Chapter 2 : Past and Present


Fortunately, the wound was not in a vital spot, so it was not serious. However, he could not help but feel angry, so he glared at the blue-robed man and said gently,

"Zhao Hao, you are such a despicable and shameless person,... Ruo Xi must not marry a sinister and vicious person like you!"

As he was speaking, Ruo Xi came over. She stared at Zhao Hao on the ground angrily and said,

"Zhao Hao, I used to trust you a lot. I didn't care about our family background...though you are an Unrighteous martial artist, I have seen that you never kill good people indiscriminately, and you have not done anything evil.

"Therefore, I gave you this opportunity to let you two men who love me deeply, fight fairly, and then the winner can take me away...But, I didn't expect that…your mind is so narrow and vicious."

"Brother Li helped you up, but you took the opportunity to attack him. You... Even if you won, I would not go with you just because of this. I can't have a husband who is as poisonous as a snake and scorpion! Today, I finally see your true face of cruelty and meanness! You... Get out of here, I never want to see you again."

As she spoke, she began to cry sadly.

Wang Li stepped forward to pat her, gently wiped her tears, and looked at Zhao Hao, who was gritting his teeth and extremely angry, with a dignified and contemptuous look. Then, he put his arm around Ruo Xi's waist and said softly, "Ruo Xi, let's go!"

Zhao Hao's eyes were filled with jealousy, indignation, and viciousness. He shouted at the two Person who were about to leave:

"Wang Li, you bastard, and that rotten fucking bitch... I will definitely seek revenge against you for what you did today.

His scream was miserably like that of a madman and his expression was so fierce that it made people shudder.

Wang Li and Ruo Xi turned and left. They wanted to find the Peaceful life they longed for and needed...

Wang Li was born into a prestigious martial arts family. His father, Wang Tian, was famous in the martial arts world for many years for his superb "Hunyuan Palm" that made people in the martial arts world shudder. Who in the martial arts world doesn't know the name of "Hunyuan Palm" Wang Li?

Wang Li inherited his father's skills. When he was 17, his father died due to inner demons while practising martial arts.

His mother was so sad and devastated that she also died of illness a year later, leaving Wang Li alone at home without any brothers or sisters.

So, he travelled all over the mountains and rivers, wandered around the world, looking for famous teachers and masters to learn skills.

At the age of 20, he had earned the resounding name "Hunyuan Divine Sword" in the martial arts world. His ancestral invincible "Hunyuan Palm" and the superb "Soul-chasing Sword Technique", as well as his superb lightness skills like a wild goose, have made him one of the top masters in the world.

He is generous and upright by nature, hates evil, helps the poor and the needy, and loves to stand up for the weak. He is a very respected and admired master of the Righteous way.

Ruo Xi's surname was Lin. She was born into a well-known scholarly family. She was well-educated and talented, and was proficient in all arts, such as music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. She was also proficient in poetry.

But when she was fifteen, her parents and her family were killed by criminals when they robbed them of their property. She took advantage of the chaos to escape through the back door and saved her life.

Over the years, she has been wandering around the world with Wang Li and Zhao Hao, whom she had the honour of meeting. She is a beautiful and talented woman who is loved and envied by everyone in the world. Her reputation is well-known to everyone.

Zhao Hao is a Unrighteous master artist who learned superior martial arts from a master. He happened to obtain a secret book of "Poisonous Technique" and learned the poisonous martial arts contained in it. He has only mastered 40% of it so far, but he has already become one of the top masters.

Although he is an Unrighteous martial artist, his actions were not as vicious and inhumane as those of the Unrighteous martial artist. He only stole other people's property and killed some martial arts scum. Overall, he was not a bad person! Otherwise, how could Wang Li and Ruo Xi get to know him and travel the world together?

However, he is an aloof, cold, taciturn person, narrow-minded and narrow-minded.

Wang Li and Zhao Hao both have love for Lin Ruo Xi, and she, perhaps because of the long-term affection, also has a good impression of them. When she, who is just beginning to fall in love, hears their sincere confession at the same time, she becomes confused and upset, and can't make up her mind who to choose.

