No experience

In the end, the five of us left the detention area, while Eira looked at me suspiciously. 

' 'Now what, you want to fight?' 

"Why did you help me?" 

This girl is like a prickly cactus, who, instead of saying thank you, questions you.

'Well, I wasn't expecting anything'.

I think I more or less understand why she's like that. Selene had told me a bit of her story, all right, but she's not at all good at explaining things. 

From what I could barely understand, is that they were both born in the slums, and their mother works in what, with deduction and a lot of questions to Selene, I concluded was a brothel... and I still doubt, but that's what I understood. 

Only when they were about thirteen or fourteen, their supposed father came to pick them up, he was a Marquez, and a high ranking nobleman.