Getting to know her

After finishing all the house chores, she finally went into her room and changed into her home clothes. When she came out, she was wearing a loose yellow shirt and some black, snug-fitting cycling shorts. I don't know, but they were just tight. Then, I could hear her tidying up the backyard because there were bottles and plastic things clinking around.

"Why don't you sit down first, Fer? You just got home, and you're already doing a lot. Take a break, will ya?"

"This is just how I am when I get home. I clean up. And this morning, everyone left and went to our other house. If I leave it like this, no one else will do it."

"You're the eldest, right?"

"Yeah, I'm the eldest. The next ones after me are five and four years old. I took over my mom's role."

"Where's your mom?", I couldn't help but ask even though I knew it wasn't a fun question.

"She left us after giving birth to our youngest. And my dad had a stroke, so he can't work anymore. Now, all our properties go to paying for my dad's treatment."

I just listened to her stories one after another. I stopped interrupting so she could choose what to talk about and to steer our conversation away from heavy topics.

Her siblings were with their grandmother that day. Their dad was being taken care of there too. She said she didn't like to go anywhere else; she preferred to stay at home.

"Aren't you scared that someone might break in? What if they, you know, rape you? Or kill you?" Our conversation was getting dark.

"Well, if they rape me... then kill me too, at least I'd get to taste God's cooking, Ha ha!!" This girl and her dark humor.

At least she could still joke around despite everything. It seemed like she was really exhausted from her family's problems.

"I just want to marry a 4M."

"What's that?"

"An old, rich man who's about to die, Ha ha ha ha!!" She laughed with a hint of sob, and I could tell her laughter came from a deep place. She was easy to make laugh.

"Why do you seem so annoyed with Cons?"

"Because he's arrogant! I don't like guys who are full of themselves. He always belittles you."

"I don't mind. It doesn't bother me since I don't understand your dialect."

"But don't let him treat you like that. Maybe he's like that because he's a middle child. Unlike us, we're both eldest children. We think more maturely."

"But you seem more mature than me, Fer."

"I'm two years older than you because I stopped schooling for two years."

"Ah, okay... so, you're around 15 years old? That's why you're tall. And you have a more mature body," I sometimes don't choose my words carefully. When she heard "mature body," she jumped in.

"What do you mean by a mature body?", she grinned mischievously.

"You know what I mean! Come on!"

"Say it, we're alone here..."

"First, you're tall..."

"And then??"


"What else?"

"Big thighs."

"What else?"

"Big hips!!"

"What else?"

"Big mouth!!" I was just playing along, knowing that she was leading me into this conversation. But okay, let's humor her; she seems to be enjoying it.

"What else?"

"Big... boobs.." I said quickly and a bit softly for the last word.


"Boobs," still softly.

"What? Say it louder!"

"Big boobs!" I said in a normal tone and a bit quickly.

"How did you know? You haven't seen them yet?"

"Well, from the shape of your body when you're in uniform. Compared to our female classmates, they look like boards!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!! You're crazy, Chris... Are you fantasizing about me?!"

"Is that bad? Isn't that like admiration?", then my eyes darted to her chest, and she caught me!


"Sorry... sorry! Let's change the topic."

As soon as I said that, she turned off the stove and went into her room.