I kicked him hard in his family jewels without any mercy and with all my strength. Unfortunately for him it didn't count as a lethal blow, so he wasn't defended by the bracelet. I felt something break, but it must be my imagination.
Luckily now I didn't have my family to share the pain, so there was no problem.
At that moment, silence surrounded the battlefield. But that didn't matter to me. I shouted at the guys, who were hunched over as they looked like they were in pain, from my team, including William and the girls, who were looking at me in fear.
"What are you doing!!!! I said stand down! William, do your thing!".
I did all this to get them to back off, but my Team was looking at me blankly, but at my command they finally reacted and William began to glow, literally.
"huh? wait what's this!!?"
"gyaaa... my eyes!!"
Leaving the rest of Ivan's team even more bewildered and creating a space for retreat.
At that moment, the rest of the team, who regained lucidity, started to run back to where we had come from, avoiding looking at William, who was like a walking spotlight.
We already had a path of retreat, made up of several small islands, that with a jump even the wizards would have no problem.
'hey! stop! shining it's not necessary to keep it on.'
I complained about the walking spotlight that was now a nuisance to the team also interfering with our retreat, but somehow they managed to escape.
None of the other side gave chase, as the light was disconcerting if you looked in their direction, but nothing prevented them from attacking me, who had stayed behind to delay them a little longer.
'I wonder why', I don't understand they seem to be afraid of me and their legs were shaking.
Oh, come to think of it, I've lost the invisible connection that all men have, that's why I found his way of acting strange.
'at what point have I strayed from the path of manhood,'
I don't know why, but the more I think that I felt nothing when I kicked the man in his 'family jewels' I felt that something in me was lost, which caused me some regret and loss.
But then I remember that I can make them grow at any time and I got myself together again, from the little existential crisis.
"damn, he was my future husband"
'Huh!?, really....but he looked at me, he looked at me with..., humm.... poor girl'
After a moment Solo a warrior woman came towards me, and with regret in my heart about its terrible future,but without any mercy, I quickly approached her and punched her in the jaw.
It looked lethal, as her protection was activated.
What, did I lose my chivalry? That never existed in me, after all I am a woman. Well, I hit her hard enough to activate the protection, so he didn't suffer any damage, it was the least I could do.
I took advantage of the moment of bewilderment that still invaded the men and approached Ivan, who was also hunched over and assimilating an invisible pain he never had.
He recognized me at the last moment and put up his shield to block me, but I did not hit him, but held his shield with both hands and threw it in the direction where my team was escaping, along with Ivan, who seemed to be glued to the shield.
Obviously, I didn't hit any of my team and just threw it in that direction. The only one who took damage was Ivan from the impact of falling and rolling on the ground, causing him damage that the shield couldn't block.
I started my own retreat and cum towards Ivan who still didn't seem to understand what had happened and could only moan in pain.
I, running towards him, who was now on the ground starting to understand what happened, kicked him with all my might, sending him, flying and rolling again, still in the direction my team was retreating.
He had a bigger build than my male version, but that made him roll more easily. This went on and on for a while until he seemed to reach his limit.
My foot was starting to hurt so I was thankful that his protection had been activated, which meant he was out of the examination and couldn't put up any more resistance.
At that point, I went over and checked him, and although he was looking at me with a face of disbelief at how I had beaten him, he couldn't resist now that his bracelet was glowing red.
I checked him thoroughly; luckily he had them tied around his waist and not somewhere else I'd rather not check.
"I knew it."
The guy had a personality a bit like Mike, so I figured that since he was the strongest on his team, he might have all the flags or at least some flags.
And indeed, he did. His defense is strong, but not invincible, so with enough damage I could break it, not to mention that I did so while escaping, killing two birds with one stone.
The rest of my team was looking at me like I was a monster, as was the opposing team, but we were still in retreat.
While I was further behind because I had fallen a little behind getting the flags, the other team, even with the loss of their leader and three team members, good two but I don't think the other one can rejoin the battle, for some reason confidently followed us,
they should have the rest of the three flags we detected earlier and definitely looking for a fight with us was not the best thing to do as they should be afraid of losing the rest of the flags.
With that I realised that there was something bigger on the move.
Mike, who also noticed. just the latter, stopped and started chanting a fire spell, perhaps in the hope that we would back him up and beat the guys chasing us.
"This idiot"
I still had a bit of anger for the guy looking at me lustfully and, unfortunately for him, he was the perfect target... I mean as an exemplary leader I have to teach them to follow orders so I was going to give him a little gentle persuasion again like before, or I thought so, but....
"Shit, I knocked him out."
Apparently my persuasion was more intense than I thought, I hit him pretty hard and knocked him out, but good thing he didn't activate his device, or I would have become a leader who took out his own team member.
Obviously subtracting a lot of points from me, now that he's knocked out I had no choice but to carry him, so as not to delay our retreat.
"humm...oh! William"
However, I personally don't want to carry it on my back, so I called William and gave it to him. At that moment, Silvia, who was further ahead, also stopped.
I thought for a moment whether I should also beat her? I mean gently persuade her, but it was not in her personality to be impulsive.
And before I could reach her, she raised a barrier protecting us from attacks coming from our right flank.
It was a lot of very strong spells and Silvia seemed to be exhausted from the previous fight.
Her barriers didn't last long, but they were able to stop the attacks.
The problem was that the impact residual of some of them hit her, so she was knocked backwards leaving her incapacitated and knocked out, but luckily her bracelet didn't activate.
Unfortunately, at that time, fire arrows were also coming from the rear, so I also had to deflect them. I realized that they were two allied teams.
That's why Ivan only had three flags; it was another team that had the other three. Apparently, the other team wanted to surround us and trap us from behind in an encirclement, but because of our sudden retreat, they could only attack us from one side.
"Team dynamite!!!, keep retreating!!!. Warriors, carry the mages. Wizards, cast magic to hinder their pursuit. William, shine again. I'll catch up with them later."
At that moment, the warriors, who were better physically, grabbed the mages and sped up, while I caught up to Sylvia, who fell to the ground, and put her on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
I didn't want this to turn into a scene where the heroine in distress was rescued. At this point, I slightly regretted giving Mike to William, as I now had to do this.
Luckily, she was temporarily unconscious, so she won't see my great heroism and fall in love with me, without wanting to cut off any chance.
Another thing is that even though I carried her like a sack of potatoes, I could feel her gigantic breasts on my back, not to mention that her ass, which was also voluptuous, was close to my face, which made me distracted with unnecessary thoughts for a moment, plus I was holding these big meaty thighs....
'Damn!, stop trying to delay my withdrawal by distracting me!' As I thought silvia is a deadly weapon even to her allies causing confution deffufer passively or so I thought.
"no wait this is .... well done!!!, Silvia, keep it up, you're doing great"
At first I complained about Silvia's interference, but then I realized that Silvia was helping me more than she was getting in my way and that was because....