
'What's going on?' What's wrong with Allan, and this Romnwell guy too, why are they doing this? holding off both of them will be hard enough, there's still the possibility of there being more of them.' Mark thought to himself, still scanning the other students with a cautious gaze, his mind racing with the possible ways to escape the predicament they found themselves in.

A shocking thought then hit him. 'Wait, is the commotion going on outside related to this? Thinking back to the time Allan said he was just answering Judith's question, it hadn't immediately clicked to him then, but now the more he thought of it and compared it, the likelier the possibility of the two events being connected seemed, and Mark did not like his inference at all. The thought left him pale-faced.

Swinging his head towards Ara, Mark spoke1. "Ara, we need to find a way to leave here," his tone tinged with evident urgency.

Still maintaining her glare at Romnwell, Ara asked, "Who are you?"

"This is not the time Ara, all that matters now is the leave here now, something is wrong" Mark urged her.

Romnwell kept an indifferent gaze, not bothering to answer, causing Allan to roll over in laughter. "Hey, hey, hey, she's asking who you are, Romnwell, aren't you going to answer her?" Allan asked while laughing.

Looking at Allan indifferently, then turning his gaze back to Ara, Romnwell spoke, "Who I am doesn't matter, all that matters is that all of you will die. Romnwell said with indifference, which made his words sound even more scary.

Romnwell's words caused Allan to burst into laughter, "Seriously, you're such a scary guy Romnwell, even I felt a bit scared with the way you said that, now imagine them." Allan said with a laugh.

"And you," Allan's gaze shifted to Mark. "What makes you think you are going to leave here alive? All of you?" he added, his smile disappearing.

The other students watched on in shock, as the scenes before them escalated from Allan murdering Judith to Romnwell's attempted murder of Ara to Mark rushing at Romnwell in Ara's defence. Hearing Allan's words, fear sprouted in their hearts as they took careful steps back, looking at each other with apprehensive gazes, the stalemate causing a deathly silence to reign in the hall.

Alas, the standoff didn't last for long, as if planned, another one of the students suddenly rushed at one of those present, brandishing a dagger with the intent to kill.

Mark reacted quickly again, moving forward in an attempt to block the rushing assailant, but he was interrupted by Allan who suddenly appeared in his front, his grin as wide as ever as if to taunt Mark.

Blood sprayed again, as the student that rushed out successfully killed another one of them present, the sight sent chills down Mark's spine as he watched another one of his colleagues get murdered without him being able to do anything.

"Haha," Allan's deranged laughter rang out, echoing through the halls, he seemed to be enjoying himself as his gaze scanned the rest of the students.

Mark's gaze hardened as he raised his head to glare at Allan

Meeting his gaze, Allan's grin grew even wider. "Wanna fight?" His voice rang out tauntingly.


At the VIP section, Doggen and Otto's clash continued and had taken a toll on both men and their immediate environment. Some meters apart from each other, both men were not in the best of conditions, the results of their clash evident on their battered bodies.

Otto's tight-fitting material had been ripped off at some point, exposing his upper body that was now filled with small cuts and wounds; a wooden arm replaced the one he had lost. He struggled to maintain his balance, breathing heavily, and visibly exhausted.

Doggen had it even worse, his huge figure was down on a knee, unable to support his weight, breathing heavily. His body was filled with little green patches, small leaves sprouting from most of them, his right eye was gone, now replaced by a blood red flower growing out its socket, yellow-tinged veins snaked across his skin with a thick wooden branch lodged deeply into his lower abdomen. Doggen's figure made for a terrible sight.

Panting heavily, Doggen's gaze was as steely as ever, never succumbing to his injuries, he remained focused on bringing Otto down.

Forcing himself to stand, Doggen locked eyes with Otto. "I don't know why you are doing this Otto, I really don't know, but what I do know is you and everyone else involved in all this, you all are definitely not going to get away with it, we'll make sure of it," Doggen said with determination, despite the sorry state of his body.

Sensing Doggen's resolve, a surge of anger coursed through Otto, "Why won't you just die?" Otto's roared, ready to advance. But before he could make a move, a sudden shiver ran up his spine accompanied by cold sweat dripping off his back.

