Read After Chapter 30 "'The Kataklysmos - Oblivionis Legatum!'" + chapter R18

In the vast desolation of a world where the sky was infinite darkness, a great crystal tower rose, so tall and glowing that it seemed a challenge to existence itself. The stars did not shine, and the moon was only a forgotten memory. At the top of that tower, two hooded women stared into the void. 

One held an orb of changing colors, whose gleam distorted reality itself, an incomprehensible object that could drive anyone mad who tried to decipher its nature. 

Mundus finem suum annuntiare conatur

Nemo iam id prohibere potest.


In that overwhelming silence, a melody began to resound, soft but firm, from the lips of the second woman, not only that in her own melody she began to dance, she was barefoot and her feet touched the cold crystal, but undeterred she simply sang, it was her only duty and she would fulfill it. 

Symphonia ruinae resonat,♪ 

Her song was like a faint breeze, but it brought with it a proclamation to the world. 

Pluvia cadens quasi sonus lacrimarum est.♪ 

The first woman holding the orb, her head erect, breathed deeply, letting the song fill her senses, as she felt, the faint rain, falling upon her, reminding her of the laments, of the world, and imbuing her with an unshakable strength. It was time. The rebellion was beginning. 

With a voice charged with indomitable will, the woman spoke. She did not shout; it was not necessary. Each word contained the necessary strength to convey what she wanted to represent. 

Dic mihi♪, 

"May the echo of my Voice resound in every corner of the worlds! Today I decree the end of your era. You who have ruled from on high, manipulating our destinies as mere threads on your divine loom, your tyranny has come to its twilight. Today I fight not for victory, but for the spark of possibility. " 

Qui dominantur et qui subiciuntur♪, 

As her words rose into the air, the other woman's song, now more intense, grew in volume, echoing in the hearts of those who could hear it. 

The previously empty sky shook. A first star appeared, its light cutting like a knife in the darkness. 

Then another, and another. The black blanket was rapidly filling with constellations, and with each new light, the pressure in the air became more intense, crushing. But the woman did not retreat. She could not retreat. 

Num aliquando recordabuntur odii in cordibus suis. ♪

With a second puff of air, her voice, now firmer and more resonant, rose again: 

"Listen well, arrogant gods. My name will be forgotten, my body will be dust, but the change I sow today? that will be eternal. For this is no mere challenge. This is the beginning of something they can never stop. I, a mere mortal, declare this to you." 

Et quomodo amorem invenire possint? ♪

Voices echoing throughout the world answered from the top. 


"You inferior creature! Do you know what you have just done?" 

"Stop joking around. This is because of those idiots... bringing foreigners into this world..." 

"They've all already received their punishment!!" 

"Foolish mortals, they think because they have a little power they can rebel!!" 

"I declare that they must die!" 

Pugnabunt iterum?...♪

the gods were clearly angered by such an act and strongly condemned it, But the song soared in harmony with the woman's declaration, completely ignoring the angry and arrogant voices.

Haec cantus auditur, O, omnes res viventes. ♪

The melody of rebellion, of defiance, now enveloped the whole place stopping at nothing. 

"Oh, gods who arrogantly look down upon us... I inform you that your era is over. With my life as a sacrifice, I create the possibility, .

At that instant, the stars in the sky exploded in light, like thousands of eyes watching from above. 

The voices of the gods multiplied, and a mixture of disbelief and anger emerged. 

"Wait, that's what I think it is?" 

"That shouldn't exist!" 

"Mortals cannot have such power, because they are in one place!" 

Another god, in an imposing voice, exclaimed: 

"Wait, there's something wrong here! How do mortals have that...that's not what it was supposed to be for!" 

"no, it's not just that, because there are 14 of those things, there should be only 7, what's going on, here". 

A growing despair was evident in the divine voices. 

"They saw our idiot faces!" 

"This shouldn't happen, how did we ignore this for so long... We have to stop it!" 

Veritas in corde tuo est!!. ♪

The sky began to crack. From high above, a pillar of light descended, so bright that it seemed to scorch the air around it.

A figure began to form inside the pillar: a god, with an imposing, choleric majesty. A god had descended, to stop this rebellion. 

The god knew he was partly to blame for what these mortals were doing, especially since the one proclaiming the rebellion was his former agent, whom he believed to be dead. So he decided that he would take care of this himself. 

Naviga per tempestatem maris ♪

"I, a mere mortal, declare this to you: the possibility has been created. And even if my life is extinguished, the future is no longer yours. You will no longer bend us! From this day forward, the world will cease to revolve at your will." 

The god, ready to put an end to this nonsense, sensed that the situation was beginning to become dangerous.

But the woman, at no time hesitated or hesitated; she continued speaking, as if the hand of the god that, in a fraction of seconds, was already in front of her did not exist.

the hand that was like a spear and was inches away from piercing her head, but she did not move, why? Because it was something unnecessary. 

Nam dabit tibi fortitudinem ut numquam recedas. ♪


Out of nowhere, a figure appeared. It was a man who, as if he had been there from the beginning, firmly grabbed the face of the god and, with an impressive impulse, dragged him away from the place, dragging him by force. 

In an instant, the colossal crystal tower looked small in the distance, but the voice and the song still echoed, like distant echoes that refused to fade away. Both combatants had no time to reflect. 

Sed, quanto magis progredieris, ventus fortior spirabit. ♪

he god, understanding what was happening, enraged, held with both hands the arm that had touched him and withdrew it with force, throwing the figure of the man to the ground.


Another great explosion sounded, but the place was deserted and devoid of life.

Still in anger, the god spoke. 

"How dare you, do you think you will accomplish anything with this stupidity? Mortals must understand their place." 

"je..., big words as always. But if it's stupidity, why even come down?"

Replied the man who had just emerged from the hole. He was a silver-haired, blue-eyed figure with a muscular body, clad in light armor adorned with intricate carvings. 

 Although it was armor, for some reason it seemed to have an organic appearance, as if it were part of the man's body.

His hands were covered by the same armor but the one in his hands gave it a particularly dangerous aura, like the claws of an ancient beast, which would easily tear through anything that came in its way. 

Flamma spei paulatim exstinguetur. ♪

The god, on the other hand, was a blond man with long hair, in which it seemed to see countless stars, if you looked closely.

wearing only pants and with his arms covered with shining golden armor that had engravings that also shone like stars.

He was recognized as "the god of the sea of stars", one of the deities at the pinnacle of existence, a superior god. 

'Lumen trade', clamant, et invicem auferunt. ♪

Right now he was in a temporary vessel to descend to the mortal world, barely retaining a fraction of his power.

Even so, mortals could never put up a fight. So he thought, until he noticed the discomfort in the face where he had been held. 

He did not know how to explain it, and only when he remembered ancient times did he realize what he felt: it was pain, something that should not be possible.

Although he was in a vessel, the god began to take the situation seriously. 

"I see you realized it, didn't you? Certainly, humanity would never stand a chance against you gods. There was no chance of putting up any resistance, but... isn't it ironic how you yourselves created those weapons with which we will destroy you?" 

"Stop talking nonsense. That won't be enough; it won't do any good. You think they're the first to try? This has happened before and we're still here. Those things will not be enough to destroy the order we have created." 

In fine, homines se mutuo occidunt, ♪

"We'll see about that." 

Without further ado, the man launched himself with indescribable speed, right in front of the god, launching a blow that the god received with ease with one of his hands. 

Without hesitation, the man threw a knee, but the god, with his other hand, stopped him.

Immediately, the two began a fight at a speed barely perceptible to the deities watching from the sky. On the other side, the woman continued her proclamation. 

Lacrimae diu iam siccatae sunt. ♪

"the flame of freedom shall burn in the hearts of mortals! And that flame, though small, will be enough to reduce their thrones to ashes." 

The other gods, seeing that the god of the sea of stars could not stop her, began to descend like pillars of light. Slowly, they began to incarnate into created bodies.

It was a colossal expenditure of divinity, but they had to nip this threat in the bud. 

But they were not the only ones to appear. The sky, which had returned to darkness after the descent of the gods, began to fill with lights.

Instead of stars, they were comets falling slowly, heading towards the crystal tower. It was a dazzling spectacle, as if hundreds or thousands of shooting stars were falling. 

