
 Minor amounts of dust float through the air, illuminated by the soft warm glow of the lanterns lit overhead, the flames dancing through the glass and projecting their shadows onto the slightly ashy wooden planks. The planks creak lightly underfoot as Narian, the blacksmith who seems to have a greater place in this world than he lets on, leads Khalid onwards into his smithery. The tension between the two is at an uncomfortable high, as the minutes tick by and the hallway seems to continue growing endlessly with the end nowhere in sight. "Narian, is this some kind of joke? You invite me in and then trap me in some illusion?" Narian slightly pauses in his steps as the sharply spoken words of Khalid cut through the tension previously so thick it was weighing down on them. He stops and shakes his head, sighing softly. "Khalid, right? The hallway is no illusion, but rather a safety precaution. The place we are heading into is filled with considerably precious equipment and materials, packed to the brim. I can't simply allow anyone into this place at random, so I constructed this hallway to help me spend enough time to judge their intent of entering my place, and so far you have passed with flying colors. Since that old fool trusts you enough to even give you his token and allow you to take your pick of equipment, I had to put you through one last test to make sure he wasn't just being taken advantage of. I do apologize for not getting your consent in advance, but I'm sure you can see how prior knowledge of this measure would affect the end results." Narian looks up at Khalid apologetically and sighs once more before snapping his fingers, and for a split second sparks of a flame appear as the walls all around them begin to creak and splinter. The flames enclosed within the metal lanterns begin to writhe and roar, before burning their cages and rapidly devouring the surroundings until all the wood has burnt, leaving the hallway seemingly comprised entirely of ash. Narian lets out a soft but powerful breath of air, and the hallway floats away to reveal a grand wide space filled with multiple forges and piles of equipment littered around in random places. 

 "This is a sight most here would never see in their lives, the true appearance of the Greenwood Smithery. Most would simply see the inside of a shabby shop with some equipment hung on the walls that are decent enough to buy but easily replaceable. In here however, is where the real gems lay in disguise. Lets head to that door at the end of the room there, and you can start taking your pick of some basic equipment so that the Guild Trainers won't completely tie you into a pretzel when you take your entrance exam." Khalid simply nodded and walked forward, his attention drawn entirely by the magnificent array of weapons and armor pieces found at any place he allowed his gaze to fall. Hundreds of grand greatswords, its blade unreasonably large and its edge still looking sharp enough to cut his eyes from looking too long. Everywhere he looked he would find a weapon fit for any warrior, whether they be pikes, sabers, long swords, rapiers, crossbows, longbows, even daggers and throwing knives. Not to mention the myriad assortment of armor, truly an awe-inspiring sight that caused him to reassess the man walking so calmly beside him, as if the items creating these piles were trash on the street. "Narian, I know you may not be the best person to ask in regards to this, but I haven't been able to figure this out on my own and right now you seem like the only person I can really ask. Especially since so far, this is the longest I've managed to have a conversation with anyone in this town." Narian raised his eyebrow as they walked, nodding at him to continue. "I've felt this since I landed on this world but, my mind seems to be lagging extremely far behind the speed I'm used to it working at. Is there some sort of seal or damage, or is this a common occurrence amongst my fellow... otherworlders?"

Narian kept silent for a while, before finally opening his mouth to speak. "Well to answer if this is common amongst your comrades as well, I've not the foggiest. Strictly speaking, you're the first otherworlder I've had contact with, let alone one that has mentioned anything like what you describe. However, I have heard that your body here is not your true body, but merely a vessel. My hypothesis is that it is possible your body's true potential has been sealed in order to allow this vessel here to contain your soul and grant you the ability to exponentially grow in strength. How about this, since I had wronged you earlier, instead of just doing something as useless as just allowing you a pick at a weapon and armor set of your choice, I'll add on an item that should help with your issue. I'll get to creating it once you choose your equipment set so that I can not only tailor the set to your vessel, but allow it to help you bring out more of that potential possibly sealed away in you." Khalid was slightly taken aback by the generous offer of tailoring the set and even creating an item to alleviate his problem, but finally managed to keep his cool and nodded calmly, thanking Narian for going out of his way to do so much for him. The two of them had finally made it to the equipment storage room, the door adorned in fine gold outlines and had a large symbol consisting of a smith's hammer, an anvil, and a pair of tongs. As Khalid was about to open the door, Narian grabbed his hand and shook his head, pointing over at an inconspicuous corner of the large room. A donkey had appeared out of the smoke, braying at the two of them, before making swiftly making his way over and opening the door for them. The head shape of the donkey fit into an indent that had suddenly appeared on the door, and a cacophony of locks that unlocked had sounded out, before a loud hiss brought their attention back to the donkey. It brayed at them on last time before turning into smoke once more, and the door slowly swung open, with a grand light behind the door slowly increasing in strength as it opened wider.

