The End-of-Semester Beast Hunt

As the end of the semester approached at the School for Awakening Students, anticipation buzzed through the halls and corridors. For the first-year students, this marked a crucial milestone—their first practical examination: the Astral Beast Hunt. This annual event was not just a test of combat skills but also a demonstration of their understanding of astral energies and powers in a real-world scenario.

Preparations began weeks in advance under the vigilant guidance of the school's instructors. Each student received rigorous training sessions focused on combat strategies, teamwork, and survival techniques. In addition to physical preparation, the school imparted crucial knowledge about the types of astral beasts inhabiting the designated hunting grounds—a reserved region known for its diverse and challenging terrain.

On the eve of the hunt, Headmaster Jiang addressed the assembled students in the grand auditorium, his voice echoing with gravitas. "Students, tomorrow marks a pivotal moment in your journey as Awakening Scholars. The Astral Beast Hunt is not merely a test of your prowess but an opportunity to apply everything you have learned this semester. Remember, teamwork and vigilance will be your greatest allies."

The students listened intently, their faces a blend of nerves and determination. Han Li stood among his peers, his gaze steady as he absorbed the headmaster's words. Beside him, Ling exuded a quiet confidence, her exceptional talents evident in the way she absorbed every detail with keen interest.

"We have provided each of you with a wristband capable of repelling attacks from astral beasts up to level 5," Headmaster Jiang continued, gesturing to the bands adorned on each student's wrist, if you are in danger you can infuse your astral energy into it and it will manifest a shield around you that can withstand the hit of a level beast. "However, do not underestimate the challenges ahead. In the designated region, you will encounter astral beasts ranging from level 1 to level 3."

The designated hunting grounds stretched across rolling hills and dense forests, offering ample opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills in astral energy detection and combat proficiency. Each group of students, consisting of four members, was tasked with hunting down astral beasts and collecting points based on the difficulty of their prey.

"Points will be awarded as follows," Teacher Zhang explained during a preparatory session earlier that week. "Level 1 astral beasts are worth 1 point, level 2 beasts 3 points, and level 3 beasts 5 points. Your goal is to accumulate as many points as possible within the allotted time while ensuring your safety and the safety of your teammates." The hunt will last for five days. The team with the highest point wins.

In the early hours of the morning, Han Li and Ling gathered with their assigned group near the entrance to the hunting grounds. Alongside them were two other students, Wei and Chen, both of whom were skilled in their respective abilities but lacked the unique advantages Han Li and Ling possessed.

Wei, a proficient level 1 energy user, exuded a quiet confidence born from years of disciplined training. Chen, a spirited level 3 energy user, balanced his enthusiasm with a keen awareness of the challenges ahead, and Han Li who is a level five energy user smiles with confidence on his face.

"We've trained for this," Ling said, her voice steady as she addressed the group. "Stay focused, communicate effectively, and remember our strategy. We can do this."

Han Li nodded in agreement, his mind already strategizing potential encounters with astral beasts. His ability to gather and manipulate astral energy swiftly gave him a distinct advantage—a fact not lost on his teammates, who looked to him for guidance in moments of uncertainty.

As they ventured deeper into the hunting grounds, the air thickened with the scent of ancient trees and the distant rustle of wildlife. The group moved in tandem, their senses attuned to the slightest shifts in astral energy—a skill honed through months of intensive training and theoretical study.

Their first encounter came in the form of a level 1 astral beast—a small, nimble creature with iridescent scales and razor-sharp claws. Wei took the lead, channeling his energy into precise strikes that immobilized the beast before it could react. With coordinated effort, the group dispatched the creature swiftly, earning their first point of the day.

Encounters with level 2 beasts followed—a pair of formidable predators that tested their teamwork and adaptability. Chen's mastery of elemental manipulation proved instrumental as he conjured gusts of wind to disorient the beasts, allowing Han Li and Ling to strike with calculated precision. Each successful takedown bolstered their confidence and point tally, bringing them closer to their objective.

Throughout the hunt, Han Li's unique abilities became increasingly apparent. His capacity to absorb and channel astral energy set him apart, enabling him to sustain prolonged engagements and support his teammates when needed most. Ling, too, demonstrated her exceptional talents, her control type ability allow her to stun the beast for a little second allow her teammates to have a easy kill.

As the sun began its descent beyond the horizon Han Li's group gathered around a campfire in the heart of the hunting grounds. They tallied their points—a testament to their teamwork, skill, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

"Twenty-two points," Wei announced, a smile gracing his features. "Not bad for our first hunt."

Chen nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting pride in their collective achievement. "We worked well together. Each of us played a crucial role."

Ling glanced at Han Li, her eyes shimmering with unspoken gratitude. "And Han Li, your ability to manipulate energy—it's truly remarkable. You made a difference out there."

Han Li nodded humbly, his thoughts drifting to the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead. "We make a good team," he said, his voice tinged with quiet pride. "And this is only the beginning."

As they settled in for the night, under the watchful gaze of the stars above, Han Li reflected on the lessons learned and the bonds forged during their inaugural hunt. With each passing moment, he embraced the promise of growth, resilience, and the limitless possibilities that awaited them in the astral realm.