chapter 6: FRUSTRATING

 "OH, for heaven sakes?" I hollered, slamming my fist down into the desk in the process, the impact hurt more than I thought, ashamed for hurting myself yet again today, feeling horribly guilty even more than I already felt, I winced.

"Remembering that stupid-repeated dream." reliving that scene all over again, thinking about that black snakes' words, he mentioned something about a father too.

"Thank you very much, I already have a part time one somewhere, "Did I really need another one.

NOPE... No way. Men were too much trouble, look at my mother for instance, I like my life how it is thank-you very much.

"OHHHH, Man. "Was I going to die?" was I ready for something like that? and who was that man that was dressed in all those dark clothes?"

 "Was it all in the near future? I didn't understand any of it at all. I just knew there was a hidden message in there, somewhere. It's the tenth time, remembering everything. even to that damn slimy snake once again, it visiting me, but not the man though.

I felt like I'd known him from somewhere, but

where from, the dream was already sticking to me like glue this time, it wasn't going away anytime soon. It was getting to the stage that I was too frightened to go to sleep anytime soon, all of it had my nerves rocking on the l edge, looking over daydreaming again.

It was like knocking on heaven's door for an answer and getting no reply, making me even clumsier than usual about the whole situation. "But what can one do? nothing, guessing. I would have to wait the whole thing out!"

"Should the snake be playing with the fates so soon?

Only to jump up and down like a spastic, hurting myself once again in the process. It was so frustrating, the blame totally going to the black-spinning chair, crying out in frustration and even more confused than usual.

But I was thankful for the distraction anyway. I can make a complete fool of myself on most days. "It was one of my best tactics after all, but it was only early morning, which was nothing new for me, standing there waiting on what, I didn't know at the moment, my brain was too wired up with everything that was going on around me, and I was a little more than distracted by my second thought of late too, it was just another day for accidents, shuddering, thinking about the man I met last night.

 His keen, deep blue eyes, and those delectable kissable lips remembering his sweet smile. I Sighed in contentment, the pain finally leaving me, it was a good job I wasn't human, my body had received nastier treatment in the past.

"Well, that's the story of my life isn't it, I'm not being sarcastic here.

"This is one of my best days!"

"So, I have to ask you? would you even care if I told you about my secrets at all.

"Would you like to know what really happened to me?" and would you truly care?

Because when you find out, will you really want to know me?

"AFTER, I'm being truthful here it's me in a nutshell. I wouldn't want it any other way, it all started out in training. It's what brought me here, where I am today. I would take on a lot of jobs, "employment is a good thing you know.

"Even really nasty ones in fact. call it what you may, but someone has to do these stupid things.

"Sometimes I even struggled to get out of them, there were some complicated situations that I would cheat my way out of. Taking the absolute piss, that I would always end up flying on my ass literally.

That's when everything would go downhill from there. getting lots of jobs, it's not as if I couldn't find them myself, they always found me first anyway, there were plenty of them out there.

So, "I'm going to ask you something important now? have you got what it takes to walk down the streets on your lonesome, with two very long samurai swords in both hands, only to take control of someone's fate.

So, is that a No?" or maybe a Yes?"

Now, I'm going to ask you some questions?

Numberone: "Have you got what it takes to kill someone? 

Number two: Are you willing to hunt down your prey?"

Number three: "Can you kill your best friend if you had too!" even for a good reason.

Number four: Most importantly can you lop someone's head off. The greater task.

Number five. If all the above is good for you, "congratulations!" you've got the job.

I'm glad you've taken this road, the questions were really hard for me too, "But hey such a life.

So, you've got what it takes now?" "I'm pleased for you, but I can assure you!"

this is not for fun.

It's sure not a good sport either way, even if you're hunting down your prey. It's one of the hardest things anyone can do. It's shocking to think what you would do under the circumstances, your own life matters at that moment, you don't need your own soul leaving that body to soon.

"So, you must fight to win, there I said it, you can move on to your next job now. "Only if you can cope with the aftermath of it all after woods, bad dreams and all.


One day you might have a family to save, stop squabbling with your own analogue, after you're first time things will be different, I mean very different, maybe even better, so listen to your own instincts already. Because if you don't, well, don't say I didn't warn any of you ok, after all.

I'm really holding my breath for you out there now, because you don't even realise the consequences of your own actions. Because if you're still standing there like an idiot then you're not doing very well,

"Are you?

listen to me. 'You only get one chance in life," Well, less you're a beautiful cat of course and you got nine lives on hand, then I say good for you. I'm going to scream my lungs of at you, hoping I'm not puffing out steam in the end, though I would love to be a dragon, but I know it's not going to happen, because I'm not going to sit on my ass all day and watch your sorry arse get beaten, stabbed or maybe even shot at. 

"So, enough is enough, you got that.

"Are you damn well listening to me? Time is a ticking, were all going to get old at some point in life.

"Oh, right, you think I'm the hero now, you couldn't be more wrong.

"Why are you asking me that one for?"

"Is it because. I'm the one in a few that are willing to make a change?"

"Are you willing to join me now?"

"Maybe even save the world."

"I could do with that extra help?" are you finally getting my drift now. I'm going to fight the lot of them who stands in the way, defending myself and my honour until my last dying breath.

I'm called the big bad wolf for a reason, because. I will HUFF and I will PUFF until I blow your pants down.


"I'm only kidding you ladies and gentleman. Do you truly think I would put you all in that sort of position?" please, who do you think I am!"

"Guess you will all never no, but it's time to tell you my own little story now, so I hope.

"Now are you ready to listen to me!"

My name is Ava spring winters and I'm a supernatural, I'm nearly, thirty years old, I'm fit as a fiddle and I would like to say that I can take most people on, getting myself into a lot of mischief, and maybe get my own way all the time, so, YES, I'm a cocky female to boot.

I'm not going to tell you how I look, appearances don't count here, I've a scar or two here and there, so you all will know now, plus I don't scare you all away. but I will tell you, I don't like being called names, like a moo-cow or a cocky bitch.

"I will literally kill the next person who calls me those names, and that warning is a sure thing!"

"These names I get called a lot most days anyway, and all I can think about is, Chop Chop. I like living up to my reputation. Well, most would say I do.

So, if you haven't met me yet, well, let me tell you, you soon will at some point in your boring and naughty little life's.

That my friends, is my promise to you all, "It's like what Santa said.

You better watch out... you better think twice. So, I'm warning you now!" you will truly be sorry for the consequences as I'm dishing them out.

"You see, I'm not a very good talker at all, I'm not like most assassin's, I like to see their head rolled on a platter instead, even with my

hands wrapped around their scrawny little throats as I ring them first,

"Honesty though. I never used to be this way.

"Now!" do you think I'm the hero?"

"Well perhaps I am, if you think that, then good for you too.

"What did you expect a damsel in distress?"

Well, I'm not bragging, but I do have the skills that could outwit any other person, takes someone really special to tame the beast inside of me.

"I'll telling you.

I'm the first-class assassin bitch now and I'm happy with my life the way it is, I'll admit I never used to be this way, but due to harsh changes to my life.

Yep "I would have been dead today if it wasn't for Yahweh.