Attempted murder

Even though we had supposedly made peace, Eira was still on the defensive around Selene and would not let me near her. 

Well, it's not like I was glued to her all the time, so I didn't mind too much. 

 When we arrived at the training camp gym, we were starting 3 hours early, but I had already given her advance notice, so there was no problem. 

When we arrived, both William and Silvia noticed the presence of the new member and she fearlessly returned his gaze 




There was an awkward silence. No one knew how to act; only Selene seemed calm, and Lys didn't seem to fully understand what was going on. 

"Haaaaah, calm down! She's not here to fight...maybe." 

I sighed to break the tension, as Eira looked at everyone as if they were enemies. William and Silvia, who had seen her many times looking for trouble for me, didn't know what to do.