

Floremaine Mariano! , the girl advising the ground staff who is checking on her passport as of the moment. Her phone rings…Hi, you called! Yup! I will be arriving at the airport, uhm 18 hours and 15 minutes, hmmm, maybe at…yeah! Eleven in the evening! Sorry Lorie. But I can get a cab so …haha! Okay, thank you! See you then! Ah…., losing her grip of her passport and plane ticket.

Oh…I'm sorry!, here let me help you!, a young woman said picking up Floremaine's stuff.

Oh, no, it's okay. Thanks, it's my fault I was on my phone when you walked passed me. I should be looking ahead not at my phone!

It's fine, dear! I'm Trish by the way!, the woman said smiling and extending her hand to shake Floremaine's hand.

Oh, sorry, yes Floremaine, ah Maine, call me Maine! Other's call me Mei!....shaking Trish's hand.

Wow, this girl has very soft hand. Is she a famous artist or something. I think I have seen her somewhere but, huh!

Yes, is there something on my face. I just ate dinner at one of your local food chains uh it was Mcdo! Haha….right!

Ah, yesh Mcdonald's, You like to eat there too, same here!, Maine added smiling and changing the topic, her thought from the beautiful girl's soft hand and beautiful face to food.

Oh that's nice, there you go, we are already compatible! I mean as friends!, Trish said clearing her throat about the word compatible.

Ah, I see! Yes, then, friends!, Maine reaching for Trish's hand again and the latter shook it then touched the back of her new found friend's hand. Trish looked at Maine like she never looked at a girl before. She felt strange but nice. Maine is very pretty, simple, elegant and smells sweet too.



Where are you boarding to?, Maine smiling. Britain. I need to get back home for Christmas, you?

For vacation and to celebrate last Christmas with my best friend!, Maine added pulling her carry on luggage to place it on the upper compartment.

Oh, last Christmas, why? Let me help you with that!, Trish giving Maine a hand with her luggage. She already placed her carry on easily since it's just a laptop and her camera. Trish is a renowned photographer and she travels a lot doing photo blogs for companies and famous celebrities who pays for her services.

Yes, I will be meeting someone in Britain as well. So, it's nice to bump into someone traveling to the same place I'd be going to too! It is fate that we met here, Trish!

Fiance? Aha! Oh, so you're engaged! That's an eye sore, your ring, with that big rock, you can feed the whole of Africa, I think, haha!, Trish teasing Maine.

Yes, I told him not to buy me stuff and this ring, But he insisted! Hihi!. Thanks but I don't think so! Africa is so huge this rock wouldn't be enough to feed the many people and children dying there of hunger. I am staff for the United Nations and other civic organizations to help the poor and poor countries, so I know!, Maine added smiling at Trish.

My God, I think I have fallen for this girl who's smile can melt a cold heart. And that lucky bastard surely has God on his side to catch a rare butterfly like Maine, Trish thought. Wow! That's great. I am a photographer. Maybe I can come with you when I'm free to shoot for U.N.?

Yeah, that would be perfect!, Maine said laughing hard. I have never laughed this hard and so happy lately since had lots to do in the organization and the engagement…..Thanks Trish, you're a dear, really!

You know you speak fluent English. How come? I mean it's not impossible. Filipinos speak good English but not as good as you!, Trish said sitting down and locking her seat belt. The plane is about to leave the NAIA, Maine is still talking when one of the crew advised her to sit and buckle up. Trish helped Maine and when she was about to lock her belt, Trish caught Maine's hand and looked into her eyes. Both felt something different, electrifying. Maine and Trish felt something unusual, but moved their gaze on different directions and smiled. Trish looked at the airplane window since she is on the window seat. Maine looked at the crew and smiled at the lady advising her to buckle up. Maine smiled as she fixed her belt and avoided beautiful Trish's eyes.

Both girls chatted for hours and just decided to end their conversation when one of the airline crew gave them food and drinks. Trish hated airplane food so she sneaked out of her pocket, Sneakers and Nestle's Cream chocolate bars. Maine saw Trish's eyes lit up because of the bars. Maine giggled and took one then unwrapped it quietly, sneaking around, since all passengers have fallen asleep. Trish is still awake and laughing while eating the choco bar with Maine. It's about four in the morning when the plane left the tarmac.

Now the two girls will have to wait 18 hours to reach Britain, and it will be a fun ride for both. It is Maine's second time to ride a plane in a long-haul flight and it is Trish's dozen times to travel Manila and abroad. As a photographer, she is hired for every exclusive and exquisite celebration or event there is to photo on, not knowing that her very special friend will be asking her to shoot for the best day of his entire life.

Ricky! Stop. When will I meet this girl of yours? Okay, okay, alright! I will, do your wedding photo shoot. Just tell me when and where! Alright see you, dog! I hope she's cute and sweet and all….haha.

Huh! Who's cute and sweet?, Maine said handing Trish her heated food, steak and veges with mashed potatoes on the side. Not my fave meal but it's edible, yeck! I hate plane food!, Trish said getting ready to vomit when Maine gave her a packet of gummy bears and sour candy puffs. Aha! How did you know I love these?