As the love triangle lasted for a long time, some estrangement began to appear between the two Friends. They gradually became enemies instead of friends, and the conflict became increasingly serious.

This situation made Ruo Xi very distressed. She did not want to lose these two friends who had helped her when she had no relatives and who had been with her for such a long time.

However, she couldn't decide who to marry... who to marry. Finally, after discussion, the three of them decided to have a fair fight, and whoever won would marry her! So, they chose a day to fight, and the scene at the beginning appeared...

Wang Li and Lin Ruo Xi finally got married. After another year of wandering in the martial arts world, they felt the dangers of the martial arts world, the unpredictable human heart and everything was unpredictable.

So they decided to retire to the deep mountains and old forests, to end their lives, to leave this terrifying martial arts world full of blood and killing, and to live an ordinary life of self-reliance, farming and working.

They lived in seclusion in a valley in Lushan Mountain with their like-minded friends Li Tian and his wife. Li Tian was also famous in the martial arts world. Once, in order to save a woman, he offended a powerful force in the martial arts world and was hunted by this force.

During the hunt, Li Tian and the woman developed feelings for each other. In the end, they were rescued by the couple. They were very grateful. Later, when they heard that the Wang Li and Lin Ruo Xi were going to live in seclusion, they also became indifferent to the dangers of the martial arts world and decided to live in seclusion with them.

They built a small manor, hired more than ten servants, and lived a very happy and peaceful life. Li Tian and the woman Yu Qian also got married. A year later, Lin Ruo Xi gave birth to a boy and named him Wang Yi.

Later, Li Tian's wife Yu Qian also gave birth to a daughter and named her Li Fangfei. When Wang Yi was one year old, Wang Lia and Li Tian saw that Wang Yi and Li Fangfei were both very cute, so they agreed to become in-laws. Lin Yurong and Yu Qian were also very happy.


After 17 Years,

Time flies, and before they knew it, they had lived in seclusion in Mount Lu for seventeen years.

Wang Li is already over 40 years old, and lives a simple life in seclusion, but he still cannot hide the extraordinary demeanour revealed between his eyebrows, and his heroic spirit has not diminished at all.

More than ten years of self-cultivation have enabled him to comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism, and thus his mind is as calm as water, and he is even more like a hermit.

Li Tian is about forty years old, but he is still tall and handsome, not inferior to Wang Li.

Ruo Xi is already thirty-six or thirty-seven years old, but because she has lived a carefree life for a long time, her delicate face has become more feminine.

She looks no more than twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, and her whole body exudes a pure and elegant aura. Although she is wrapped in coarse linen clothes, it still cannot conceal her charming and mature figure.

She is more beautiful than sixteen years ago, with a fuller figure, and her skin is white, smooth and jade-like, and she is very charming!

Li Tian's wife Yu Qian is one year younger than Lin Ruo Xi. Although not as stunningly beautiful as Lin Ruo Xi, she is also a rare beauty. More than ten years of secluded life has turned her into a stunning young woman, even more seductive and attractive.

Wang Yi has grown into a handsome and imposing young man. He has sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, red lips and big ears, a face like a jade crown, a tall and straight figure, a strong back and strong waist, and exudes the vigor and majesty of a man. Although he wears a tall hat and a scholar's robe, he does not have the dull and nerdy air of an ordinary scholar.

On the contrary, he has more of his father's majestic demeanour, and his eyes clearly reveal a majestic look that makes people dare not look up to him.

Li Fangfei also grew up to be a beautiful girl, and her appearance was even better than her mother Yu Qian.

Wang Yi is generous and straightforward, but also very smart and agile. He has a talent and intelligence that is different from ordinary people.

In addition, he is skilled in the arts, chess, calligraphy and painting, and after more than ten years of martial arts practice, he can unconsciously be listed among the second-rate masters of the world.

With such conditions, he is exactly the kind of perfect man that all young and beautiful women admire and dream of. Li Fangfei is also extremely beautiful, and the two of them standing together are simply a perfect match.