Et, tandem intellegentes, ♪

When the gods finally descended, some noticed this, but others were determined to accomplish their goal and headed toward the women. 

They were not merely chanting and making a speech; they were casting a colossal spell that was extremely threatening, and should not be allowed to be completed under any circumstances.

With their weapons in hand, they advanced and tried to end the lives of both of them as quickly as possible. 

However, some of the Comets shone brightly in a mowing light only to disappear from the Comets .

But in the next instant, three figures appeared in the path of the anxious gods.

Oculi ad cognoscendum invicem facti sunt. ♪

One of them was a huge man of more than four meters, muscular and strong. Next to him, a woman with long pointed ears, and another man of normal height, with grayish skin, a tail that looked like a whip and horns on his head, who was the first to speak in a relaxed voice. 

"Hey, hey, calm down... What's the rush? They wouldn't let us make an Epic entry. You know it's not every day you can get in from the Chaos dimension."

he said with a tone of amusement that contrasted with the tense atmosphere. 

The giant beside him, annoyed by the demon's words, replied: 

"Stop talking nonsense. This is a serious moment; don't let them get near the girls until the rest arrive." 

"Old man, I know, are you forgetting that one of them is my sister? I won't let those fools touch a single hair on her head,"

"You two, stop talking and concentrate. You have incarnations of gods in front of you," warned the long-eared elf. 

Vox ad sensus exprimendos facta est. ♪

"Damn, how many tricks are they employing, how could they hide from us?"

one of the gods exclaimed, realizing that the kites were a trap. They needed to end this quickly. 

"yes true, if I were you I would be ashamed to call myself a god..., well less talk and more action , I never liked you arrogant idiots. Come," roared the demon. 

"Don't forget the goal here: to buy time and not let them pass," the elf insisted. 

"Yes, yes, what a heavy woman. That's why you're a sententious bachelorette," the demon joked. 

"You piece of shit, if you don't die today, I'll kill you myself later"

with a vein in his head, the elf vowed to kill the demon by any means necessary after taking care of the ones in front of her.

With that, the battle began. The gods, aware that they could waste no time, attacked. There were more than ten of them, but the three stood firm against them, determined to gain time, if only a few seconds. 

Manus ad coniungendas personas maximi momenti factae sunt. ♪

Despite their efforts, the gods failed to overcome the defense of these three.

Around them, near the crystal tower, they realized that they could use nothing but physical strength; all kinds of mana were immediately absorbed. 


Thus, the three of them, the strongest in physical fights, kept the gods at bay while the other comets began to arrive and, with them, many more figures, revealing and balancing the numbers on both sides. 

"Well, the gods have taken the bait. The rest has arrived; it's time to start the fun. I'll take this one, though it's only a vessel, I'll deal with it I have to pay an old grudge. I'll leave you this side."

said the demon and advanced, attacking one of the gods, while the giant followed him, taking the fight away from the crystal tower. 

Haec cantus auditur, O, qui in mundo sine refugio sunt. ♪

The gods, who were only observing the spectacle, were forced to move, since the figures, who arrived, were familiar faces, and most of them should be dead, but leaving that detail aside, the force they emitted was not the same as the one they knew. 

The reality was in front of their eyes, and their arrogance was the culminating factor that allowed them to let the mortals descend. 

Thus, confronting those who had once been their agents and followers.

the unsuspected world became a battlefield, where clashes and magic made the earth tremble. 

Spes in corde tuo est. ♪

On the other hand, the silver-haired man was dodging a rain of highly damange stars.

One false move could mean his end, for the force of the god of the sea of stars was overwhelming, and there was nowhere to escape.

Finally, the man adopted a defensive posture, protecting his head and his heart. When he stood still, the stars that followed him began to impact, creating an explosion that left a sepulchral silence.

The god, convinced that he had accomplished his task, was about to return to the tower, but from the smoke of the explosion, where nothing should exist, a figure emerged:

it was the man, barely a piece of flesh with no limbs and many pieces missing. 

Etiam in flammis ardentibus, ♪


But his laughter echoed through the place. The god was perplexed, not understanding, but in the next second he felt something grab him by the neck.


It was the man's bloodied figure; a new arm had sprouted from his body, and before he knew it, the rest of his missing limbs and parts began to grow. Holding up the god and laughing like a madman, he said: 

"Hahaha! What's going to kill them is their unprecedented arrogance. I was born of that arrogance, and I will exterminate you all. I know this is just a vessel, but I will seek you out, find you, and wipe you out of existence." 

Tibi dabit fortitudinem ne laedaris. ♪

The god tried to free himself from the hands that imprisoned him, but they were now tightly clamped around his neck. 

At that moment, he realized something strange: the world behind the man was beginning to distort.

Space and time, which the gods could see clearly, began to fail, as if something was breaking the most basic laws of reality. 

A strange magic circle was formed, not composed of runes or symbols, but was a new concept in itself, a law that the world was unsuccessfully trying to correct.

The god began to panic; but this was no time to be distracted-He no longer even cared about the man's hands that were still on his neck.

 The god began to form with his divine mana his own attack, a sea of stars, formed like an illusion, behind him, his divinity began to exert its true power, affecting the surroundings, and creating a mini divine territory.

He had to stop whatever the man was doing. Seeing the panic in the god's eyes, the man laughed again and said. 

"This is the potential of humans, those you despised, and this is just the beginning." 

"Stop talking nonsense! An abomination like you should not exist - die!!!" The god's voice echoed with a fury that cut through the air. 


 The man spoke only that name, and behind him, the distortion the god could not comprehend began to take shape. It was an unknown power, something that defied all laws of magic.

Without holding back, not one bit, the god made his most powerful attack; he didn't know what that thing behind the man was and he wouldn't risk anything. As he unleashed everything he had, and crashed into that distortion, which was heading towards him.


A glowing light illuminated the world, stopping the fighting around him.

Quod manu tua protegere conatus es, Num aliquid amabile fuit? ♪

Everyone, mortals and gods alike, turned toward the source of that light. When the explosion finally ceased, what remained was a colossal figure, over twenty meters tall, semi-transparent.

It was the god of the sea of stars, who had lost his divine incarnation. Now, he was nothing more than an accumulation of divinity, the result of the disintegration of his flesh and blood. 

He could not maintain this form for long; he had to act quickly. Looking around, the god noticed a beating heart, solitary and devoid of its body.

Without hesitation, the gigantic figure attacked. But, before it could reach its target, from the heart as its source, nerves, bones, flesh and blood began to form, until finally the silver-haired man was whole again.

"Deus ex machina"

the first thing that came out of his mouth were those incomprehensible words, and parrying the attack of the colossal figure, he stood before the god and, with each moment, seemed to grow stronger. 

Rubore perfusas manus tuas spectans, ♪

by this time the divine figure began to experience an unfamiliar emotion: fear. It was a feeling he had never felt before, and the situation was getting worse and worse, and that feeling kept growing.

He no longer cared what was happening; he had to retreat and take drastic measures. This was no longer a game. 

Demum tuam stultitiam agnoscis, ♪

The silver-haired man, however, was not going to let that happen. The conditions had been met, time had almost run out, and the song was at its climax.

He prepared himself and, with one of his hands outstretched open in front of him and the other at a certain distance above him, he began to slowly lower his hand, a gesture full of power. Slowly, he began to lower his hand, from above, it seemed a simple action but it was a gesture full of power.

The world began to tremble, and from the sky rose a primordial darkness, a darkness that wanted to devour everything. 

Errores tuos accipis, Et lacrimas sine fine fluentes cognoscis. ♪

The god sensed this and looked up at the sky. He had already begun his retreat, but as he looked up, his fear intensified, freezing his being.

not only him, the whole world stopped, only the song continued without interruptions and the man's hands moved slowly, as if it was difficult for him to interlock his hands, yet with willpower, he cried .

"Art of Primordial sin, final form—Beelzebub's devouring fangs!!!"

Immediately after the words echoed, the now inexplicable darkness turned into colossal jaws that, like an immense predator, encircled the god, who was now like an ant, despite his size.

The jaws began to close in imitation of the man's hands, and the god, paralyzed, could do nothing.


