The Revelation.

The holographic figure began its scan with Ling . As the ethereal light enveloped her, she stood tall and composed. The figure's eyes glowed as it assessed her abilities.

"Non-elemental power based on control," the figure intoned. "Your talent is acceptable but not sufficient for the heritage."

Ling's shoulders tensed, but she nodded, accepting the judgment without protest. Wang Liang, his fiery aura almost palpable, stepped forward next.

"Fire elemental power," the figure continued. "Your talent is commendable but not adequate for the heritage."

Wang Liang frowned, disappointment clear on his face. "What do you mean not adequate? I've trained harder than anyone!"

The figure remained impassive. "Your effort is noted, but the heritage demands a unique caliber of power."

Wang clenched his fists but stepped back, frustration etched on his features. Xiao Mia, with her earth elemental power, followed.

"Earth elemental power," the figure stated. "Your talent is solid but not worthy of the heritage."

Xiao Mia sighed, clearly disappointed but remained silent. She glanced at Han Li, giving him an encouraging nod. Finally, it was Han Li's turn. He stepped forward with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. The figure's light enveloped him, and as it did, the expression on the hologram's face shifted dramatically.

"Non-elemental power of invisible hands that can pass through solid objects," it said, its voice tinged with excitement. "But there's more… much more."

The figure's eyes widened in what seemed to be both shock and joy. "You possess the Emptiness Astral Body!"

Han Li blinked in surprise. "The Emptiness Astral Body? My power isn't that impressive. Why the praise? And how come it was not discovered during my coming of age ceremony?" "This is just a corner of the big universe I wont be surprise that none of you ... humm what civilization are you anyway?"

"We are human, a new civilization with about two thousand years of development" said Han Li. "Ohhh no wonder your people cant identity your potential, even some civilization of a million years might not be able to identify this extremely rare type of body not to talk of a baby civilization of just two thousand years in a corner of the universe " said the figure "but don't worry with my heritage and tutoring and your potential this corner of the universe is too small for you to shine, the whole universe will know who you are with time".

The holographic figure floated closer, its expression now one of reverence. "The Emptiness Astral Body is a rarity found only once in a million years. It is a body that can draw energy directly from the source of the universe, the Primordial Void."

Han Li's teammates exchanged astonished glances, realizing the significance of what was being said. The figure continued to elaborate, its tone almost worshipful.

"The Emptiness Astral Body allows its possessor to tap into an infinite reservoir of energy. Unlike other astral bodies that draw from specific elemental sources or external energies, the Emptiness Astral Body connects directly to the universe's core essence. This connection grants unparalleled power and versatility, enabling the wielder to manipulate the very fabric of reality."

Han Li listened, still trying to grasp the magnitude of what he was hearing. "But... I've never experienced anything like that. I just have these invisible hands."

Ling Sun, watching the exchange, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. "So, all this time, you've had this incredible potential and didn't even know it?"

Wang Liang shook his head in disbelief. "I don't get it. I've trained for years to control my fire powers, and you're telling me he's just naturally more powerful?"

"That is but a fraction of your potential," the figure explained to Han Li. "With training and understanding, your abilities can transcend any elemental limitation. You can harness the raw, undiluted power of creation and destruction, shaping reality to your will."

The rest of the team looked at Han Li with newfound respect and a hint of envy. Xiao Mia tried to mask her disappointment but couldn't help feeling let down. She had hoped her earth powers would be enough to secure the heritage.

The figure continued, "Because of your unique astral body, you are chosen for the heritage. The knowledge and power contained within these ruins are now yours to claim, provided you can master the trials ahead."

Han Li nodded, determination filling his eyes. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Wang Liang crossed his arms, still visibly upset. "So, what about us? Are we just supposed to stand aside while Han Li takes all the glory?"

The figure addressed the group, "Your contributions are valuable. The trials ahead require teamwork, and your support will be crucial. While Han Li is the chosen one, your roles in his journey are significant."

Ling Sun sighed. "I guess it's time we accept it. This isn't about individual glory. It's about achieving something greater together."

The figure smiled, or at least, its holographic equivalent of a smile. "Then prepare yourself, Han Li. The path ahead will not be easy, but with the Emptiness Astral Body, you have the potential to become the greatest astral warrior the universe has ever seen."

With that, the holographic figure faded, leaving the team in awe of the revelation. Han Li felt a surge of energy within him, a connection to something far greater than himself. He knew that his journey was just beginning, and the true extent of his powers had yet to be unlocked.

The team gathered around Han Li, a mixture of pride and anticipation in their eyes. Wang Liang patted him on the back, albeit grudgingly. "Guess you better not let us down, Han Li."

Han Li smiled, feeling a new sense of responsibility. "I won't. We'll do this together."

As they prepared to move forward, the weight of their mission settled in. The heritage awaited, and with it, the promise of unimaginable power. But with great power came great challenges, and Han Li knew they would need to rely on each other more than ever before.