Narian stepped inside and grabbed a couple different weapons before setting them out on a table for Khalid to choose from. "For starters, lets choose a weapon for you and then we can decide on a good equipment set for you from there." Khalid nodded at his words, and walked up to the table, inspecting the 5 different choices provided before him.

[Well-Forged Iron Sword]

"A sword casually crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master using at least one twelfth of their effort, meant for use by a Beginner Swordsman. Increases damage on hit by 12 guaranteed. Grants an increase of 10 attack to the holder, and inflicts Armor Shred, which applies an armor reduction of 1 to enemies on hit with a maximum reduction of 4."

Khalid nodded his head at the explanation provided by the system, planning to choose this as his backup weapon if the other four don't meet his standards.

[Well-Forged Iron Axe]

"A battle axe casually crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master using at least one twelfth of their effort, meant for use by a Beginner Berserker or a Beginner Soldier. Grants a stack of Battle Frenzy to the user on hit, with a maximum of 4 stacks, each stack granting 2 attack and 1 agility. Grants an increase of 15 attack to the holder."

Khalid raised his eyes at the buff labeled battle frenzy, as it could be just what he needs to overcome the horrible deficit in his stats given by his curse. He noted this buff down for possible future use before moving his gaze to the next weapon.

[Well-Forged Arcane Staff]

"A staff casually crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master, with the assistance of a Quasi-Master Tier Arcane Master, using at least one twelfth of their effort, meant for use by a Beginner Mage or a Beginner Priest. Grants a stack of Arcane Proficiency to the user on hit, with a maximum of 3 stacks, each stack granting 2 Intelligence, 1 agility, and +1 to their mana regeneration per second. Grants an increase of 12 Intelligence to the holder."

Khalid didn't find as much interest in the staff as compared to the battle axe and the sword, but found it a viable option in the event he decides to take a long range approach to combat.

[Well-Forged Iron Dagger]

"A dagger casually crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master using at least one twelfth of their effort, meant for use by a Beginner Assassin. Grants a stack of Stealth Proficiency to the user on hit, with a maximum of 4 stacks, each stack granting 2 agility, 1 strength, and +0.5 to their mana and stamina regeneration per second. Grants an increase of 5 strength and 8 agility to the holder."

Khalid had been mentally noting the different aspects of the different weapons, and was surprised that the one with a relatively more balanced assignment of stats was the dagger and not the sword, as it is usually the sword being the more balanced option. He made a mental note of the buff once more before moving on to the final weapon.

[Well-Forged Longbow]

"A bow casually crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master using at least one twelfth of their effort, meant for use by a Beginner Archer. Grants a stack of Aim Proficiency to the user on hit, with a maximum of 4 stacks, each stack granting 2 strength, 1 agility, and +1 to their stamina regeneration per second. Grants an increase of 8 strength and 4 agility to the holder."

