A strange alliance


"I'm sure you aren't waiting for me to tell you all what to do…" The voice of the red haired man rang out.

"You don't command us." One of the men in brown uniform with spots spoke up." He was a big man in own right but not as big as the red haired giant.

"You will follow the plan," The red haired man said, with an undertone of anger in his voice.

"Tch," The soldier in brown uniform just clicked his tongue and raised his hand in a signal to his own men. With that, they all dispersed, including him himself.

The red haired man escorted them out with his eyes, his brows slightly furrowed in anger. Without him speaking up further the other Soldier also signaled for his men to move also. They all dispersed from the scene leaving only Stefam, the injured ice mage, the red haired man and another soldier in thick black uniform with light blue stripes.

The third soldier behind was of average height, but his figure packed a good build. He had dark flowing hair that fell just above his shoulders. Two curved daggers were clutched in each of his hands, the blades longer than most.

While Stefam listened to the exchange between the red haired man and the other soldier, he could tell that the nations were indeed colluding with each other in the invasion, and there was already a plan beforehand. But another thing he noticed from their short interaction was despite the supposed cooperation there was a subtle hint of animosity among them, suggesting a strained alliance. What could have made these four nations put their subtle differences aside and come together and invade Tasvill?

"Nice alliance you have here." Stefam spoke up, his gaze focused on the red haired man.

The man's eyes twitched slightly when he heard Stefam's words before a soft laugh escaped his lips.

"I wonder, what could have made you all put your little differences aside and come together to invade us?" Stefam asked. "That aside, I'm sure you all are aware of the backlash you will receive right. Besides the response from the international community, who might blacklist your nations, there are also our allies. And you know we have plenty of those." Stefam wasn't really trying to reason with them or get them to change their mind. His aim for pointing these out was to gauge the situation from their response, if there was any.

"Ah, young beast, you really are impressive." The red haired man spoke with a smile. "The international community? Who gives a rat shit about them? We are here having considered all the possible responses our actions will receive both the reasonable and unreasonable ones. As for your allies…" The red haired man paused at this point, before he suddenly burst into a fit of maniacal laughter. "The ones you claim to be your allies won't come to your aid. After all, if they do, they will have to face the onslaught of four nations at once. You Tasvillers may be gallant and all that, but I believe no nation will be willing to antagonize four just to please one."

As Stefam listened to the red haired man his expression slowly changed. He eyed the giant with a somber expression, his thoughts having been more or less confirmed. 'They are indeed ready and didn't care about any of the consequences of their actions today, but…'

"Tasvill won't fall, not today, not ever." Stefam declared boldly as his aura began to build up. He had discarded his earlier fear and was ready to do anything within his power to neutralize the threats In front of him.

"Ah, young beast. As full of fight as your father, I see. The red haired man roared with a laugh, his aura burst forth menacingly. A flaring crimson rose off his body.

Cold steam emanated from the palms of the ice mage, as he stared at Stefam with a glare. The third soldier in a brown uniform stared silently, ghostly black smoke rising off his two curved daggers, his eyes shining with a deadly glint.

Stefam was surrounded by three men in a triangle formation but his gaze did not waver. All four men stared at each other for a few tense seconds. Then…


The dagger wielding man rushed at Stefam with incredible speed, his figure leaving behind afterimages. In a split second he was upon Stefam, his ghostly blade slicing through the air towards Stefam's neck.

The dagger wielding man might have been fast, but Stefam was faster. Before the blade could slash Stefam's neck, he quickly dodged the attack just slightly, immediately preparing a counter attack.

Stefam formed a small blade of light and hastily swung it at his assailant. Just as Stefam's attack was about to hit its mark, a huge wave of flames surged towards him, forcing him to abandon his attack and quickly move away from the spot.

Stefam hadn't even completely dodged the incoming flame attack yet when a sudden chill enveloped him. In the next second, a cold wave rushed over, threatening to encase him in ice. His reflexes kicked in, and he quickly shot a large beam of light at the rushing cold. The heat from the beam countered the cold causing it to dissolve into steam that envelope the area.

A part of the attack bypassed Stefam's counter, hitting him squarely on his right hand, encasing it in ice that spread more towards his neck.

The area had been filled with steam after Stefam's counter, hence limiting his vision, but if his vision was hindered, that meant that his opponents' visions were also limited.

The short exchange had made it painfully clear to Stefam that he couldn't take on these three men alone. He needed to do something to tip the odds in his favor, and fast. The answer to that was obvious; cut the opponents numbers from three to two, but which one of them?

'The ice mage.' Stefam thought with a chilling gaze. Just as he was about to turn towards the last known position of the ice mage, he sensed a presence behind him and a sudden chill ran up his spine, goosebumps appearing all over his body.

He immediately ducked on instinct. A split second later a 'swoosh' resounded just above his head. Clearing a part of the mist to reveal a hand clutching a dagger slashed just above Stefam's head.

Before Stefam could move away, a sharp pain shot through his right hand. The ice encasing it had sprouted numerous small spikes, piercing through his skin and leaving him temporarily stunned

'That bastard ice mage.' Stefam thought to himself through gritted teeth.

In a fight of this caliber even a split moment was enough to decide the outcome in most cases, and this one seemed to be among them as the dagger wielding man immediately took advantage of Stefam's falter. With a swift movement, he swung his second dagger at Stefam's neck with chilling precision.

Stefam stared at the blade approaching his neck at point blank range with incredible speed, unable to move his body in time to avoid the slash or deflect it. It was just too fast and close. A slight feeling of regret washed over him as he watched the dagger close in.

'I'm sorry, father,' he thought silently as he closed his eyes.