Finally, the man clasped his hands, and imitating the colossal darkness, closed his jaws, devouring the god. 

"Haaaa....ahhh.... haaa..."

The man breathed with difficulty, but still keeping the pressure on his hands, feeling without loosening for a moment. Finally, when he stopped feeling resistance, he pulled his hands apart and the colossal darkness disappeared.

Where the god had been, only two small gems remained, exuding a gigantic divinity. The man took them, and thought that this could prevent the worst from happening, so he was ready to run to the tower, but it was too late. 

Haec cantus auditur, O, omnes res viventes. ♪

"My blood will be the price I pay to open the gates of a new dawn." 

From the sky, an infinity of colossal magic circles began to rain down, superimposing one upon the other, formed by many smaller ones. 

Veritas in corde tuo est. ♪

The spell had been completed, but the man, in an instant, reached the top of the tower, where the two women were still standing. One was still chanting, while the other began to fall to the ground. At that precise moment, the man quickly picked her up in his arms, and held her tightly. ....

"I'm sorry." 

Tempestas maris iam sedata est. ♪

The man began to shed tears, nothing like the monster that had caused terror to the gods a few seconds ago. After all, he too was human, and even though he knew this would happen, he wanted to apologize.

The woman in his arms, her hood fallen away, radiated an ethereal aura. Her celestial azure hair flowed gently around her delicate features, now seemingly fragile and almost translucent, as if woven from starlight

Etsi amissa sunt innumerabilia .... ♪

Her golden eyes, which in spite of her situation were still full of life, met his, although she no longer had the strength to support herself. She was satisfied; the only thing she regretted was not being able to see the future she herself had created, and not being able to be with the man who wept for her. 

"Don't cry. I know what you were trying to do. but The divinity of the god of the sea of stars would not do, for he still lives. And that of Cronus should be used for the future we will create."

"Still, we could have..." 

Haec cantus auditur, O, qui in mundo sine refugio sunt. ♪

"Stop!... There's not much time left, Let's not talk about it. This is the path I chose, the one we've all chosen."

"I know, but still, I wanted..., I wanted to be together with you." 

"Me too. You saved me, you showed me how vast the world was. I wanted things to be like this forever, but we all know that's impossible.... You are the most powerful among us. You will lead the new future. "

"what's the use of being powerful, if not even, if not even, can protect you".

"Don't let my death hold you back. Swear to me that like the rest you will forget me and go on, don't interfere with this, and just forget me." 

"Don't... don't make me do this. I can't, I can't just forget you. Someone should at least know you exist. Your sacrifice, your existence, shouldn't disappear." 

"Swear it." 


"Why are you like this, wouldn't you respect my last will? Ha... it's okay, do what you want..... You always have, and it's gotten you this far..... Who am I to stop you?"

At that moment, the woman's voice, which up to that moment had been normal, began to falter, showing that she did not have much time left.

Spes in corde tuo est. ♪

"What do you mean? You are an essential part of my life. I didn't save you; you saved me when I was falling into despair. You gave me a reason; you fanned the dull flame in me. That's why I won't forget you, even if The world itself tries You'll still live in a place inside me." 

Cu mnoctem tristitiae transieris ♪

"Heh, you've become someone corny. ....But I am happy..., truly. This sacrifice is not the end;... it is the beginning..... So walk f-forward, and don't stop... I-It will be waiting for you in w-whatever is on the other side. " 

Certe fortitudinem habebis ut vivas, Quia potes. ♪

At that moment, the song finally stopped, and they both knew what it meant. This was the true end. Slowly, the woman began to turn into particles, in the form of butterflies that began to flutter around her.

The man, helpless, could only hold her and cling to the body that was slowly turning into butterflies, without taking his eyes off the woman's golden eyes. It was as if he wanted to eternally engrave her face, which despite the fact that she was disappearing, never showed a tear and her face was one of happiness. 

Little by little, the beings began to gather around, their battle against the gods finally over. They came to pay their respects to the one who sacrificed herself; the young woman who, despite being but a fraction of the age of some present, never hesitated to do what was right for the greater good.

With heavy hearts, everyone bowed their heads in reverence as she was fading away. The woman who had sung and danced moments before sobbed openly, her grief unrestrained, while beside her, the gray-skinned demon wore a solemn expression that seemed to weigh heavily on him.

"I'm sorry, everyone.... It was a joy to share this time with you all..... I regret not being able to accompany you in what lies ahead...., but I believe in each of you..... Goodbye. I hope you all achieve your dreams...."

Those were her final words before she vanished completely. A profound silence, punctuated only by the sounds of mourning, enveloped the top of the crystal tower.

Delicate butterflies began to swirl gracefully among the grieving beings, each one weaving through the air, imparting fleeting emotions of sorrow and resolve to those they touched.

As they fluttered softly, the butterflies gradually made their way toward the orb she had once held, drawn by an unseen force. One by one, they began to fuse with its radiant surface, creating a mesmerizing display of light that danced in harmony with the lingering sadness.

In that moment, the last butterfly, glowing softly, landed gently on the man's shoulder. As it perched there, he felt an overwhelming rush of emotions—a fleeting yet profound understanding of what he must do. The sadness began to crystallize into a fierce determination, igniting within him a resolute purpose.

With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, he turned to the orb at his side, gathering it in his hands. He rose to his feet, his spirit fortified by the memory of her sacrifice. The orb glowed brighter as he lifted it toward the heavens.

As he gazed up at the sky, his sight was directed beyond the colossal circles, with a clear objective: the gods. With unwavering resolve, he shouted to the heavens:

"I swear by my name ■■■■■■ that your sacrifice will not be in vain. What happened today is merely the beginning, the inception of something far greater. Today marks the commencement of the first holy war: mortals against deities; today begins 'The Kataklysmos - Oblivionis Legatum!'"


*[Well, I hope you liked this chapter. You could say it plays an important role in the plot, even if it doesn't directly affect it. On another note, try to guess the hidden song in this chapter. I look forward to your comment!]*


[from here on as I recommended, first reading chapter 30]


36,5 My sweet Alice > (R18)(Yuri)

(warning this chapter has Yuri,) 

 Smmua...aah... Mmm....mwaaah 

Sucking sounds could be heard. This time I was being more aggressive than usual and, for the first time with Alice, one of my hands was more mischievous and started caressing her breast, which, while not as big as Elena's, was a decent size. 


We were both dressed like nobles of our rank, in wide dresses and corsets which I didn't like, but at this point I was grateful for as it made the experience better.

Alice was a little surprised at my hand, but didn't resist. 

'Bingo, that's green light.' 

It's been a long time since Alice and I have had this kind of relationship she already knew my intentions towards her and I knew she liked me too, even though I was a woman.

she was just very shy and innocent, but that's not going to stop me now. 

I started to be more brazen and molded her breast in different ways while giving her little pinches.

The clothes were a little thick, so I took advantage of the fact that the dress had some buttons on the chest part and unbuttoned them to reach into her dress and feel her breast directly. 

"unnnh~...haaa~ himm~" 

 Oddly enough, bras do exist in this world, though only nobles usually wear them. That didn't get in my way and with experience and mastery I managed to unfasten it, as it was a front closure. 

 Alice's breasts were freed, and were at my mercy, but still I did not break my kiss with Alice, we were just taking short pauses to breathe.

Now, uncovered, I could directly feel her skin with my hands, I molded them to my liking and from time to time pinched her cherry tip, which was beginning to harden. 

 On the other hand, our tongues danced as if seeking superiority. Surprisingly, Alice is good at kissing, which brought more satisfaction and excitement. 

"haaa..ahh feels good...ahh ummmh~" 

In the little breaths we had she was expressing how good it was feeling. 

 She began to warm up more and her hands, which until now had remained motionless, began to wrap around my neck, increasing the intensity of the kiss even more, which I hadn't thought possible. 

Alice was showing a side I had not seen before, but I deeply appreciated. I was even the first to surrender and break away for air. 

"Haaaa...aaah, how intense, Alice...ummmh." 

 I couldn't finish saying what I was thinking, as I felt dizzy and Alice started the kiss again on her own. I couldn't let an amateur beat me, so I decided to step up my game. 

