Childhood Story

Hearing Yan Lingling's words, Yan Yuling looked at her calmly and said with ridicule, "Yan Lingling, you are so interesting. You know exactly why yet you still need to ask." 

"After your mother snatched my mother's husband and status and destroyed my family, you still have a face to ask?" 

"You even changed your name just to make it sound like my name. You really went to great lengths to occupy the magpie's nest." 

She looked at Yan Lingling with pity and continued to rub salt into her wounds, "It's a pity that even if you change your surname and name, you will still be a daughter who was brought by a mistress into my Yan family. You don't even know who your father is."

"If you want to behave like a white lotus or a wealthy family's fake daughter, you can do it as you please. But I will never forget how you and your mother tortured me and kicked me out of my own home," she added.