From author You Decide To Read Or Not..


Author :- I am sure you are here to read smut novel. If you are then this smut novel will be for you because, Long Smut, I got You..

(Mother, Aunt, Grandmother, mother in law, princess, queen , empress dowager, daughter, orgy, threesome, foursome,)

Every thing is in this novel.. there are plots too so read plots as you will not understand if you don't read it.. Thank you

(Author :- These are some character which will be added on harem in the future. There are lots of characters which will be not added other wise this chart will have more than 3000 words *heheh*)

Mother of Wang Yi : Lin Ruo Xi

Wang Yi's aunt, Li Tian's wife : Yu Qian

Yu Qian's Daughter : Li Fangfei

 Wang Yi Master's Daughter : Yang Ling'er

  Grandma Zhang : Ziyan

First Aunt : Xiao Lanfang

Second Aunt : Xiao Furong

Third Aunt Xiao Fanghua

Eldest mother-in-law : Zhang Xiuyun

Second mother-in-law : Tang Rushuang,

Third mother-in-law : Chen Xiumei

Fourth mother-in-law : Han Fengxian

Fifth mother-in-law : Huang Yueying