A display of dominance.

As the third fight concluded, the atmosphere inside the arena buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The spectators at the venue and those watching from home and online couldn't stop commenting on the intense matches they had just witnessed.

"I can't believe how powerful Zhen Wei's thunder elemental power was!" one viewer remarked on the forum.

"Did you see how Liu Chen held his ground against that level one body refinement cultivator? Incredible!" another commented.

"I'm rooting for Han Li's group. That third guy is a beast with his fire elemental power!" a fan posted.

In the arena, the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, capturing everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, what an incredible series of battles we've seen so far! The intensity, the skill, the determination—truly a spectacle of astral prowess. But the competition is far from over. Now, let me introduce our next fighters."

The crowd quieted, eager for the next match. "In the blue corner, we have the Governor's son, Wang Liang, a formidable contender known for his exceptional strength and unmatched confidence. And in the red corner, we have Mei Ling, a level 3 astral body refinement user with a remarkable talent for water manipulation."

Ling and Han Li exchanged worried glances as Wang Liang stepped into the arena, his eyes briefly meeting theirs with a smug expression. Mei Ling entered the arena, her calm demeanor masking the nervous energy she felt inside.

The announcer continued, "This promises to be an exciting match! Mei Ling's water elemental power versus Wang Liang's sheer strength. Let the battle begin!"

The signal to start was given, and Mei Ling immediately summoned streams of water, creating swirling vortexes that she directed towards Wang Liang. Her control over the water was impressive, each movement fluid and precise. She was determined to put up a strong fight.

However, Wang Liang appeared almost nonchalant. He effortlessly dodged and blocked Mei Ling's attacks, his movements precise and calculated. He didn't even need to use his elemental power. Instead, he relied on his superior strength and agility to counter every strike.

Mei Ling furrowed her brow, realizing that Wang Liang wasn't taking her seriously. She intensified her efforts, creating a massive wave that surged towards him. Wang Liang smirked, his gaze drifting towards Han Li and Ling, as if to show off his prowess.

With a swift motion, Wang Liang sidestepped the wave and closed the distance between them. His speed was astonishing, and before Mei Ling could react, he was right in front of her. He blocked her next attack with ease and pushed her back with a simple shove, sending her sprawling to the ground.

The crowd watched in awe as Wang Liang continued to dominate the fight without breaking a sweat. Mei Ling tried to regain her footing, but Wang Liang was relentless. He blocked every move she made, countering with minimal effort.

Finally, Wang Liang decided it was time to end the match. He raised his hand, and for the first time, unleashed his elemental power. A surge of fiery energy erupted from his palm, engulfing Mei Ling's water constructs and dissipating them instantly. The sheer force of his power knocked her to the ground, and she lay there, defeated.

The announcer's voice echoed through the arena, "And the winner is Wang Liang!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, though some murmured in disappointment at the one-sided match. Mei Ling was helped off the arena floor, her head held high despite her defeat.

Wang Liang walked back to his corner, his eyes still fixed on Han Li and Ling. The message was clear: he was a force to be reckoned with.

Han Li clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of frustration and determination. He knew that the upcoming battles would only get tougher, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Ling placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, her eyes reflecting the same resolve.

The competition was far from over, and as the remaining contestants prepared for their turn in the arena, the anticipation grew. Everyone knew that the true tests of strength and skill were yet to come.