
Can't Escape 2

I walked to both Elise and Maine who is now laughing with the catalog that our smart friend presented the sobbing girl. Oh, you're already here, it's about time! I need to run along guys! My plane is waiting for me!, Elise said and smiled, kissed Maine on the cheek and hugged me before leaving. Will try to message and visit in the weekends! Tata!

Thanks Elise, love yah!, Maine said and her phone rang, oh, Lorie! Hi! yeah!, I know and well he said for a month! But well, okay! Thanks, See you then! Love you! bye! So, I'm sure that he left me in your care, just like the first time I met you!

Yes and I never planned it that way. He….

Stop making excuses, I'm sick and tired of you both. You are the same, womanizers, liars and…., Maine added heartbroken.

No, I'm not like him. I never lied about what I felt about you yet, you have Dave and you are engaged with my best friend. What am I supposed to do?, Trish replied sadly and tried to approach Maine to touch her.

Don't touch me, please. You've done enough!

Maine, I don't know what happened to Dave and I don't know what he is about to do after. But what I do know is that I'm here if you need someone to lean on and be your friend!

Just a friend?, Maine added moving in close to me.

Ahh, yeah, like I said you are important to me so is Dave! And I can't do this to him!

But it's okay to make out with me without him knowing and all, right?

No, what I meant was, ….ahhh Maine, I like you and I know I'm in love with you. But while Dave is gone, why not pretend that you forgave me and is willing to be friends for the sake of our friendship. I missed you Maine, as a friend and the good times we had when all this didn't blow up and when you and Dave are still together. Not that he won't be coming back….

What, he will not come back? I knew it. I know he had been seeing other girls apart from me but I just held a blind eye because I thought he will change, for me. But he didn't. Yet I love him. I love you too and now I'm confused of what I needed to do. Maybe it's better that he leaves. Maybe we both need a break from each other. From friends or love ones, from you!

Maine, you have been special and important to me. I worry and care for you, just so you know that I truly am sorry for what Dave did and still do to make you sad or insecure!, Trish explained and Maine smiled a little. Nah! It's okay, I'll live!

Ah, want a popcorn and watch a movie together? I asked Maine and she nodded with tears flowing from her eyes, forcing a smile.

Maine and I started over. Like best of friends she helped Maine to cope up with losing Dave. For weeks, months and all, she remained strong with me on her side. The gang came over once every two weeks to check on us. Dave tries to call me or Maine's number but since we became very busy with events and modeling gigs. Maine had fun joining me with my photo shoots and travels. It's been a wonderful experience and I never enjoyed my life, my career and passion more than when I had Maine with me to help and inspire me in everything I do and create. It's so amazing and everything's special, magical with her in it. Whenever I see her sleep, cuddling a pillow or her favorite bear that I gave in her birthday. I always pray that she be happy and if not with me, with someone that would love her always and would choose her in spite of who and what she is.

I can offer her so much but I don't want her to lose herself or her goodness because I love her. Yes I truly love Maine but does she love me? Yet, it's not the question of love but if she'll choose me over Dave and his riches. I am fortunate and affluent in my own right but not as rich as Dave and his family is now.

Hey, you're thinking about something again. Why is that when you're with me your mind floats or like in space. Hmm…are you thinking about your gf or the girls you're with?, Maine asked when she was already beside me sipping milk with her pajamas on while I type on my laptop for work. Ah….(if you only knew that I was thinking about you and that's becoming a nuisance, since I always think about you most especially when I'm in the shower, hehe!), well, I' was thinking about you too!

Aha…and what about me?, Maine smiling naughtily.

How, beautiful you are when you cry, your nose and cheek turning pink from the sobbing and how pretty you look like when you come out of the shower, wet and fresh. And how special you are when feel you are not or when you get insecure by the thought of the women I dated or seen. That you are the most beautiful among them and compared to them, so honest, caring and good hearted! So…..did I answer your question?

Yes and those are the perfect words for a special girl like me…mwahhhh!!!, Maine cried then she kissed me not hesitating on the mouth and hugged me tight like she doesn't want to let me go, ever.

Mai….ne!!! Haaaaaa…..I need to finish this, first! It's due tomorrow! Sorry!, I whispered and Maine was totally flushed but dismayed. Oh…..okay!, she stopped then smiled a little yet felt heavy when I turned her down this second time.

I felt horrible but I wanted it to be special. She is different and she is not the other girls I dated or had sex with. Maine couldn't understand that sex isn't an affirmation of how much I love her but there's more to sex and the feeling there.