This Is The Best!!>(R18)(amazon)

"Glup!." Even his throat went dry as he looked lust-thirsty at Leyla.

"Well, I'm glad you like what you see, sweetheart, how about this?"

Saying that, Leyla removed the top of her outfit, leaving her breasts nearly exposed, if it weren't for what she was wearing underneath....

"Ohh! Lily, you do know."

Underneath, she wore what looked like fringed nipple shields. Chris had only heard of them, never seen them in action.

Upon seeing them, she lamented her lack of imagination and the missed possibilities of not having looked for or created something similar sooner.

From that moment on, he decided that nipple covers with different designs would become one of his orders from the tailor. Moreover, he would convince the girls, even Elena, to wear them, even if he also had to do so as a demonstration.