Chapter 3: Journey Begins Part 3: Azure Sky Sect

As Liang Chen and Lin Mei stepped through the grand gates of the Azure Sky Sect, he was struck by the sheer scale and beauty of the sect's grounds. Towering pagodas with sweeping roofs and adorned with golden dragon motifs rose against the backdrop of the majestic mountains. Lush gardens filled with rare and vibrant plants lined the pathways, and the air was filled with the tranquil sound of flowing water from numerous streams and fountains.

Disciples of all ages moved purposefully through the grounds, their robes fluttering in the breeze. Some practiced martial arts in the open courtyards, their movements precise and powerful, while others meditated by the serene ponds, their expressions calm and focused.

Lin Mei guided Liang Chen through the bustling pathways, pointing out various landmarks and buildings. "The Azure Sky Sect is divided into several halls, each dedicated to a different aspect of cultivation," she explained. "You'll have plenty of opportunities to learn and grow here."

They approached a large, ornate building where a group of disciples was gathered. Lin Mei gestured for Liang Chen to follow her inside. "This is the Hall of Admissions. New disciples are evaluated and assigned to their respective halls based on their talents and potential."

Inside the hall, the atmosphere was one of anticipation and excitement. Elderly cultivators with long, flowing robes and wise expressions sat behind a large table, reviewing scrolls and speaking with the new arrivals.

Lin Mei led Liang Chen to the head of the line. "This is Liang Chen," she announced to the elder in charge. "He comes highly recommended and has shown remarkable potential."

The elder, a dignified woman with silver hair and piercing eyes, looked Liang Chen over with a discerning gaze. "Welcome to the Azure Sky Sect, Liang Chen. I am Elder Yu. Tell me about yourself and why you seek to join our sect."

Liang Chen took a deep breath and recounted his journey—discovering the relic, training under the guidance of Tianlong, defending his village from the Black Tiger Clan, and his determination to become stronger to protect his home and uphold the legacy of the Martial Emperor.

Elder Yu listened intently, nodding occasionally. When Liang Chen finished, she smiled. "You have faced great challenges and shown exceptional courage and determination. The Azure Sky Sect values such qualities. We will test your abilities to determine your placement."

Liang Chen nodded, ready to prove himself. He was led to a courtyard where other new disciples were gathered. Lin Mei stayed by his side, offering words of encouragement.

The tests began with basic martial arts forms. Liang Chen moved through the sequences with fluidity and precision, drawing on his training with Tianlong. His movements were swift and powerful, each strike imbued with controlled qi.

Next came the qi control test. Liang Chen was instructed to channel his qi into a series of crystals, each requiring different levels of precision and strength. He focused his mind, feeling the flow of energy within him, and directed it with accuracy. The crystals glowed brightly under his touch, indicating his skill and control.

The final test was a sparring match against one of the sect's senior disciples. Liang Chen faced his opponent, a tall and muscular young man named Feng Wei, who eyed him with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"Let's see what you've got, village boy," Feng Wei sneered.

Liang Chen remained calm, remembering Tianlong's teachings. As the match began, Feng Wei attacked with a flurry of powerful strikes. Liang Chen dodged and parried, his movements swift and precise. He waited for an opening, then countered with a series of rapid blows that forced Feng Wei to retreat.

The sparring match continued, each combatant testing the other's limits. Liang Chen felt the qi flowing through him, empowering his strikes and enhancing his agility. He could sense Feng Wei's frustration growing as he struggled to land a decisive blow.

Finally, Liang Chen saw his chance. He feinted to the left, then struck with a powerful qi-infused punch that sent Feng Wei sprawling to the ground. The courtyard fell silent as the other disciples and elders watched in awe.

Elder Yu stepped forward, her eyes filled with approval. "Liang Chen, you have demonstrated exceptional skill, control, and determination. You will be assigned to the Hall of Martial Arts and the Hall of Qi Cultivation. Continue to train diligently and uphold the values of the Azure Sky Sect."

Liang Chen bowed deeply. "Thank you, Elder Yu. I will not disappoint you."

Lin Mei smiled at Liang Chen, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You've done well, Liang Chen. This is just the beginning."

As they walked away from the courtyard, Liang Chen felt a sense of accomplishment and a renewed determination. He had proven himself worthy of the Azure Sky Sect, but he knew that the real challenges were yet to come. With Lin Mei by his side and the guidance of Tianlong, he was ready to face whatever trials awaited him.

The Azure Sky Sect was now his home, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity. The path of cultivation stretched out before him, filled with endless possibilities, and he was ready to embrace it.