I will take her to heaven

As I prepared to massage her shoulders seriously and first remove all the stiffness and discomfort she really had, I activated the pheromone ability for the first time. 

It is not a broken skill like the others; the only thing it does is release a fragrance with an intoxicating touch that can arouse desires, like a very subtle aphrodisiac, and to some degree it can intoxicate people if exposed for too long. 

If the person is very strong, they can easily resist it, but it is so subtle that it can pass for a body odor or perfume, making it difficult for someone to easily notice. 

 Maybe because of its low rank as an ability it is not something invasive that strongly attracts people, It is more something that stimulates emotions, making it easier to show, as if they were drunk.

On the other hand, people would at most think that I have a pleasant body odor.