Chapter 7: Echoes of the Past

The group moved swiftly through the forest, the rising sun casting long shadows as they followed the ancient map's path. Their encounter with the shadowy creatures the night before had left them on edge, but it had also strengthened their resolve. Each step took them closer to the next location marked on the map: an ancient temple said to hold more clues about the artifact and the Eternal Gate.

Ethan led the way, the artifact now securely fastened to his belt. The forest gradually thinned out, giving way to a rocky terrain dotted with crumbling stone structures and overgrown statues. The air grew heavier with the scent of moss and damp earth, and an eerie silence settled over the landscape.

"There it is," Aria said, pointing to a large stone structure partially hidden by the encroaching vegetation. "The temple."

They approached cautiously, weapons at the ready. The temple's entrance was framed by massive stone pillars, carved with intricate patterns and ancient runes. The doorway yawned open like the maw of some great beast, inviting them into the darkness within.

"We should be careful," Liam warned. "There's no telling what might be inside."

Ethan nodded. "Stay close and keep your eyes peeled for any traps or creatures. This place looks like it's been abandoned for centuries, but we can't be sure."

They stepped into the temple, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. The air inside was cool and damp, and the faint glow of the artifact provided the only light. As they moved deeper, they saw more carvings and inscriptions, depicting scenes of battles, rituals, and a towering gate that could only be the Eternal Gate.

"These carvings must tell the story of the artifact," Aria said, tracing her fingers over one of the scenes. "Look, this one shows a group of warriors guarding it."

Ethan examined the carvings closely. "It looks like they were protecting the artifact from something—or someone."

They continued through the temple, the carvings becoming more elaborate and the sense of foreboding growing stronger. Eventually, they reached a large chamber, its domed ceiling adorned with more intricate patterns and a series of runes that glowed faintly in the artifact's light.

In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, similar to the one they had found in the first ruins. Ethan approached it cautiously, half-expecting another trap or attack. But the pedestal held only a single, small object: a stone tablet covered in ancient script.

"This must be it," Ethan said, picking up the tablet. "It looks like it's written in the same language as the runes on the artifact."

Aria peered over his shoulder. "Can you read it?"

Ethan focused on the tablet, the symbols slowly resolving into words in his mind. "It says, 'The path to the Eternal Gate is fraught with peril. Only those who possess the light of the ancients can unlock its secrets.'"

Liam frowned. "The light of the ancients? That must be the artifact. But how do we use it?"

Before Ethan could respond, the chamber shook violently, and a deep, rumbling growl echoed through the air. The walls began to crack, and pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground.

"We need to get out of here!" Ethan shouted, clutching the tablet.

They raced back through the temple, dodging falling debris and navigating the collapsing corridors. As they neared the entrance, a massive figure emerged from the shadows, blocking their path. It was a stone golem, its eyes glowing with a fierce light, and it moved with surprising speed for its size.

"Take it down!" Aria yelled, nocking an arrow and aiming for the golem's eyes.

Ethan and Liam charged at the creature, their weapons clashing against its stone exterior. The golem retaliated with powerful swings of its massive fists, each blow shaking the ground.

Ethan realized their attacks were barely making a dent. "We need to find a weak spot!" he shouted, dodging another swing.

Aria's arrows found their mark, hitting the golem's eyes and momentarily blinding it. "Aim for the joints!" she called out. "That's where the stone is weakest!"

Ethan and Liam focused their attacks on the golem's knees and elbows, their weapons chipping away at the stone. The golem roared in anger, its movements becoming more sluggish and erratic.

Finally, with a powerful strike from Shadowbane, Ethan severed one of the golem's legs. The creature toppled over, crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact. Liam delivered the final blow, shattering the golem's head and reducing it to rubble.

Breathing heavily, the group quickly made their way out of the temple, emerging into the sunlight just as the structure collapsed behind them. They stumbled away from the ruins, hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins.

"We need to find out more about this tablet," Ethan said, once they had caught their breath. "It's the key to understanding how to use the artifact."

Aria nodded. "There's a library in the next town over. They might have records or books that can help us decipher it further."

As they set off towards the town, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was about to become even more dangerous. The attack on the temple had been too well-timed to be a coincidence. Someone—or something—was determined to stop them from reaching the Eternal Gate.