will be taken into account by the supervisors and examiners. starting with the fact that the numbers didn't add up

So, with all these complicated rules, you can see many factors that supervisors and examiners will take into account. starting with the fact that the numbers didn't add up for the number of flags, giving clues to the more intelligent, about the purpose of all this..


Each was given a protective bracelet that can also tell where team members are and a device to show every half hour the location of nearby flags within a one kilometer radius, the examination will last three hours. 

No team is stronger than any other. I this world, people usually don't have anything to measure strength accurately and tend to look at the aura emitted by individuals to get an approximation of their power.

I, myself, have been scanning the people around me, as it was easy to see when they struggled with the weight of the baston.

On the other hand, there were some women and unfortunately, men who looked at me with lust, and I could clearly see their status window. I know more or less how strong the teams are in general.

 So I can say that it is balanced. Of course, when you sign up you have to leave your data and number of metamorphoses.

Since no one has a system that allows you to quantify your stats like I do, it's not entirely accurate, but it's the best there is.

the truth surprises me a little bit how quickly they put together the teams, if they didn't know who would pass the first test, but I guess they have their methods.

So the supervisors and people in charge try to keep things as fair as possible.

With that, the examination was starting in fifteen minutes where we were allowed to organize ourselves. 

All the groups split up and started planning, some seemed to make alliances as there were people who knew each other in different teams, it wasn't against the rules so the supervisor didn't say anything. 

 For our part, we just moved as far away as we could and Silvia set up a silent barrier that was magic without an element. 


"So, what's the plan?" William was the first to take the initiative and began to speak. 

"What plan? We just raze everything we find," replied another guy who looked more muscle than brains. That was the first impression he gave, and he was sure it was no different than that. 

"Things aren't that easy. We have to figure out which of us will own the flags," said another who gave a more intellectual impression. 

He was tall and thin had glasses and also had semi-pointed and slightly elongated ears which I think makes him a semi-elf. 

I feel it's a waste of a trait so from now on in my mind he'll be a semi-goblin (he doesn't want to accept that he's the same race as Alice), plus he gave off a cynical and unfriendly aura. 

"I'll just have them all myself, don't worry. With me here, everything will be a piece of cake," the muscle-brained guy said again. 

"Shut up!. If we gave you all our flags, we'd lose easily," replied the cynical guy. 

"what did you say you bastard who you call weak!!." 

"ahh... enough I don't want to talk to you anymore, I feel my intelligence shrinking with every second of conversation." 

"You asked for it, let's fix this outside, I'll show you your place!". 

 All the rest of us were silent as those two started arguing. 

"Calm down! This is no time to fight you have to be a team! .... I know! Why don't we First, we introduce ourselves and tell our specialties, and force then select the leader based on voting " 

 William, the only one who stood in the way of their fight, began to bring order to the team. The two, knowing they would come to nothing, simply shut up and agreed for now. 

"Well, I begin. As I said before, I'm William Clarion, I'm a swordsman and,I have the blessing of the God of Light and I have two metamorphoses." 

I'm not even going to complain about how he flaunts his damn blessing, but well, nobody seemed to pay attention to him, and they saw him as a weirdo.

He gave a quick and concise introduction. leaving aside the above, the had a natural gift for leading others, his aura somehow guiding others. So, the rest began to introduce themselves. 

The muscle-brain guy was named Mike and, surprisingly, he was a fire mage. The semi-goblin guy was named Ban, his name was longer and more complicated feeling like a tongue twister, so I simply summed it up and called him Ban. 

He looked at me as if he wanted to refute me, but said nothing, as if he was used to it. He used two daggers and and wielded the wind element. 

The rest introduced themselves: one was a water mage who specializes in healing, while the other three are warriors. 

One wields a bow, who is the only girl besides Silvia is named teresa and is Dilan's girlfriend who was a sword wielding warrior, it's lucky for them to end up on the same team. 

the other two have nothing to highlight so I'll call them mob 1 and 2, it was lucky for Dilan that he had a girlfriend attribute that made him escape from being mob 3 and the mage was called ..... 'ah! I forgot how to was, I think it started with fer...fed?...hummm never mind mob 3 will be, blame yourself for not having anything that stands out'.

On the other hand, everyone has only two metamorphoses and finally Silvia and I introduce ourselves. 

"M-my name is Silvia. I'm a mage, I can handle the fire and earth element and a li-little bit of water. I-I have two metamorphoses and no b-blessing," 

Silvia spoke shyly. Who would think that someone who acts so hesitant and fearful, is a potential yandere. Finally, it was my turn. 

"My name is Christian. I am a melee combatant and possess a small affinity for lightning, which I can use to some extent. I have three metamorphoses." It looks like technically I'm the strongest here. 

"Wow! You have three metamorphoses, that's amazing," 

William said in genuine amazement. Indeed, he's a good subject 

'praise me more 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)' pleased with his eyes full of sincere admiration I went and generously returned the compliment. 

"I think it is more impressive to have the blessing of the God of Light." 

 Indeed, the God of Light is a very strong god and is the main God of this realm. No one else has his blessing for now, and that is why the kingdom takes him more into account than the rest. Being close to him will be of great help. 

I decided to ignore the rest without counting Silvia who looked at me, with a face of why I was playing along with her bad joke, about being a blessed of the god of light.

 On the other hand, Although she is not the main one, the Goddess of Purity is also very well received, so she would also have many advantages.

But I didn't want people to know what my connection to her is; 'someone might connect some dots unnecessarily'

 Besides, now that I'm not under her control, I don't know what that goddess will do with me or what stance she will take towards me, maybe now that we don't have a connection besides the blessing she won't even remember me.

If she doesn't, so much the better, as I don't want to get involved with her at the moment either, I don't have the preparations finalized yet, although I know that eventually I have to meet her, whether I like it or not. 

"So, Chris, I can call you that, right?" 

'No you idiot don't get carried away, why are you so familiar with me just because I gave you a little compliment' I suppressed the words that almost came out of my thoughts and just listened to what she had to say. 

"Since you are the strongest than us at the moment plus being to the first in the previous examination can you be the leader?"

William made logical points that convinced the rest, when they heard him give his opinion, none disagreed.

' Oh... that makes things easier'. 

 It's a basic rookie mistake to say that one is stronger just because of their metamorphosis number, but this way things will be easier.

I was thinking about how to convince them to make me the leader but they offered it to me easily which I won't deny since it was necessary.

we immediately registered on our bracelets my role now all that was left was the flag holders which now as leader was in my control. 

"Well, since you elected me, I will divide the roles and lead you to victory. By the way, from now on our team will be called 'team dynamite', I accept no objections." 

""..."" (x9)

They all looked at me with strange faces, even William seemed to regret a little for having appointed me leader, but it's too late to cry now, as leader I have the last word. 

I named us 'team dynamite' not only because it sounds cool but also because it was the name I always chose when naming a team in games. 

leaving the spectacular name of our team, there was something the guys didn't know and that was that somehow the supervisors listened to us and evaluated everything we did. 

I didn't know if it was by magic or if the bracelets had something to monitor us, but I knew that the goal of this examination was not only the ability to gather the flags, so I needed to act well and as an exemplary leader all the time.