My other hand started to move, heading for her precious spot with evil intentions. Because of the dress, direct contact was difficult, but my hand still complied and began massaging her crotch over her clothes. 

"Aaaaaaaaaah!! mmmmh!❤️~" 

Alice let out a small moan, but as if possessed she closed our lips again. 

It was when I felt her trembling and hugging me tighter that I realized what had happened, Alice had had an orgasm, which finally made her pull away from me. 

"Haa, big sister, I..."

Breathlessly, she looked into my eyes with a hazy look. I had no doubt I was the same way, as I felt even more intoxicated than when I drank the other night.

I was just about to throw her over the bush and attack her for real when.... 

"My lady, it's time for lunch." 


Suddenly, Elena appeared behind me to tell me that the food was ready. el grito anterior fue obviamente Alice, if there has never come out of me such a female scream....

I don't know how long I was with Alice on that, but it seemed that for now we had to leave it to eat, so we followed Elena as Alice blushed and looked down very embarrassed now that the heat had gone down. 

I had been left wanting too, but this wasn't over yet. On the way we met Alice's maid and she asked if she was feeling bad because of her redness which she denied, the maid looked suspiciously at Alice but could only shake her head and believe her. 


We were well past lunch time and it was time for dessert, and when I mean dessert it's the sweet girl in front of me who followed me to my room.

That's a definite green light; if she doesn't understand the situation, even with what happened before, she wouldn't be innocent but dumb and my dear Alice is no fool.

thud,... click...

And with the sound of the door closing began what I was looking forward to. 

I headed straight for her and started kissing her, but this time I went for her neck. I started to slowly work my way up to the edges of her lips, but continued on my way changing direction to her ears, which were semi hidden by her hair. 

"big sister it's sensitive there, you can't Aaah~" 

"my sweet Alice I'll be gentle~ muha" 

I kissed her softly as she held the sides of my dress and closed her eyes tightly as if resisting something, but that didn't stop me. I made sure to run my tongue all around the edge and deep. 

When I was satisfied, I unbuttoned the buttons on her chest again and once more pulled her chest out into the open air. I have to say they were especially nice, her skin was like creamy soft milk. 

 It honestly gave you a feeling of inexplicable attraction, like you wanted to devour her in more ways than one. 

 To tease further, I made sure to slowly move down while leaving a trail of kisses down to her beautiful chest. Those cherry tips were perfect, they were like a candy calling me to eat it and I didn't resist at the call. 


With my tongue I touched the tip of her breast, causing Alice to shiver. With that alone, she was already very aroused and those sweet breasts were the perfect relief.

I kept tasting them and playing with my tongue until they started to get harder and harder, causing me to give her a little nibble. 

"Hyaaaa, big sister, noooo~❤️❤️❤️" 

Alice began to tremble as she sustained my head intensely, she seemed to reach great heights with just that little stimulation. 

Apparently she was especially sensitive and this alone was enough for her to reach a great orgasm.

her body kept trembling for a while, as she contracted and her hands squeezed my head tightly.

Until finally her arms lost their strength and fell to the side in surrender, I also noticed her legs trembling in small contractions, hesitating not knowing if they would give way at any moment. 

 Her face became dreamy, looking up at the ceiling as if she was having the best feeling.

This went on for a moment until I pinched her other nipple with my hand, bringing her back to reality with different stimuli. I decided to go for the sweetest and went lower. 

"Wait, big sis, that's ...." 

"Don't worry, I'll make you feel better."

At my promise of more pleasure, she hesitated a little, but allowed me to go ahead. I wore dresses and skirts myself every day, so I knew how they worked and without any trouble I took them off, leaving beautiful white legs visible, along with immaculate white panties that seemed to represent the purity of the owner. 

Unfortunately, this perfection was marred by an obvious wet spot and liquids coming out of the ends that could not be contained. 

Suddenly, a peculiar smell invaded my nostrils, making me intensify my breathing which now seemed thicker and heavier as if I were running. I couldn't take it anymore and brought my face closer giving her lower lips a kiss. 

"Hummm ~sis~ right there, yeah~❤️" 

Alice immediately reacted enjoying the feel of my lips over her panties, but that wasn't enough for me. Removing the last line of defense, I pulled down the panties. 

Surprisingly, Alice had pubic hair. It wasn't much, but she had, which turned me on even more. Now without interference I could feel Alice's heat directly. 

"ummmhh aaahh!!~!" 

My tongue, as if possessed, moved on its own seeking to taste the delicious honey that was overflowing from Alice. I couldn't even describe what it tasted like, I just felt like it was something I could become addicted to. 

Looking for more, my tongue wanted to explore her further. It went from brushing that little golden bush to the small round nub, skirting her beautiful soft pink lips and tilting the still unexplored cave. It was a thorough exploration of my tongue. 

 Alice supported the notion by holding me by my silver hair and pulling me closer to her, further intoxicating me with her soft scent that clouded my judgment.

This was only just beginning. 


37,5 My sweet Alice (2) > (R18)(Yuri)

(warning this chapter has Yuri if you don't like this skip it)

Sluuurp... Sluuurp... Sluuurp...

In the room, wet sounds could be heard. There were two women, one with silver hair, Seraphina, and the other with golden hair, Alice.

Both were doing something that no noble family would accept and expect "friends" to do. 

 Seraphina was kneeling while her mouth was on Alice's crotch, her lips coming in contact with Alice's lower lips.

Seraphina seemed to be totally focused on exploring Alice. while Alice just held her by the hair, looking up at the ceiling with hazy eyes. 

Sluuurp... chumps.... 

 She was on her tiptoes and her whole body seemed to be tense, waiting for the ecstasy that was about to come and was beginning to addict her. 

 Alice couldn't describe what she was feeling at that moment.

She never thought anything could feel so good, while her heroine and role model, was giving her this intense pleasure, which made her feel even more euphoric.

Her face could only be described as that of someone who was receiving the ultimate pleasure at that moment. 

"Hiiii!!!.. Noooo, wait, big sister ~❤️"

Her heels lifted even higher, as if she wanted to fly, as she held her big sister's hair as if her life depended on it. 

even so, Seraphina, who was attacking her thoroughly with her tongue and fingers, did not stop, intensifying the watery sound even more. 

 Sluuurp... Sluuurp..... Sluuurp...

"No more... haaa... haahhaaAAAAAAHH!!!!~❤️❤️❤️" 

She didn't know how many times she had felt this today anymore, but this feeling only made her want more.

She felt like she was on cloud nine as her whole body tensed to the max, like a current that ran through her whole body, tightening it and finally making her feel weak and soft.

 If it wasn't for Seraphina, who held her wrapped a hand tightly around her, she would have fallen backwards a long time ago.

After feeling this pleasure to the fullest, her body previously in maximum tension softened, preventing her from holding her position. 

 Seraphina, noticing that she could no longer stand, held her up and put her on the bed.

Alice at this point had her entire bottom exposed while the top of her dress was still on, but it was only held up by the corset as her shoulders and breasts were exposed. 

 This seemed to excite Seraphina who also removed her long skirt and again attacked Alice, this time showing more of her finger mastery. 

Alice, no longer wanting to be the only one on the receiving end of these wonderful sensations, wanted to reciprocate what she felt to her older sister, so she thought to imitate her and awkwardly reached for Seraphina's bottom until she was positioned underneath her and was looking directly at her crotch. 

 Seraphina was wearing a beautiful little black lace booty shorts that just needed to be a little thinner to be considered a panties.

it contrasted with her beautiful white skin it was tight and due to the wetness you could see the outline of her vagina and that for some reason triggered something in Alice. 

 Today, Alice felt many new things and was feeling an uncontrollable urge for something, but she didn't know what.

Still, guided by her instincts, she brought her face close to Seraphina's crotch and with her clumsy and inexperienced tongue she tasted Seraphina. over the tight little trousers. 

"Hyaaa!!, I mean... aaaahhh!!!"

Causing Seraphina to let out a cry of surprise and pleasure which for some reason she corrected not long after, but something about her reaction stirred something in Alice and intensified her actions further. 

 Meanwhile, Seraphina, who was in control so far, started to hesitate as she began to feel what Alice was doing. 

"Hummm~ wait, Alice... yes, a little more to the right~ yes, right there... ahhh!!❤️" 

Seraphina began to enjoy Alice's caresses. 

