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Both men roared after they had cast their spells, their distorted voices overlapping with each other, as the mana in the atmosphere turned increasingly chaotic.

The magic circles surrounding Senton began to produce lightning. The arcs of lightning flashed from one circle to another with great speed and in no time, Senton was trapped in an organized net of lightning that sort of resembled a cage. The air hummed with raw power, crackling with a deafening intensity.

The magic circles began to move closer towards Senton, causing the cage of lightning to contract, its luminous bars inching closer to Senton. The space rapidly diminished, threatening to confine him in a prison of lightning.

Immediately Senton weaved his hand signs and called out his spell. A single large orange magic circle flared to life beneath his feat, its radiant energy illuminating the ground with a fierce glow. Two additional circles appeared over his shoulders, spinning and pulsating with immense power

The temperature around Senton's body skyrocketed as the pressure and heat radiating from his body reached an almost unbearable degree. His circles pushed back against the tightening lightning cage, their forceful energy clashing violently with Ludwig's spell.

The resistance from Senton's spell gave him precious moments and space. His face was a mask of focus, his hands a blur as he performed another set of hand signs. Once he completed the sequence, he pulled his great sword from the ground.

The inscriptions on the blade glowed wildly, small magic circles materializing above each one. These smaller circles, interconnected yet distinct, spun in perfect synchronization, releasing a searing heat that distorted the air around the sword.


Senton bellowed, slashing his sword in a wide arc.

A massive, blazing arc of flame erupted from his strike, larger and more intense than any he had produced during the fight. The fiery crescent tore through the lightning cage, shattering it instantly. The remnants of the cage dissipated with a thunderous crackle as the flaming arc continued on its path, hurtling towards Ludwig with relentless speed.

Senton followed closely behind the arc, ready to capitalize on the opening created by his attack. His muscles coiled and prepared as his figure rushed forward in a blur.

Ludwig watched the rapid destruction of his lightning with a solemn expression. As the fiery arc bore down on him, he remained calm and composed. With a swift motion, he summoned a concentrated bolt of lightning, releasing it to intercept the incoming attacks. The bolt split the flaming arc in two, neutralizing its threat in an instant.

Senton barely paused, acknowledging the ease with which Ludwig nullified his attack.

"Look at us, throwing weak attacks at each other. Come, show me what you have in full." Senton roared, a savage smile spreading across his face.

Ludwig stared silently at Senton for a moment before his face twisted, and he immediately set his hands apart, causing the lightning crackling about his body to intensify. It seemed like he was ready to fulfill Senton's request and get serious.

Seeing Ludwig's action, a small smile appeared on Senton's face as he adjusted his footing and wove through a hand sign.

"Hm hmm hmm…"

Before either man could release their attacks, a soft melodious hum resounded in the midst of their battle. The sound echoed loudly in the surroundings, cutting through the roars of lightning.

Senton flinched for a moment when he heard it, his focus momentarily disrupted. In the next instant, a pale blue arc flashed past Ludwig and headed towards with astonishing speed.

With urgent movements, Senton quickly raised his great sword to block the crescent-shaped arc. The impact from the arc sent a shockwave through his arms, pushing him back a few steps.

Senton looked towards the direction the slash came from with an ugly expression. His eyes met a huge figure standing just behind Ludwig, its features seemingly obscured by the dark sky, except Its erie blue, glowing eyes.

A bolt of lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, illuminating the world for a brief moment. The sudden brightness allowed Senton to see the face of the person behind Ludwig.

"Song," Senton called out apprehensively, recognising the imposing figure.

"You really shouldn't have to waste your strength, Your Highness." Song's gruff voice rang out. Despite the cacophony of the storm, Song's voice traveled perfectly across the field, Landing clearly in both Ludwig and Senton's ears.

Seeing Song, Senton's expression grew very serious as he eyed both men warily.

"Are you here to help me?" Ludwig's calm voice asked, not turning to look at Song.

"Yes," Song replied respectfully.

"I don't need it." Ludwig refused him flatly, still facing Senton.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I'm going to help you regardless. Song said, moving forward to stand by Ludwig's side. Ludwig sighed helplessly. He knew there was no convincing Song.

"So, It's a handicap now? No honor among Tasvill's greats?" Senton asked with a mocking gaze.

"Honour? You're not one to talk of honor." Song retorted casually, his eyes never leaving Senton.

"You're a shameless man normally Song, I'd expect nothing less from you. But you Ludwig, you're a-"

"What? Did you just call the king by his first name?" Song cut Senton short, his voice sharp and unfriendly. His eyes narrowed as his chilling aura rose, the atmosphere around him growing colder.

"Don't interrupt me old man, and seriously, do you think I care abo-"

Senton's retort was abruptly cut short by another blue arc that rushed at him rapidly. He panicked and dodged the slash, barely managing to avoid it. Before he could steady himself again Song was already upon him, his blade descending upon him rapidly.

With a roar, a burst of crimson flames flared from Senton's body, pushing Song back and giving him a bit of space to breathe, or at least he thought so. Without even giving him a second respite, Ludwig attacked Senton from his blindside, hitting him with a powerful lightning-infused punch.

Senton's body reeled from the hit, the shock from the impact leaving his body slightly numb as he was sent flying. As if perfectly coordinated Song's figure was in the line of Senton's trajectory, ready to continue the assault.

With a swift and powerful kick, Song struck Senton right across his midsection. The impact knocked the air out of Senton's lungs, his body doubling over in pain as he flew back to Ludwig who waited with a blast of lightning. The energy hit Senton squarely on the chest, driving him straight to the earth with a forceful crash.

The synergy between Ludwig and Song was astounding. It seemed as if both men were communicating telepathically, their movements in perfect sync. Each understood the other's intentions, seamlessly handling Senton in a flurry of coordinated attacks in the space of a few exchanges. The onslaught left Senton shocked and unable to react.

Senton's body convulsed on the ground, his defenses shattered by Song and Ludwig's cooperation. His body was unable to resist the devastating effects of Ludwig's electrical attacks because he couldn't defend himself from Ludwig's lightning strikes, like he had been doing prior to Song's arrival.