Now I was riding in an Elegant carriage with four other people; three were like me, now a slave and the other was a guy who seemed to be the subordinate of the man who negotiated with me and who I believe is the leader of the Neron company.
I, for my part, was covered by a particularly large and thick hood; I had asked him for this with the excuse that I did not like to go uncovered, and the larger the hood, the more comfortable I felt.
No one minded my peculiar request, as they wanted to keep me happy as best they could. Gaining the favor of what seemed like the real authority in this city was worth it, even if they had to obey the requests of a nobody like me.
The rest of the guys, of which I noticed two were of the race that I am currently transformed, the Syrintha, while the other was of another race of demons that are of normal size, but this one was especially small, basically our height.