 Not wanting to be left behind, she again buried her head in Alice's crotch and made her release her melodious voice. 

 Alice, who also got her momentum, took off her lace panties and got into her crotch, giving her back the sensations she felt and trying to transmit her feelings. 

 The two naturally formed a 69 immersed in pleasure as they struggled to see who could make the other feel more pleasure.

You could tell that Alice was having contractions and tremors more often than Seraphina, but Alice was also managing to make Seraphina shudder. 

Smooch... Shush...Smooch...mwa 

They both devoured each other in a maelstrom of pleasure.

Seraphina, not wanting to be left behind and flaunting her experience, very gently with her fingers began to make circular motions while pressing the small bulge at the top of her vagina and brushing it with the tip of her tongue, giving Alice multiple sensations in one spot, 


 making her scream, tense and shudder, giving Seraphina the satisfaction for a brief moment until Alice recovers again and returns her. 


Although inexperienced, she was able to make Seraphina feel good. Time passed and tired of the same position, Seraphina was the first to get up and turned to find herself face to face with Alice, who had a wet face from her countless fluids.

The same could be said for Seraphina, but even that didn't stop them from getting back into a passionate kiss that felt wetter than it had from the start. 

Muah-muah... Smack... Mwah--mwah.... Smooch-smooch 

 It was an intense exchange, Seraphina's expert fingers sought their target attacking her breast with one hand and her vagina with the other.

Alice mimicked her and as the kissing continued, they both gave each other intense mutual pleasure. 

It was so intense that at times Seraphina was on top so that the other Alice was on top, sometimes sideways, their breasts pressed and deformed in this struggle to see who gives and receives more pleasure. 

 Their fingers always sought their target again and the mutual caresses never stopped. Seraphina was even more cunning and pushed her finger a little into Alice's sacred cave without going more than two centimeters and causing damage. 

 Seraphina's experience regarding the subject was profound and something the self-study discovered (no details will be given for Seraphina's honor), masterfully she explored gently without causing any damage and giving her more intense pleasure than before. 

"Chumps, wait... big sister, this is strange, I feel strange~AAaaaaah!!❤️."

Seraphina's provocation was successful, leaving Alice with feelings she couldn't explain. 

 After getting used to it, she returned to the kiss she loved so much and plunged back into ecstasy. She tried to do the same with Seraphina, but failed.

Due to her inexperience she couldn't find the right spot, so she just kept shaking him on the outside harder due to her small annoyance of not being able to make her sister feel the same as she did. 

Things were so intense that at some point they both ended up on their knees on the bed, still kissing and fondling each other, squeezing their breasts, exchanging roles in their hands and finding the spot they both liked best.

Whether intentional or not, Alice with one of her hands wrapped around Seraphina and attacked her from behind at a different angle, which made her gasp. 

"haaa! ~❤️" 

Seraphina gave it back to her, but with more malice, making one of the fingers take a different path and massaged a different place, but to confuse her the rest of the fingers were in her vagina. 

 Alice was so intoxicated with pleasure that she didn't know where the sensations were coming from.

For her, as long as it felt good, everything was fine. At that moment, they were both peaking after so many little orgasms. 

As if synchronizing, they felt a bigger one coming, both intensified their finger movements as if it was themselves they were stimulating. 

"Alice, ahhh, keep going, don't stop~❤️ haaa, keep going!!!" 

"Big sister, right there, harder, keep going, deeper~❤️." 

Both lost in ecstasy, their primal thoughts were all that came out, begging for more. Both felt they were reaching for the clouds. 

At that moment, intentionally or inadvertently, one of Seraphina's fingers hit Alice's sweet spot, causing Alice to reach her limit and break first, unintentionally increasing the force on her own fingers and breaking Seraphina's limit as well. 

"Hyyyaaa, big sis, I'm scared.... what is this, something, something is coming noooooooooooaaahh!!~❤️❤️❤️💕"

"Alice, I can't take it anymore~ haa~ aaaahhHH!!! ❤️❤️❤️💕" 

They both reached ecstasy as they broke the kiss and embraced, their breasts in the middle squeezing and stimulating each other, further enhancing the pleasure and taking them to the clouds.

Spurts of love juices ran down both legs as they both looked up with questioning faces and, still on their knees, their legs trembled.

Lost in ecstasy that lasted for a few minutes, When the ecstasy came to an end, they both could not take it anymore and fell to the bed, still hugging each other. 

But they still seemed to be able to do more, so after a brief rest, Seraphina returned to attack Alice.



Squish... slosh... schlop....  

Hours passed and neither of the two girls present could tell exactly how much time passed, the only thing in both of their heads were the sensations they were feeling. 

Both girls had long since shed their clothes, only the corset and stockings remaining, which only made the scene more erotic, not to mention that they were both obviously a mess with sweat and redness all over their normally milky white bodies. 

Their hairs were also in disarray, but the beauty of both of them overshadowed all these minor imperfections. 

Now both girls were kissing each other intensely, but their crotches were entangled, causing their lower lips to be in contact as well. 

If you looked closely, you would notice that they both had that part especially reddened from the intensity of the last few hours. 

Still, they kept squeezing each other and coming into contact, it was a unique pleasure and they couldn't stop it. 

Both Seraphina and Alice were ecstatic and sensitive, they felt the heat and wetness clearly. 

slosh... schlop... schlup

The sound of both vaginas meeting did not diminish; they were moving, meeting and even just staying together. 

Both were reaching their absolute limit and began to move their hips even more intensely, grinding harder and feeling each other's heat mutually. 

"big sister I'm about to, hummm~ahhh~❤️❤️"

"yes ...ahhhh~ me too~❤️❤️"

Finally, they both reached their limit and broke apart, from their suffocating but addictive kiss.

They both lay back on the bed, supported by their hands, but their between leg still intertwined, with a better angle, they both started to enhance the movement and stimulate each other more intensely, to the peak. Finally... 

"this...ahhhh...~ , here it is mmmnnhh!!~❤️❤️❤️💕"

"this, is the ahhhh!...the best aaaahhh!!❤️❤️❤️💕"

They both began to cum. Their bodies tensed and both lifted their pelvises, their vaginas clenched tighter, until finally a large amount of liquid began to gush out which further moistened their connection. 


The unconscious pelvic movement of both simply stimulated them even more, prolonging the intense and deep orgasm that made them both reach ecstasy. 

There was simply no stopping the stimulation; it was too much and continuous. Their vaginas were a mess, still, they would not stop with the pelvic contractions that simply fed the other's. 


This went on for a while until finally they lost the tension in their bodies and both of them fell onto the bed, letting out ragged, deep breaths. 

As if by instinct and with her last effort, Alice crawled over to her older sister, settled in beside her and hugged her, finding comfort. 

"Alice, haaa..., that was amazing." 

"I felt the same...., big sister.., it was the best day.... of my life. love you~"

Saying that, Alice gave Seraphina a kiss and then closed her eyes as she fell asleep in her arms. 


50,5 Raising the bar >(r18) 

I set up the couch, which conveniently could be transformed into a bed. Maybe Astrid would use it for her breaks, but right now, it was something I was sincerely grateful for. 

I watched as she finally removed that annoying robe that prevented me from seeing her body at its fullest expression, underneath she revealed a light cream sweater with intricate designs that fit her figure perfectly. Now all her curves were visible. 

 The sweater, sleeveless and tight, reached down to her hips, from where a pair of white leggings-like pants emerged that looked like a second skin because of how tight they were. 

The outfit was extremely tight and turned me on a lot. Astrid was a little flushed, probably because it never crossed her mind that she would have to take off her robe today when choosing what to wear. 

Regardless, she wanted her massage. She glanced briefly at my crotch, looking for some sign of lust, but seeing that nothing was happening (because there was nothing), she gained a little more confidence and lay face down on the sofa bed. 

In an upright position with her legs straight and together, a standard back massage position. Of course Before lying down, she pulled her beautiful long purple hair back into a sloppy makeshift bun, showing me her neck, milky white. 

"As I said, if you try anything untoward, you know what will happen, don't you?" 

"Miss Astrid, you have serious trust issues, but I'll make sure you won't regret your decision." 