Doggen, too, felt the same sensation, a feeling of dread washing over him, as his weakened body found it hard to resist the unknown pressure that suddenly assaulted him.

Forcing himself to look up, Doggen was met with the sight of a majestic figure, standing tall with an aura of authority, looming over them both.

"Lord Senton," Doggen called out in glee, seeing a glimpse of hope in his hopeless situation, as he was about to continue, he paused, noticing something strange about Senton.

Senton stood at the entrance to the VIP section imposingly, his Figure clad in silver armor, wielding a great sword stained with blood, his knuckles also having crimson stains on them. Sweeping his indifferent gaze about the VIP section, his gaze landed on Maria's grotesque lifeless form, Lingering on her body for a bit, he then turned to Otto.

"Is an ordinary blacksmith giving you trouble? Sentons voice cut through the tense atmosphere, accompanied by a slight gust of wind that seemed to heighten the intensity in the atmosphere.

Hearing, Senton's words Doggen's eyes widened in shock, his heart sinking as he realized the gravity of his situation, all hopes of his survival vanishing with the wind. Doggen became drained of all strength as he struggled with the reality of his pending demise.

'Lord Senton is part of all this madness? Why? He would have floored me even when I was in my peak, not to talk of now that I'm in a weakened state.' Doggen thought to himself, his heart filled with despair.

"I must say I'm disappointed Otto, you even lost an arm," Senton's relaxed voice rang out again, his gaze still fixed on Otto, causing him to flinch.

"I-I'm sorry Lord Senton, I was about to finish him off," Otto said with a stutter, fear evident in his tone.

Without caring to respond to Otto, Senton shifted his gaze away from him, focusing on Doggen, he began to walk towards him, staring at his sorry state for a moment, Senton suddenly delivered a powerful blow to Doggen, causing him to double over in agony, with a violent cough, blood spilled from his lips.

"Never mind, I'll finish him off myself, I've dealt with the other hold's ambassadors, they weren't much of combatants anyway," Senton remarked, as he began to raise his blood-stained great sword. "A shame I couldn't find Song though, He added."

His words caused Otto to clench his fist in anger, his dissatisfaction evident, he wanted to be the one to end Doggen's life, but there was nothing he could do in the face of Senton.

"W-why? M-master Senton, why a-all this?" Doggen asked, his voice wavering, his question laced with resignation, acceptance of his fate evident in his tone, as he struggled to comprehend the reason behind Senton and Otto's actions. At the very least before he died he wanted to know why.

"The dead need not know anything," Senton said coldly, as he began to bring his great sword down upon Doggen. Closing his eyes, Doggen waited for the strike that would inevitably end his life. Then…


Before Senton could deliver the fatal blow, a deafening roar echoed through the VIP section, as a thick bolt of lightning struck between Senton and Doggen, separating them in a blinding flash of light. Senton took a step back to avoid the light of the lightning and watched on indifferently as the light from the lightning subsided.

As the light faded, a Figure became visible, with bright blonde hair, the figure stood menacingly, sparks of electricity snaking across his armored body, staring at Senton with undisguised fury.

"Ludwig?" Senton's voice rang out, as he recognised the person before him.

John Ludwig Tasvill, the king and ruler of the kingdom of Tasvill had arrived, his fury palpable as he stared Senton down.

Senton's gaze remained unreadable, despite the arrival of the king, he showed no signs of fear or backing down.

"Ah, you're here, Ludwig," Senton remarked casually.

Hearing Senton address him casually, Ludwig's expression twisted into fury.

"Who are you to call me Ludwig, you bastard," Ludwig said, causing a strong gust of wind to blow in the arena, loud sounds of rumbling coming from the sky above as if influenced by his rage. Ludwig's whole body crackled with lightning as he stared menacingly at Otto.

Senton's demeanor remained unruffled, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, "since you're here, I'm assuming that means she failed in her mission, what a disappointment. Oh well, not like I expected her to be able to fulfill it anyway." Senton said.

Hearing Senton's words, Ludwig's cold gaze turned even colder, as the lightning danced about his body more menacingly, scenes from some minutes ago playing in his mind.

"You bastards… will die," Ludwig said, his words slow and measured, dripping with rage.