The bow also seemed relatively well balanced, and seemed to be the right choice in regards to long range combat when considering his current situation and the ease of learning archery in comparison to something like the arcane arts which will be filled with much more difficulty since it is most often associated with large amounts of funds being required along with significant influence. Khalid had felt an itch in his heart when it came to the five weapons laid out before him, not satisfied with what he saw as they just weren't able to match his standards. He suddenly felt an almost magnetic pull towards a darkened corner of the storage, where a single weapon lay hung upon the wall, its long handle adorned in fine silver and blade so sharp it hurt his eyes just glancing at it. Right at the area where the blade meets the rest of the weapon was a jewel the color of the night sky, with white specks akin to stars glittering in the sky above. He eventually snapped out of his trance, and realized as he was inspecting the weapon, he had unconsciously moved in front of it. "...Narian, why's this weapon just hung up over here by itself?" Narian, who had been at work preparing different armor sets that work well with each weapon he had laid out for Khalid, looked over at him and his gaze instantly narrowed as his heart sunk. "Khalid, don't tell me you want to use this weapon... Its too dangerous for a newly landed otherworlder like yourself to use right now, and it'll be quite hard for others to really associate with you considering the meaning behind it you know?" Right as he had finished his words, Khalid's hands had touched the weapon before a flash of powerful lightning burst forth and inscribed itself onto the handle. "Well it seems even my patron wants for this to happen, so I guess I'll go with this." Narian gulped before sighing heavily, turning his head away to gather an appropriate armor set while Khalid began to inspect his new weapon.

[Imperial War Scythe]

"A scythe painstakingly crafted by a Quasi-Grandmaster Tier Smithing Master using every last ounce of their effort, meant for use by an Advanced Messenger. Grants a stack of Stealth Proficiency, Battle Frenzy, and Arcane Proficiency to the user on hit, with a maximum of 4 stacks. Also inflicts Armor Shred to enemies on hit, with a maximum of 4 stacks on hit. Grants an increase of 125 strength, 125 agility, 125 intelligence, 125 Endurance, 125 Charisma, and 30 Luck to the holder. The weapon has been further enhanced by the Seal of the Godking, with all stats being further increased by an additional 125, all stack upper limits increasing by five, and granting a stack of Robust Physique on hit, which increases Strength and Endurance by 125 and increases passive health regeneration by 25, with a maximum of two stacks. It also inflicts Rage of The Godking upon enemies on hit, which inflicts a guaranteed 150 electric damage, and a stack of Vulnerability, which reduces armor and magic resist by 25 and increases damage taken from all sources by 100 for 30 seconds, with a maximum of 2 stacks. The Prized Jewel of Theia is adorned upon this weapon, causing the weapon to be able to used by the user at any stage of their life, and have the chance of growth alongside the user if the applicable conditions have been met.

The requirements are as follows:

1. The power of a divinity with an extremely powerful divine position must be used to enhance the weapon.

2. The weapon must be fed the blood of an enemy daily, until 375 enemies of the same species have been fed to the weapon.

3. The Prized Jewel of another major divinity must be inlaid upon the weapon.

4. The weapon must be enhanced with precious materials to support the increase of strength.

5. The weapon must not be suppressed due to the User being at an inadequate level to use it."

Khalid was initially overcome with joy, but as he continued to read, his joy became worry due to the seemingly impossible requirements. Well at the very least, the weapon can seemingly suppress itself to be usable at my current level, so there's some silver lining to this situation at least. Not to mention it seems my blessing has empowered the weapon as well, so the first requirement has been completed easily. The second requirement should be easily accomplished, considering the absurd number of wolves within the forest, though it will definitely be a pain to finish. My real concern lies within the third and fourth requirements. Where would I find another Prized Jewel, and not to mention precious materials strong enough to use to enhance this weapon further? Sigh, no point in worrying about it now, I'm still too weak to even fight a single wolf on my own, let alone being able to venture out to find a Prized Jewel. Khalid was brought out of his train of thought by a sudden hand on his shoulder, only to see Narian with a concerned look on his face.

 Suddenly it changed to a face of surprise. "You, you're not being damaged by the weapon? No, of course not, your patron god has already inscribed their power into the weapon, not to mention your blessing must have been powerful enough to affect your qualifications for a job relating to faith and mortal combat professions. Haha, this is perfect, finally my dream of finding a worthy person to use my grandfather's greatest creation has come true." Narian slapped Khalid's back hard in his excitement with a grin so large it felt blinding. He quickly ushered Khalid into a nearby chair to begin taking his measurements, before just as quickly kicking him out with a single harness to use to carry the scythe on his back, telling him to come back in two days to pick up the armor. The Scythe was unfortunately suppressed to the level of the other weapons he had been inspecting before, which did make sense with all things considered, but he simply used it as motivation to become more powerful as quickly as possible to enjoy the full potential of his weapon. Khalid decided to move towards his next goal, the Adventurer's Guild, in order to get their help to increase his combat proficiency and financial support.