Chapter 18

Rose had her eyes locked on Eliot as he walked over to the chair beside Cassius.

What the fuck was happening?

Her human boss, whom she'd worked with for many years, was a prince to some fantasy dark world.

Laura would really freak out at everything she's witnessed.

She moved back from him as he got closer to her, frowning.

Eliot noticed Rose the moment the door was opened, he felt his heart break from the sacred and shocked look he saw on her face.

He knew she was mad at him, and rightly so. If he were in her shoes, he'd definitely feel the same way she did.

"Eliot," Rose whispered very quietly in shock when he came close to her.

Eliot felt bad seeing her in this condition, and hearing her call his name reminded him of the last time they spent in his car before they got to the forest "Rose." He paused in front of her, raising his hand to touch her, but Cassius' voice stopped him.