Significant improvements

"Whyyy?!... haa... aaahhh~... haaaa~..."

When I woke up, I looked around, disoriented, while breathing heavily.

Regulating my breathing helped my brain start processing what was happening. I realized that I had just woken up from a nightmare.

I simply woke up agitated, which is rare since I usually don't have nightmares, at least not to the point of waking up like this.

Once I had my breathing under control, I began to remember the nightmare, thinking it must have been something that made me wake up that way.

It must have been so clear that I would easily remember it, but... 'Huh? How strange? Why can't I remember anything?' I tried to recall the nightmare, but I couldn't.

I know that usually, a person rarely remembers a dream, but I was sure that I could remember this one due to its intensity or at least some random fragments.