When the skinny old man came out, I immediately called Cordelia, who was sitting staring off into nothingness, lost in thought.
I called her again and again, but she seemed to have disconnected from the world. Only when I poked her ribs with my pencil did I finally get her attention.
I saw her give a little jump of surprise, albeit with a completely flat expression, which I found odd.
Despite the startle, his face didn't change,
She usually looks natural when she is at rest, but when she speaks or participates in class, it feels odd and somehow amusing.
However, that was not the point. I can admire the qualities of the girl who will belong to my harem later.
Now there is something more important to do. Now that I have gotten her attention, I picked up the unfinished conversation from before.
"So, you want me to betray my mistress, the lady of the Silvercrest family, to be your servant, right?"