'In fact, I will give you the greatest pleasure you have ever imagined. You definitely won't regret it, hehueuehuehue.' 

With that, I began to touch her back. Of course my intentions were really to massage her to relieve all her aches and muscle problems that were really bothering her. 

 I got rid of all the knots on her back while taking the opportunity to discreetly stimulate points that increased her arousal and sensitivity. 


Just as before, she began to moan, but tried to hide her moans by sinking her face into the couch as I intensified my technique. She was clearly feeling more than just pleasure from a simple massage, and it was getting louder and clearer with time. 

I pretended not to notice this and continued to massage without going beyond the limits, like a true professional, at least at first. 

But, slowly, I began to get bolder and caress relatively dangerous areas, such as the sides of her breasts, which due to her size and the fact that she was upside down, were overflowing to the sides. 

giving me easy access from my position, even with the pressure they were soft and pliable making me want to plunge my whole hand into them, but only the sides were within my reach and I couldn't fulfill my desires. 

clothes were still in the middle, so I simply gave her a few quick little touches to stimulate her further and add more sensations to this supposedly 'restorative massage'. 

I slowly worked my way up to her armpits, I ran my hands taking advantage of them being uncovered, and without restraint I caressed that area giving her a small taste of what would be a direct massage


The massage continued and little by little I watched with My lustful eyes were active as more and more pink dots began to appear wanting to tell me that those parts also became sensitive due to my massage and that if I touched them I could give her stronger stimulation, signaling me where I should especially concentrate. 

In fact, the massage was merging and creating erogenous zones where there weren't before or should have been to begin with, causing my massage to give her even more pleasure thus causing a vicious cycle of pleasure. 


She kept moaning at the mercy of my hands, feeling more and more intensity which I gradually increased. 


She began to express herself with a little more freedom and desire, as if asking me for more. But I knew that wouldn't be enough. 

I needed to make this experience really unforgettable and make it stick in her mind so I decided to Play a little dirty and by touching some spots on her back I made her unable to reach an orgasm, making everything build up more and more. 

The atmosphere in the room was more dense and fiery. The room was now flooded with my pheromones and the smell of sweat from both of us concentrating on giving and receiving pleasure. 

Everything seemed hazy and fuzzy; the only constant was the instructor's muffled moans, I didn't know how long since I started I simply made sure to leave everything of myself in this labor. 

My arousal was also reaching the limit of my sanity, so I wanted to be a little more daring and asked: 

"Miss Astrid, these clothes are in the way more than I thought, can I put my hands in?" 

"Ummm yes go ahead haaa~" 

She was so intoxicated by my stimulation that I don't know if she even understood my question, but the important thing is I think she agreed. 

So, without any hesitation, I lowered my hands and grabbed the edge of her shirt, lifting it up a little, exposing her ass, which was still covered by the leggings. 

 It looked juicy and soft; I wanted to massage it, I was sure my hands would sink into its softness if I did. Just imagining it made my mouth go dry. 

But I left it for later. I started massaging her back again, this time in direct contact, which increased the intensity of the massage and built up the excitement even more. 

I was sweating; I didn't know if it was from the intensity of the situation or something else, but it helped the pheromones intensify. I could now feel her soft skin with my hands. 

 Unfortunately, her chest was covered by a bra, so I couldn't feel them directly, but I still stimulated them. 


By this time, the instructor didn't seem to care about anything; she was simply enjoying the massage, which had long since ceased to be something that contained pure intentions. 

 Craving for more, I moved my hands down and finally got to feel the glory, even if it was just above the leggings. Her ass was as smooth as I imagined; my hands couldn't even cover it from how big it was. 

 It wasn't grotesquely big, it was just perfect and as big as it could be without breaking the balance of her body. It was so perfect I couldn't even describe it in words, but I couldn't get stuck, I couldn't break the flow of pleasure or it would all end. 

So I began to massage gently and moved further down to massage her inner thighs, intentionally teasing her and slyly touched her precious spot. 


now that I got a better look at it she had a large stain of a wet spot had gone through all the layers of clothing, and was still slowly growing. 

 At that moment I realized where that sweet smell that a while ago had started to come from and add to the room congested with sexual odors. 

For now I had to ignore wanting to stick my head in her precious place to drink that sacred elixir that was going to waste, and continue with my massage. 

 Wanting to give her the best of my abilities, I kept going down her also big and juicy thighs which I wished, if I ever had to die it would be suffocating between them, one of my darkest fantasies and that I could only realize once in a lifetime, 

'pitifully I died uselessly while masturbating ...what a waste'. 

 I continued down until I reached my feet. On the sole of her foot there were also many pressure points, and I began to stimulate them, while watching the spot on her crotch getting bigger increasing the wasted amount of elixir. 


Still, she couldn't cum, which seemed to mortify her greatly, but the continuous stimulation kept her under control. 

I moved back up and now I really concentrated on her big juicy ass, as I massaged and deformed it to my liking, I was like a child who had found the most fun toy to use. 

 It was simply fascinating how it molded and took shape according to my whims; it was kind of addictive, my breathing was gradually getting thicker and heavier. 

"haa , it won't be long now." 

I didn't know to whom I said those words, but they just came out of me, due to the fact that I had to somehow get this thing out that I had stuck too. 

Going a little more beech I took off her sweater, she didn't resist, not in the slightest, either she just accepted me or she is more than sane at the moment, on the other hand, seeing her beautiful back made me lose what little sanity I had left, I was starting to get out of control, 

my plans can go to hell, I need to let this out somehow. 

Her long hair, which I had previously gathered up, was starting to come loose and scatter, but that didn't matter to me. 

The lust in me was also reaching a climax. I couldn't take it anymore so I simply climbed on top of her and began to run my tongue over her back; I had to taste that milky, beautiful skin and soothe these flames that kept growing in me and consuming me. 


The instructor just kept moaning uncontrollably, she did not stop what was obviously wrong. I didn't know if she was aware or not of what was happening, but if I didn't stop, it was a sort of acceptance for me. 

 I reached out my hands, reaching around her and through the front softness with the goal of removing her bra, which had the clasp in the front. It was difficult, as the large masses made it difficult for me, but I succeeded. 

 Now that those beautiful breasts were free, I was able to massage them directly, thus increasing the stimulation even more. 

"Haaa, I can't take it anymore," I simply reached my limit at that moment and began to fully activate morphogenesis. 

"shenlong...I summon you." 


51 Passion with the MILF >(R18)

At that moment, I consciously began to use morphogenesis in full, and my beloved shenlong, which emerged with the energies and high expectations, appeared so strongly that it almost burst my pants. 

I unbuttoned my pants, releasing him and placing him between her buttocks, which were so large that they concealed and embraced him, giving him a warm and comfortable reception that stimulated me to the point of almost becoming a premature ejaculator. 

 I hadn't even really started and almost let out a big load, that's how dangerous this sinful body was. 

At this point we were in a more than dangerous position, She was lying face down, just like at the beginning of the massage, with her face partially hidden in the sofa bed.

I was kneeling over her, my knees on either side of her body, while my weight rested lightly on her or rather her big buttocks where it comfortably rested, my shenlog which found comfort not long after appearing 

my shenlong resting between her voluptuous buttocks was the happiest in the place, the second one was me who started to subtly move my hips in search of more happiness, I moved them gently in search of stimulation instinctively. 

The stimulation was great and I felt that I was in the most comfortable place possible. 

Feeling better, and better Without control, I began to move back and forth more intensely, using her two large buttocks to jerk me off, but it still wasn't enough. 

"I need more." 


With her little moans, which were like her permission, I wanted to go further. I wanted to feel this wonderful sensation directly, so I pulled down her white leggings, exposing those beautiful white buttocks that were like two little benched, soft hills. 

 If that was not enough, the only thing covering or rather dividing them was a nice black thong that simply turned me on even more, I did not expect this kind of extremely hot service , it simply made the flames in me ignite more intensely. 

At that moment, my dick, which at some point was covered in a lot of pre-seminal fluid, simply lodged along that large valley as I enjoyed the embrace provided by those two soft hills, now that they had direct contact. 

Letting my shenlog have its fun, I concentrated on my hands, which continued to stimulate her and increase that great orgasm that was only growing. 


