Period of Growth

"Good evening, Lady Akihara."

"humm....I see that you are motivated again.."

"It's impossible not to be with someone as beautiful as you, my lady."

"Oh, you're being sweet and respectful with words, but you know, I clearly remember most of what happened yesterday, although I was reported that you forgot most of it. Isn't that right?" "

"Y-Yes, that's right, Lady Akihara. I only remember small fragments, somewhat fuzzy, almost nothing."

"Humm~ well, let's leave it at that. It wasn't a bad experience, anyway, and I don't mind if you're able to do it again, little Ery."

'Well, with this it's all good. He even gave me an affectionate nickname. I definitely have his favorability. Now yes, it's time to get serious.'

"My lady, before we begin, don't you want me to give you a massage? In fact, I am very good and confident in my abilities."