181 Eira (3)(r18)

The hatred for him resurfaced with more intensity. She didn't care about anything that had happened, in this place and time she would destroy him.

Why was she so angry? Because he was dating her sister and her mother? Or was it something else?, Did it bother her that her mother was dating that idiot too? Where did that anger come from? She didn't know. She didn't understand exactly what she was feeling or thinking. 

Was she angry because the common sense that said mother and daughter shouldn't date the same person had been broken? Or because she herself repudiated the idea? It was all chaos in her mind, but what was clear to her was that she wanted to kill him. 

She didn't know why, but she wanted to cry too. However, with tenacity, she swallowed those tears and attacked him with murderous intent. 


Finally, things she never thought would happen, happened, leading them to this situation.