She already seemed to be powerless, and her limp body, in my complete control, I could only feel it more and more. 

I leaned over and ran my hands down to her voluptuous breasts that were being crushed by her weight. Still, it was great to feel them as I moved them. 

I couldn't see them because of our potion, but I could feel something unexpected and very welcome. 

'How many of my fetishes does this woman plan to have?' 

 I couldn't help but think because, although I couldn't see it, I could feel that she had inverted nipples, something that for the first time in life I have the pleasure of encountering. 

Like a curious child, I felt and massaged them to see how to get them out, but it was difficult given our position, so I settled for simply teasing them. 

Leaning over, I was in a perfect position for my mouth to lick her beautiful neck which was just what I was doing at the moment but that still wasn't enough I wanted to make her feel as good as possible no matter what implements doing so brought me pleasure. 

So with a more wicked idea, I used one of my hands to reach down and grab the front of her vagina which due to the position was a little hard to reach but not impossible. 

My hand went into her thong; the weight of her body and the little space between her and the couch made it difficult to move, but it also increased the intensity of the movements of my fingers, which were desperately moving and stimulating her without any plan, just touching her all roughly. 


But that was enough, At this point, I was basically on top of her, lying down, using her as a bed. Our bodies were so close that they were heating each other up. 

The only thing moving was my waist with my dick still between her two buttocks and my two hands massaging her breast and vagina, crushed by the weight of both of us. 


Now that I was on top of her, I could feel her clearly. She gave hints of starting to move, but it wasn't because she came to her senses, but because apparently the orgasm had built up so much that it was starting to bother her and she wanted to do whatever it took to release it. 

It just all felt smooth and great, I was truly enjoying doing this 'massage'. 

But after a while I straightened up again, stopping stimulating her vagina and breast, but my dick was still between her voluptuous buttocks, which were now slimy from the large amount of pre-seminal fluid I released. 

It looked as if I had already cum many times.That large amount of liquid facilitated the movement and stimulation, I could also see how the thread of the thong was defiled by me, as it was also hidden between her big buttocks.

Guided by curiosity I spread her buttocks even wider with my two hands, showing me a view where you could clearly see the thong string barely covering her back door.

The pink edges were visible; simply put, the sight turned me on more, making me come close to the limit, and I closed the hills to smother my cock with them again..

The feeling was just great. I grabbed both buttocks and put more pressure on my penis, which I felt was what was missing. her slimy buttocks of my pre-seminal fluid could handle the speed with which I was now moving my hips in search of release. 


"haaaa...I can't take it anymore~...❤️"

Certainly, that was the climax, it was the breakthrough. At the moment, I felt a large mass of semen start to come out and I couldn't be the only one, so I hit a few specific points on her back, giving her the much desired relief and ability to release. 

At that moment, she began to writhe and shake, seeming to gasp for air and grab something invisible, failing miserably as she felt the strongest orgasm of her life.

"What... what is this? I had never... aaaahh~AAAAAAHH!!!~~ ❤️❤️❤️"


She was moving and squirming too much; I had to lean on her to keep her from pulling away like she was riding a wild horse.


On the other hand, out of me came an immense and thick amount of semen that I shot towards her beautiful and immaculate back and hair, I stained and contaminated them with my seed, which simply kept coming out.


"yeaaaa that's it, more, more, more, more aaaaaaaAAh~❤️❤️❤️💕"

Simply from me kept coming out thick seed and from it squirted different liquids non-stop, she seems to be experiencing several big continuous orgasms.

 He just wouldn't stop and continued to run hard.... 

"nnnnmmmgg no more~~❤️❤️❤️❤️💕"

With a last cry of pleasure she stopped the writhing of her body as if exhausted from having great orgasms. 

 For my part, Finally losing strength, my ejaculate fell on her ass as well, marking it. i was sure it would drip out and stain her vagina, marking it as mine from now on. 

And guided by instinct and desire, I took my cock that was covered in my semen and was starting to soften and stuck it between her buttocks, reaching in and tucking it between the thong that was wet from the different liquids in it and her equally wet vagina.

moving it around and making sure to paint her entrance with my seed. marking it definitively and leaving a definite mess inside her thong. Finally, satisfied, I pulled it out. 

"Haaaaaaa aaaaha haaaa, that was intense."

I was simply out of air; I released so much that I felt weak. I looked at the result of my lust, which was a mess that would only be seen in the endings of orgy hentais, and the result was getting me back on my feet.

I was ready to go all the way with Astrid, but she wasn't moving at all.

'oh no'

This scene looked familiar, so I flipped her over and saw how her eyes were rolled back as she had her tongue out, with lots of drool around it.

No matter how much I shook her, she wouldn't move, and.No matter how much I shook her, she wouldn't move, and I realized she fainted. 

"Damn, I overdid it again." 

I again made the mistake of letting myself go, but in a different direction; apparently, the cumulative orgasm was so strong that it made her faint from the intensity. Luckily, she seemed to be alive ... hummm just in case ..... if indeed she was alive.

'Pheww... I almost showed you the real heaven , I need to be more careful next time'. 

Her body and face were still extremely sexy, and I was seriously debating whether to try it even in her unconscious state or just leave it for later.

 But with what little morale I had, I decided it was best to leave it at that for now. Now that I was regaining lucidity, I realized that I had gone further than I thought. 

My original plan was to stimulate her enough to get her addicted to my massages so that she would ask for me more often being little by little until she saw me as a man, for whom she can become aroused.

 While I was hoping to make progress with her fast, I simply thought it would be a week until I could have sex with her. simply put, her body is too sexy and seductive that I ended up sticking my cock in her big ass and starting this tragedy worthy of a hentai ending. 

En pocas palabras, su cuerpo es demasiado sexy y seductor que terminé metiendo mi polla en su gran culo y comenzando esta tragedia digna de un final hentai. 

"Ha, what do I do now?"

I was in trouble, I was too hasty, but I realized it was too late to do anything.

 "It only remains to see her reaction tomorrow; depending on how she acts, I'll have to try other things."

 Well, the best case scenario is that she don't remember, so I can try again, following the original plan this time.

Waiting for that, I started cleaning it from top to bottom with purification spells and water and wind cleansing spells.They were basic spells, easy to conjure, so it was easy for me to perform them.

 I cleaned her thoroughly, even her thong, which was stained by my seed and other liquids; I made sure to leave her as good as new even purified the sofa bed which apparently received a large mixture of different liquids.

I didn't worry about the possibility of getting her pregnant, since among the abilities given to me by the legacy of lust was fertility control (E). 

Well, according to the information implanted in me three years ago, the ability was mostly for the opposite, and served to impregnate even species that should not be able to get pregnant.

 Apparently, an important part of the legacy is to leave offspring, but I'm using it as a contraceptive, something very convenient that allows me to do crazy things without any consequences. 

Elena knows this, so she never minded my huge creampie in her uterus, which is the best part of sex for me.

'Oh, I got lost in thought.' By the time I reacted, I had gotten her totally clean, so I dressed her and accommodated the rest to her state before the massage .

 I left her as if she had simply fallen asleep from the massage. After that, I went straight to the bedrooms. 

 Now, with two identities, I had two bedrooms, but I didn't even have to think about which one to choose. In one there were all men, and in the other, pretty girls.

I went straight to the female dorm, where Elena was waiting for me outside and let me in. I undid my clone and morphogenesis, and immediately went to Alice in my female form.

There was still a lot to get out of me, and I didn't care about the methods.

"hyaaaaaaa,!!! big sister~~❤️❤️❤️💕"

I showed her the sky and made up to her for not being able to see her at the academy, next I went to Elena to end the great excitement I had. 

At that moment, at the end, Elena asked me when I would expand my harem, since she could no longer alone.

Honestly, I was happy that she supported the harem plan and, out of excitement, I did it three more times,


Making her pass out on the last round, creating my third victim of the day, counting Alice, who I did an excellent tongue job on earlier.

Also, technically I was not holding myself alone, since Astrid and Alice also took some of my lust, but apparently not enough.

'I'm sorry Elena', If you want to blame someone, it should be this damn legacy that makes me have so much unbridled lust that is consuming me (the legacy doesn't have that effect).

With that last thought, I slept contentedly. 


