"Did you hear that? Things at the front are pretty intense."
"yes, I heard that our side took a lot of losses. They seem to be really determined, regardless of the casualties."
"If we keep going like this, won't we be the losers? What is the great general thinking?"
"It seems as if they have gone crazy, like that time....Hey, and in the end what happened with the youth issue? It's been almost a year and...."
"Tsk, stop talking about it. Give it up already, don't you understand? If he started a war, it's because they have no hope anymore."
"Damn. But was it even necessary to start the war? There's still the next generation and the generations after that. Even if that happened, we could have simply waited. Now look at the mess that formed."
"Well that's how things turned out, what can we do? Go and talk to the great general or the king if you think it's unfair."