Old Rivals and New Battles.

Han Li and Ling scanned the gathering of competitors, their eyes catching sight of familiar faces and new ones alike. The anticipation of the tournament mixed with the tension of meeting rivals and allies from their past. As they walked through the bustling crowd, they were suddenly stopped in their tracks by a surprising sight.

"Is that...?" Ling whispered, her eyes widening.

"Yes, it is," Han Li replied, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Approaching them with a confident swagger was Wang Liang, the Governor's son. Who also likes ling, Representing another prestigious school, Wang Liang was dressed in the school's distinctive uniform, his demeanor as arrogant as ever. He spotted Han Li and Ling and made his way toward them, a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ling and Han Li," Wang Liang sneered. "Surprised to see me?"

"More like shocked," Han Li replied, his tone neutral. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Wang Liang laughed, the sound grating. "Oh, you should have expected it. After all, I am the Governor's son, destined for greatness. I've broken through to the astral body refinement stage, you know. I can beat you both with one hand."

Ling rolled her eyes. "Confidence isn't the same as skill, Wang Liang."

Wang Liang's eyes narrowed. "You'll see soon enough. I'll crush anyone who stands in my way, including you two."

As the tension between them thickened, a voice called out from the stage, announcing that it was time for the participants to draw lots to determine their match-ups. The contestants moved to the front, each taking a numbered ball from a large, ornate bowl.

Han Li and Ling each drew their lot, revealing their numbers. As they compared their draws, they noticed the first two numbers had been picked by other contestants.

The first match was about to begin.

The arena fell silent as the first two competitors stepped forward. Both were level 9 astral energy users, their elemental powers making them formidable opponents. On one side was Xue Lan, a fierce young woman known for her ice elemental abilities. Her opponent, Hao Jin, was a powerhouse with earth elemental powers.

The announcer's voice echoed through the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, our first match of the tournament! On one side, we have Xue Lan, the Ice Mistress, and on the other, Hao Jin, the Earth Titan! Let the battle begin!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as the two contestants took their positions. The tension was palpable as they sized each other up, their eyes locked in a fierce stare.

With a swift motion, Xue Lan summoned a flurry of ice shards, sending them hurtling toward Hao Jin. He reacted quickly, raising a wall of earth to block the attack. The ice shards shattered against the barrier, sending a spray of frost into the air.

Hao Jin wasted no time in counterattacking. He stomped the ground, causing the arena floor to tremble. Jagged spikes of earth erupted from the ground, forcing Xue Lan to leap back to avoid being impaled. She responded by freezing the spikes, rendering them brittle and easily breakable.

"Impressive," Hao Jin grunted, "but not enough."

He thrust his hands forward, causing the frozen spikes to shatter and reform into a massive boulder. With a heave, he hurled the boulder at Xue Lan. She barely managed to dodge, the massive rock crashing into the ground behind her.

Xue Lan retaliated by summoning a blizzard, the icy winds whipping through the arena. The temperature dropped rapidly, frost forming on the ground and walls. Hao Jin gritted his teeth against the cold, his movements slowing as the ice encased his legs.

But he wasn't done yet. Channeling his energy, he shattered the ice around his legs and slammed his fists into the ground. The earth beneath Xue Lan's feet cracked and split, throwing her off balance. She stumbled, and Hao Jin seized the opportunity to launch another attack.

He created a series of earth pillars, sending them toward Xue Lan in rapid succession. She countered with her ice, forming barriers to block the pillars, but the relentless assault was beginning to wear her down.

With a final, desperate move, Xue Lan focused all her energy into a single point, forming a massive ice lance. She hurled it at Hao Jin with all her might. He raised his arms, summoning a shield of rock, but the lance pierced through it, striking him in the chest.

Hao Jin staggered back, the force of the blow knocking the wind out of him. He fell to one knee, gasping for breath. Xue Lan, exhausted and battered, stood her ground, ready for any last-ditch effort from her opponent.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Hao Jin struggled to rise. With a groan of effort, he pushed himself to his feet, his eyes blazing with determination. He summoned the last of his strength, creating a massive fissure in the ground that raced toward Xue Lan.

She tried to dodge, but her movements were sluggish. The ground beneath her gave way, and she fell, unable to escape the chasm. With a final, triumphant roar, Hao Jin sealed the fissure, trapping Xue Lan beneath the earth.

The announcer's voice rang out, "And the winner is Hao Jin!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, the sound deafening. Hao Jin raised his arms in victory, his face a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Medics rushed to the arena to tend to Xue Lan, carefully extracting her from the earth.

Han Li and Ling watched the match intently, their minds racing with strategies and possibilities. The intensity of the battle had given them a glimpse of what to expect in their own matches.

As they prepared for their upcoming fights, Han Li's mind lingered on Wang Liang's boastful words. He knew the competition would be tough, but he was determined to prove himself, to show that his non-elemental powers were just as formidable as any elemental abilities.

Ling placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll be fine, Han Li. Just remember, we're in this together."

He nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. "Together."

As the next pair of contestants stepped into the arena, Han Li and Ling shared a determined look. The competition was just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.