Chapter 1: Awakening Part 4: First Test

The peace of the village was shattered one evening when Liang Chen heard shouts and the clashing of metal. He dropped the firewood he was carrying and sprinted towards the source of the commotion, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he approached the village square, he saw a group of rough-looking men wielding swords and clubs, terrorizing the villagers. The leader of the group, a burly man with a scar across his face, was barking orders.

"Gather all the valuables! We leave no stone unturned!" the leader shouted, his voice filled with menace.

Liang Chen clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger and determination. These bandits had picked the wrong village to raid. He quickly made his way to Elder Mu's hut, where he found the old man tending to a few frightened villagers.

"Elder Mu, we have to stop them," Liang Chen said urgently.

Elder Mu's eyes were filled with worry, but he nodded. "Be careful, Chen. These men are dangerous."

Liang Chen nodded and stepped out of the hut, the pendant around his neck pulsing with energy. He took a deep breath, feeling the qi flow through him, and stepped into the village square.

"Leave this village at once!" he shouted, his voice strong and unwavering.

The bandit leader turned, his eyes narrowing as he sized up Liang Chen. "And who are you to give orders, boy?" he sneered.

Liang Chen didn't reply. Instead, he focused on the qi within him, channeling it into his limbs. He moved with a speed and grace that startled the bandits, striking the first one before they even had time to react. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

"Get him!" the leader roared, and the remaining bandits rushed at Liang Chen.

Drawing upon the techniques he had practiced, Liang Chen moved like a shadow, dodging blows and countering with precise, powerful strikes. He felt the qi enhancing his movements, giving him strength and agility far beyond what he had ever known. One by one, the bandits fell, unable to match his skill and speed.

The leader, seeing his men defeated, snarled in rage and charged at Liang Chen, swinging his sword wildly. Liang Chen parried the blow with ease, his movements fluid and controlled. With a swift, decisive strike, he disarmed the leader and sent him sprawling to the ground.

"Leave now, and never return," Liang Chen said coldly, standing over the defeated leader.

The man glared up at him, hatred burning in his eyes, but he knew he was beaten. He scrambled to his feet and fled, his remaining men following close behind.

As the bandits disappeared into the night, the villagers began to emerge from their hiding places, their faces filled with awe and gratitude.

"You saved us, Liang Chen," Elder Mu said, his voice shaking with relief. "How did you...?"

Liang Chen smiled faintly, feeling a mix of pride and humility. "I've been training, Elder Mu. There's much more to this world than we know."

Elder Mu nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "You've become a true cultivator, Chen. Your parents would be proud."

Liang Chen's heart swelled with emotion at the mention of his parents. He had taken his first real step on the path to power, but he knew this was just the beginning. There were greater challenges ahead, and he was determined to face them head-on.

That night, as the village celebrated their unexpected hero, Liang Chen retreated to his hut, the weight of his new responsibilities settling on his shoulders. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was ready to embrace both.