61,5 Blessed is the one who invented it >(r18)

As soon as I heard a click, I immediately turned around. There I could see the instructor Astrid looking at me with a face that I had never, including my memories, seen her make. 

It was an expression that was a combination of joy, lust and a little carelessness, as if she was going to feast after not having eaten for a long time. 

 The problem was that I seemed to be the target of her appetite. I didn't know what happened a moment ago, I swore I didn't seem to remember anything, but obviously that's not the case; I would never make that kind of expression to a student. 

Immediately afterwards, I had a little enlightenment as to what was going on and I checked it out: I activated my lust eyes and immediately I could see, I could see her status window. 

I couldn't believe it; the fact that I could see her status window means that she feels lust towards me. 

Moreover, that's not all, I saw an ability I didn't know she had and realized that she is very prone to remember everything, even when she was intoxicated with pleasure. 

 The fact that she didn't say anything and we are in a situation where she was looking at me like that while closing the door only means one thing, and I couldn't be happier

'whatever it is I'm happy it's happening'. 

 I didn't know what the logical process was that led me to this sudden and wonderful situation, but that didn't matter. 

I can clearly see the lust welling up strongly from her and I was not going to resist at all.

Activating Morphogenesis without any hesitation, I knew that what was to come would be absolutely wonderful, 

as if to prove it, at that moment she approached me while removing her robe where underneath there was..

'what the fuck! this exists here? .... wait now that I think about. it I've seen some female instructors wear it'.

What she had on at the moment was a teacher's outfit, white long sleeved shirt with a high tight skirt just missing some pantyhose and it would be perfect, but not that I was complaining, I was very surprised, but then I realized that some other instructors also wore, this kind of clothes. 

 It was just that in the instructor Astrid especially caught my attention, it was another level compared to those old ladies who normally wear it, it was only now that I noticed how weird this type of clothing was, straight out of my fetishes about female instructors. 

 'Blessed is the one who invented it or brought it into this world'. 

I sincerely thanked the creator of this type of clothing in this world, without taking my eyes off the instructor for a second. 

 At that moment, with a bit of seductive mood that now seemed to be on purpose, beyond the innate one she normally had, she approached me very close. 

She was almost as tall as I was, with only a few inches difference. At that point, she moved close enough to me so that we were in contact. 

Her large breasts were the first to reach me; it was a great feeling. I just stood there solidified, I didn't move from the moment she took off her robe, it was just too captivating and seductive. 

I felt a horrible pressure in my pants, but more importantly my heart was beating fast. The moment he was close to me, as his mouth came close to my ear, I could clearly hear the sound of my heart beating. 

I had always been active in approaching and seducing, but this was the first time I was actively seduced. I didn't know how to act; apparently, I am weaker in defense than I thought. 

As soon as he got close to my ear, I could hear his breathing and I waited anxiously for what he would do, whatever it was, I knew it would be amazing. And as I was thinking, at that moment he leaned close to me and whispered..

"Who would have thought you'd be a bad boy~?" 

"haww (>﹏<)" 

His voice was soft and melodic, I felt like my legs were about to go soft, but I barely resisted, but she wasn't finished and kept torturing me with his beautiful voice. 

"You did a lot of bad things to this big sister yesterday, didn't you? You deserve punishment, you bad boy... fuuu." 


'Yes, punish me, big sister!' 

The moment she finished and blew in my ear, I felt a big shiver in my body. I didn't know how this ended like this, but I'm just going to enjoy it, I'll think later. 

"Fufufu, I see you are very sensitive on your ears, aren't you? How cute." 


As if she had pressed a switch, instructor Astrid started biting my ear, which made me let out an unmanly moan, but at that moment this didn't matter to me, I just concentrated on making sure my legs didn't fail me. 

"Fufufufu, I see you're very sensitive in the ears, aren't you? How cute." 


As if she pressed a switch, Instructor Astrid started biting my ear, which made me let out an unmanly moan, but at that moment this didn't matter to me, I just concentrated on making sure my legs didn't fail me. 

"I see this bad boy who also teased me yesterday wants to be punished, right?" 

"Yes, big sister, that guy was at fault, he needs you to punish him hard." 

She started rubbing my crotch over my pants I wanted to burst, I didn't know what she was saying anymore, I just went with the flow. 

"Don't worry, this big sister will make sure she gets her just punishment and you too, you won't resist, will you?". 

"Of course not, big sister, I deserve the punishment." 

"Fufufu, that's how it should be, I like an obedient boy." 

At that moment, still talking close to my ear, I could feel her start to open my pants releasing my shenlong, which as always when it was summoned, was ready to fight. 

"Ara, ara~, what do we have here? It's a big bad boy." 

'He said it, he said "Ara, ara", with this I filled one of my fantasies from my fantasy book. With this alone I felt I could die happy.' 

"It's time for this big sister to dole out her punishment to this rebel who dares to hold his head up when he did something wrong." 


At that moment, she gently pushed me which made me fall onto the couch. 

 The couch, which now that I noticed was in its couch form again, made me stay seated. 

 I looked at the instructor, and she had pulled out a 'riding crop', I think they were called that, it was a whipping tool. 

I didn't know why she had something like that, but the part of me that told me to resist was so small in comparison to the other part, that expected what would happen, that it just wouldn't let me move. 

 Not when I'm having such a good experience and one of my fantasies. 

'Come to me, I can handle anything,' with strengthened will and resolve, I waited...I mean prepared myself for the punishment I deserved for misbehaving yesterday. 

'If it's something I deserve, there's no point in resisting' I was determined and my shenlong supported my resolve. 

With her smile heightening my anticipation and her figure igniting my art to the max, I waited for what was to come, and while I was waiting for it...,ehem I mean, when I was fully prepared....


she whipped me with the riding crop on my thigh, very close to my crotch, which made me shudder again. 

I didn't know if it was from excitement or fear, but something in me was beginning to materialize, something that had always been latent was finally beginning to be born. 

At that moment, she put one leg over the sofa, lifting her skirt a little and exposing her panties.

This time they were normal, but lacy, they were purple, matching her hair. That only turned me on even more. 

I felt my Shenlong felt like it wanted to explode from the amount of blood I was pumping into it. At that moment, with the riding crop in her hand, she placed it on my jaw and averted my gaze from her panties to look directly at her. 

"You know what you did wrong, don't you?" 

"Yes, I was a bad boy." 

"And what else?" 


"You don't know what you did wrong, do you? Looks like this big sister is going to have to tell you plainly." 

She said as if she was explaining a lesson to me, in a teacher's tone 

"Yesterday, you, along with this boy here..." 



She started talking as she gave my second head a little smack, making her even angrier than she was, I felt like I was going to explode. 

"Oh, I see you are very anxious to get a punishment...well fufufu.... What was I...? Ah, yes, yesterday, you, along with this little guy, broke a lot of rules and regulations and did whatever you wanted with my body." 


"But don't worry, this big sister is someone very benevolent, so she won't tell anyone. Instead, you have to make it up to this sister and make me feel good like yesterday, understand?" 

"Yes, big sister." 

"Fufufufu, that's the way I like it. But this time, to make it fair, this big sister will be the one to lead you, do you have any complaints?" 

"No, big sister." 

'Complaint... Complaint? What is that, she's an instrument or something, why would I even object to what was about to come? That would be going against my honorable principles of giving what I received, my principles of equality and retribution.' 

"That's the way I like it, good boy, have your reward." Saying that, she lifted her skirt a little as she showed her purple panties more clearly. 

 With the hand that held the riding crop, she guided my head towards paradise. I did nothing to refuse at all, and even went on my own to get there faster. 

"I see you're eager to make it up to me, he how cute~" 

The moment I approached, I deeply inhaled the scent that was even more effective than my pheromones, which was a skill. 

It was simply a scent of roses combined with a slightly citrusy smell? I think. I didn't know how to describe it, but it was simply unique. 

At that moment, I wrapped both hands around her waist and moved closer. My thirsty tongue ran over her panties. 

I was willing to make it up to her as best I could and show her my sincerity with actions, rather than words. 

'I'll use this mouth and tongue to convey my sincerity to's not because I like these kinds of scenarios and things or anything'. ( he's having a wonderful time). 
