Unexpected Meeting

Yan Yuling was so busy that she didn't even have time to breathe. When she just came out of the Global Entertainment Building, she was stopped by the security guard.

She looked at her watch, walked over and asked, "Brother, do you need anything?"

The security guard noticed her glancing at her watch and understood she might be in a hurry. So, he handed over her ID card and employee card while saying, "Miss, someone found these and asked me to return them to you."

Yan Yuling was stunned when she looked at her ID card and employee card. She thought she had lost her employee card and was scolded when she reported it to human resources in the morning. She didn't expect anyone to find it and return it to her.

Thinking of yesterday's class reunion, she thought it might be one of her classmates. She took the things and said, "Thank you, brother."

As soon as she finished speaking, she put her ID card and employee card in her bag and turned around to take a taxi. 

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, the security guard shook his head and muttered, "It's hard to earn a living ah."

Today, she came to Global Entertainment to submit a new short drama proposal and attend a meeting. As a junior screenwriter, she didn't have many opportunities to work on a project. Her job consists mainly of assisting senior writers and doing odd jobs. 

Fortunately, her seniors recognized her talent as a screenwriter and gave her the opportunity. So, she managed to get a chance to submit a proposal for the new short drama project and attend their meeting. 

But because the meeting took longer than expected, she was almost late for class. She is already in her third year of college and still has to take more classes to complete her credits. Her professor is a well-known figure in the world of modern art, and his biggest taboo is students arriving late for his class.

Not long after arriving in the classroom, the professor came in and started class. Yan Yuling patted her chest and took a deep breath to calm her violent heartbeat.

The friend sitting next to her poked her arm and asked in a low voice, "Yuling, how is it? Did they choose your proposal?"

Yan Yuling shook her head and whispered, "I need to wait for the decision from the top management."

Hearing this, He Luyun sighed and said, "Well, as a junior screenwriter, it is already good to be able to submit proposals and fight for opportunities. Don't think too much about the results."

Knowing that the chance of her proposal being selected was very low, Yan Yuling nodded and said, "I know, I will use this as an opportunity to learn."

Seeing that her friend looked calm, He Luyun said nothing and concentrated on class. 

Two hours later, they finally finished class. After packing her books, Yan Yuling said, "Luyun, I won't go back to the dormitory today. Please help me inform the dormitory aunt."

He Luyun raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why? Do you have a date?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? My friend came back from abroad today and I'm going to the airport to pick him up."

"Oh, is that friend the same friend who asked you for WeChat two years ago?" He Luyun asked teasingly.

Being used to her friends' teasing, Yan Yuling ignored her words and said, "I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

She checked her watch, quickened her pace, and rushed to the airport. It had been several months since she last saw her friend. A smile appeared on her face as she recalled their encounter two years ago.

He was the first man in years who had managed to get her contact number. Many people asked her for her WeChat account, but she always declined politely.

But when she met him under the blossoming osmanthus tree, she felt that his eyes were so familiar. It was as if she had known him a long time ago. Therefore, she agreed to give him her contact information.

At first, she thought he might be someone she knew as a child and could help her regain her memories. But after talking to him for several months, she realized he didn't even know her grandparent's hometown. 

Although she was disappointed, she didn't mind having another friend. So, although they rarely see each other because of his job as surgeon, they still keep in touch. For so many years, he was the only person she could trust besides Granny Zhang.

Just as she was lost in memories, the taxi arrived at the airport.

"Miss, we are here," the driver reminded her.

Yan Yuling scanned her mobile phone to pay and said, "Thank you."

After getting out of the taxi, she looked at her phone and saw Gu Jianci's message.

[ Yuling, I just landed and am waiting for my luggage. Take your time and be careful on the road. ]

After reading the message, she quickly typed a reply without paying attention on the way.

Just as she pressed the send button, she bumped into someone. Due to the collision, her phone fell to the ground and her nose bumped into a hard chest.

"Ouch! I'm sorry," she apologized while holding onto her reddened nose.

Looking down, she saw a hand with long and beautiful fingers picking up her phone. She reached for the phone and said, "Thank you."

But before she could get the phone, the man withdrew his hand. Seeing this, she raised her head and met a pair of deep eyes. Looking at that familiar yet unfamiliar face, her eyes widened in surprise.

Standing in front of her, Feng Zhexuan smelled the familiar fragrance from that night, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He stood motionless, watching her expression carefully.

Judging from her height and figure, she should be the woman he is looking for. A smile appeared on his face when the thought came to his mind.

He put her cell phone in his pocket and said meaningfully, "What a coincidence, I have been looking for you."