Farewells and Revelations.

As the time for departure drew near, the team decided to spend their final days at home, bidding farewell to their families and sharing the progress they had made over the past year. The separation would be difficult, but it was also a time to reflect on their achievements and the support that had brought them this far.

Han Li stepped into his modest home, greeted by the familiar scents of old Li cooking and the warmth of his familiar face. Old Li had always been his greatest supporters, encouraging him to pursue his dreams even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

As they sat down around the dinner table, Han Li shared the news of his recent breakthrough. "Old Li I've reached the Concave Astral Body stage," he announced, his voice filled with pride.

Old Li stared at him in stunned silence before he broke into tears of joy. "Han Li, I knew you were special, but this... this is beyond my dreams!" He exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Old Li, normally reserved, couldn't hide his delight. "You've made me so proud, son. Your hard work and dedication have paid off. The Solar System Competition will be just the beginning for you."

The evening was filled with laughter, stories, and shared memories. Han Li felt a deep sense of gratitude for his family's unwavering support. As he prepared to leave, old Li offered him words of encouragement and love, their pride evident in their eyes.

Wang Liang returned to the Governor's mansion, where the grandeur of his home contrasted sharply with the intense training he had endured. His father, the Governor, awaited him in the grand hall, his expression unreadable.

"Father, I have something to share," Wang Liang began, standing tall. "I've advanced to the Concave Astral Body stage."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, a broad smile spread across his father's face. "Wang Liang, you have surpassed even my expectations. Your strength and determination are truly remarkable."

His mother, standing beside his father, beamed with pride. "We always knew you had greatness within you. This achievement is a testament to your hard work and our family's legacy."

The Governor's mansion buzzed with celebration as servants and family members congratulated Wang Liang. His father's approval meant the world to him, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose as he prepared for the journey ahead.

Ling returned to her home, where her father, the District Head, and her mother awaited her. The familiar surroundings brought back memories of her rigorous training and the high expectations placed upon her.

At dinner, Ling revealed her progress. "Father, Mother, I have reached Level 9 of the Body Refinement Astral User stage."

Her father, a man of few words, nodded in approval, his eyes shining with pride. "You have done well, Ling. Your dedication and strategic mind will serve you well in the competition."

Her mother embraced her warmly. "We are so proud of you, my dear. Your journey has been one of strength and perseverance. Remember, we are always with you in spirit."

Ling felt a deep sense of fulfillment. Her parents' pride was the validation she had always sought. As she said her goodbyes, she felt their love and support surrounding her, giving her the strength to face the challenges ahead.

Xiao Mei's homecoming was a journey back to the tranquil village where she had grown up. Her parents, simple farmers, greeted her with open arms, their faces lighting up with joy at her return.

As they sat by the hearth, Xiao Mei shared her news. "Mother, Father, I've reached Level 9 of the Body Refinement Astral User stage."

Her parents exchanged amazed glances before her mother spoke. "Xiao Mei, your achievements are beyond anything we could have imagined. You've always been special, and now the world will see it too."

Her father nodded, his voice filled with pride. "You've always had a deep connection with the earth, and now you've truly harnessed that power. We are incredibly proud of you."

The village held a small celebration in her honor, and Xiao Mei felt the collective pride and support of her community. As she prepared to leave, her parents' parting words echoed in her mind, reminding her of the strength she drew from her roots.

With their farewells said and their hearts full of their families' love and pride, Han Li, Wang Liang, Ling, and Xiao Mei gathered at the spaceport. The massive ship that would take them to the Solar System Competition site loomed before them, a symbol of the journey ahead.

Their mentors and friends from the training grounds were there to see them off, offering final words of encouragement and advice. Master Zhou clasped Han Li's shoulder, his eyes filled with pride. "Remember what you've learned. Trust in your teammates and in yourself."

Master Lei gave Wang Liang a firm handshake. "You've come far, but the real challenge lies ahead. Show them the power of our training."

Master Hua hugged Ling warmly. "Stay calm and think strategically. You have the mind and the skills to succeed."

Master Feng nodded to Xiao Mei. "Your strength comes from within and from the earth. Stay grounded, and you will prevail."

As they boarded the ship, the team felt a mix of emotions—anticipation, excitement, and a touch of nervousness. They took their seats, the hum of the ship's engines vibrating through the cabin.

Han Li looked around at his teammates, each of them lost in their thoughts. "We've come a long way together," he said softly. "Let's make this journey one to remember."

Wang Liang grinned. "We've trained hard and come this far. We're ready for whatever comes our way."

Ling nodded. "We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger. This will be no different."

Xiao Mei smiled, her calm presence a source of reassurance. "Together, we can achieve anything."

As the ship lifted off, the team watched their home planet recede into the distance. Their journey to the Solar System Competition had officially begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their purpose and strengthened by their bond.