Divine Agent



At that moment, I got a hard punch in the stomach from the guy I said I would take care of a few moments ago.

I went straight towards the guy who looked like the leader; he had seven metamophosis and I thought he underestimated us as he was unarmed, with only his pants on, so I wanted to finish quickly. However, the guy countered me with a strong punch.

Like me, he is an unarmed combatant, I thought he would be a perverted mage, since he doesn't even have gloves like me, but I was wrong, even so it was only a test attack, although if he seemed to get careless, I would attack in earnest at the last moment and finish it quickly.

'I was a bit hasty, ', I quickly took distance . I cast recovery spells on my stomach, but oddly enough they didn't work. That meant it wasn't a simple hit .