Jeric is really tough f*ck

"Bro, we're sorry! We won't do it again, promise! Please, forgive us!" pleaded a girl who looked like she walked straight out of a gangster movie, bangs with highlights and ears full of earrings.

"Bro!!! We're so sorry! Have mercy, we won't do it again!!!" cried the girls and a few dudes with Jeric.

"NO!!! YOU MOTHERF***ERS, STRIP!!! YOU PIECES OF SH*T, THEN GO CRY TO YOUR MOTHERS, YOU F***ING LOSERS! SCREW YOU!!!" Aling Bea raged, her fury making everyone bawl their eyes out. Someone even collapsed in dramatic fashion.


"WHAM!!!" I landed a solid punch on Jeric's face, just like I did earlier outside Laurel. Blood gushed from his nose as he hit the ground. I jumped on his chest and pounded his face with my right fist like a drum.

"DON'T ANYONE DARE INTERFERE! NOBODY MOVE!!!" Mang Ben's shout kept everyone at bay, letting me unload all my anger on Jeric's face. None of Jeric's pals dared to step up. I stood up, leaving him bloody, and then, for good measure, I scooped up some dirt with my slipper and flung it in his face. He looked like a bloody, dusty mess.

"So, who else wants some? YOU, YOU LITTLE F***ER!!!" I challenged another big guy.

"Bro, we're not gonna fight. We just followed you 'cause the guy you punched earlier, his nose got busted..." explained the big guy I wanted to hit.

"Bro, sorry! We won't do it again." pleaded one of the girls.



"...SORRY!!!" all seventeen girls were crying and begging. One girl even yanked another girl's blouse, popping off the buttons and exposing her bra. The poor girl just sat down in shock. She was the one who punched earlier. Cute, sweaty-nosed, probably just in sixth grade judging by her small frame. Tough little cookie, though.

"Oh, how does that feel? THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED TO DO TO MY DAUGHTER, RIGHT?" Aling Bea shouted, still furious.

"Enough, Pusa!" Mang Ben stopped her from grabbing more blouses. The girls clutched their shirts, sniffling and shaking.

"Hand over your IDs, you f***ers. We'll find you at Laurel and Osmena. We're making sure you stay away from Kate." Kuya Ben ordered, collecting their IDs. Jeric sat quietly, bloodied and defeated.


"NOW GET OUT OF HERE! THE GIRLS STAY!" Kuya Ben scared Jeric's group even more.

"LEAVE!!!" Kuya Ben glared at the girls, biting his lip like a creep. The girls and a few boys cried harder.

"YOU'RE NOT LEAVING! STAY RIGHT HERE!" Kuya Ben was just messing with them. He knew the guys would act tough with girls around, so he was breaking their spirits. They had no choice but to back off. The boys chased them away while we led the girls to Aling Bea's store.

"Look, we were just scaring you. We had no plans to hurt you. But if you mess with my daughter again, you're dead meat. Got it?!" Aling Bea's anger finally subsided.

"Hey girl, head to my kid's room and change your clothes. And you, Pusa, you're out of control!" Aling Bea said while we were heading back to their place.

"So, uh, what about Kate later when it's time to pick her up? Those guys will probably still be there," I asked.

"When does Kate get out?" Kuya Ben chimed in.

"Around noon, Ben. I usually send Balong to pick her up," Aling Bea replied.

"Balong, I'll tag along later," Kuya Ben said as he put his arm around Balong.

"Alright, we'll pick up Kate when school's out. I'll come too," Mang Nestor added.

"Stick with them, bro. I gotta stay home since there's no one else to watch the place. You guys got this!" Mang Boy said to Mang Nestor. Mang Boy and Mang Baldo couldn't join, but a few of the local youngsters, itching for some action and ready to defend their neighbor Kate, volunteered.

Aling Bea gave the girl with the torn blouse a t-shirt and some food. She lectured them a bit. I overheard that these girls either had parents working abroad, no parents, or came from broken families. Aling Bea apologized for scaring them, especially the one Pusa grabbed. I started losing interest in their conversation, so I said my goodbyes to Aling Bea and the girls.

"Sorry if I came off strong. I mean, if I were in your shoes and knew someone might hurt my girlfriend, you'd understand, right?" I said before leaving.

"Y-Yes, kuya, we're really sorry," they all chorused, asking for forgiveness.

I started walking after we cleared things up and apologized. I took the route going up by Javier. Just as I was about to cross Juan Luna Street, I noticed this Kitty following me.

"Hey, dawg, where you headed?" said the cat.

"Huh? I'm going home."

"You Kate's boyfriend?"

"Y-Yeah..." I replied, as we walked side by side crossing the street.

"Why are you following me? Where are you going?"

"I'm coming with you, bro. Gonna hang out at your place."

"What are you gonna do at our place? We don't even have a TV, it's boring there."

"That's cool, dawg! It's boring at my place too..."

"Hey, you were fierce earlier, yanking on that uniform. You're quite the fighter."

"Of course! Damn, when I was in sixth grade, I was a badass back in Calderon! We had a group like Kate's Tres Marias. We were called the Kikil Girls... Ha ha ha! I was the leader."

"So, you guys just fought all the time?"

"Haha! Not really! Sometimes, we'd scam a peso off the little kids; first graders and stuff! Then we'd play tiltilan. Haha!!! You play tiltilan too, bro?"

"What's tiltilan?"

"Tiltilan, you don't know? Are you a virgin or something?"

"No way... But I don't know what tiltilan is."

"Come on, bro... Let's play tiltilan?"

I had no clue what this tiltilan was that the cat was talking about, but since she mentioned 'virgin,' it had to be something sexual. Man, this cat seemed so innocent; she had a cute face and a bit of a runny nose but knew all sorts of things. It was around eight when we got back to my apartment. We headed straight to the kitchen... turns out her real name is Bernadeth.

"So, dawg... Are you gonna tiltil me?"

"What exactly is tiltil?"

"Well, dawg, you're just gonna turn me on... Like that!"

"And then?"

"Of course, I'll moan if it feels good."

"Hey, I don't just do tiltilan... I go all the way."

"Oh? Really? Wow! Have you done it with Kate?"

"Not yet... But with other girls."

"Are you an expert? You might get me pregnant..."

"How old are you? You don't even seem to have your period yet..."

"Not yet. I'm only twelve..."

"Damn, no way... I don't want to get in trouble with you!"

"Come on, don't be such a killjoy! No one will know if no one tells!" She was really pushing me to do it. I wasn't really in the mood because I'd just been having sex for two straight days; Saturday and Sunday. But I was curious; what does a twelve-year-old's body look like? Bernadeth had curves and her brownish skin was alluring. She had slanted eyes, a nice nose, double eyelids, and somewhat thick lips. Her face was small with innocent-looking eyes. Except for her mouth, which spouted all sorts of naughty things. She already had a chest, but maybe it was just her bra and foam. She had a small waist but a plump butt and long, meaty thighs. She was wearing camo jean shorts and a tight beige printed t-shirt. I hadn't expected this, but my mind was now filled with the lewdness of Bernadeth's body.