Showing Off ( 2 )

After typing quickly, Yan Yuling stared at the screen and pressed the send button.

Yan Yuling: I am indeed married, and the person owning that black Bentley is my husband. But he was not married when we got married. So, how did I become the third party?

Chen Manman: Then show us the evidence. What is the use of talking? You can say whatever you want, but without evidence, how do we know you are not lying?

Su Jiaojiao: Yuling, stop being stubborn and leave him. You are still young, there is no need to destroy another woman's marriage and become a third party. 

Wang Hao: Yuling, with your face and a figure, you can marry whomever you want. If you are willing, I can be your man. I am young, handsome, and have a good family. While I may not be as wealthy as your current man, I'm sure I'm a better choice than him. After all, if you are with me, you won't be called a third party.